December 2019


Let's Talk Punk
War Fever
Interview By: Lisa/PunkrPrincess

WAR FEVER are an awesome hardworking band from my home town San Diego CA 

Punk Globe: Hi and thanks for chatting with us can you give us a brief history of your band including current members 

War Fever: We started playing music together about 3 years ago. Our former drummer, Ric, put an ad on Craigslist for a guitarist and Tim answered. Tim then put an ad on Craigslist for a bass player. Aaron answered. B.J. came over to yell and jump around and War Fever was born. We wrote our first album relatively quickly and started booking shows before we had anything recorded. Aaron moved back to Chicago so B.J. asked a friend Brennan "Cyborg" Segura to play bass. I think we all just really wanted to get out and play shows. We had a blast and we were very surprised that people liked us! Most of us had never played a live a show before. We’ve added a second guitar and had a few lineup change over the last year. Our current line-up is by far the most explosive yet!

Current Members are 

  • B.J. Anderson: Vocals
  • Tim Frog: Guitar
  • Augi Alvarez: Guitar
  • Chad Ruiz: Bass
  • Alan Spurgeon: Drums

Punk Globe: If you guys were to describe yourself in simple word choice.. what would you say? 

War Fever:

Tim: Loud Noises

B.J.: New Old Stock

Augi: melting faces in different places ha ha ha 

Alan: still doing it...but sober

Punk Globe: I hear you have some new music coming out and you tell us about the making of it? 

War Fever:

Augi: We have more dynamics now that we have moved onto 2 guitars. Tim and I come from different styles of creating but it is really working and evolving War Fever!

B.J.: ...add Alans drumming to that equation and I really think something special is happening

Alan: I'm having a blast, lots of freedom

Tim: Our new stuff is material we’ve been working on for a while now. Our current lineup is full of super talented guys all bringing different perspectives to the table, so we’ve been able to build on what we had and make it way better than it was. We’re pretty stoked on it.

Punk Globe: How often do you play shows? and where is your favorite local venue? 

War Fever:

Augi: We love them all! The Bancroft,Tower Bar, Soda Bar, Brick by Brick, The Salty Frog, Til Two, The Merrow

Alan:We are lucky in San Diego to have so many places to play!

Tim: We probably play too many shows ha ha but that is part of the fun. We rarely say no to offers unless one of us can’t do it.

B.J.: We are starting to book more out of town shows now. The Lions Den Tattoo shop in Lemon Grove and The Observatory North Park were my favorite because they fed us! ha ha ha

Punk Globe: Do you guys have any other hobbies besides, obviously, making music? 

War Fever:

Alan: Jiu Jitsu, MMA

Tim: Jiu Jitsu and surfing

B.J.: I like to disappear in the wilderness

Augi: I love to paint but I have to be careful because I believe every artist, whatever they do to create, has a creative gas tank.

Punk Globe: What do you do when you hear your band on the radio? 

War Fever:

Tim: Smile maniacally and get shifty eyes

B.J.: Shout out to Tim Pyles, 91x, Halloran, and 94.9!! ...they must have a shitty band quota or something. ha ha ha

Punk Globe: What’s an important cause or issue you support? 

War Fever:

Augi: "Spent" is our new song about how we continue to destroy the planet with our carelessness. We have a video coming out soon for that one!

B.J.: We are always honored to support and/or participate in events with local organizations like the Punk Rock Food Drive, Punks for Change, The Sidewalk Project, Punx for Pits, San Diego Music Foundation, and any of the other amazing organizations that spend there valuable time to assist the less fortunate members of our community. War Fever isn't about fame and money, we exist to interject our brand of PMA into the music scene. 

Punk Globe: If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?

War Fever:

Tim: Who cares. We do what we want.

Augi: I can’t really give a good opinion on this matter because I’m incarcerated behind the prison bars of my skull and have never seen what really goes on behind the curtain. 

B.J.: Welp, the artist would make more money than the corporations. 

Punk Globe: Do you think there’s a double standard in the industry, or in entertainment in general?

War Fever:

B.J.: *stares into space

Tim: *stares into space

Augi: *stares into space

Alan: *stares into space

Punk Globe: How do you feel about the way people interpret your songs?

War Fever:

B.J.: How do people interpret our songs? Everyone should buy a hard-copy of our "Decay of Infamy" album, read the lyrics while you listen, then go to our Facebook page and post a video of yourself using dance to tell us how you interpret our music!

Punk Globe: What has been your most enjoyable song to write? Why?

War Fever:

Augi: For me its gotta be "Spent". It was years in the making and I finally put a stamp on that bad boy!

B.J.: For me, its all of them. Every one of them is something I needed to write about to stay sane. The most enjoyable to perform is War Fever!!  Because the crowd gets into it with us!

Tim: Not The Time. It started out as a chill acoustic song that we turned into a sonically heavier and lyrically deeper tune that deals with suicide and/or losing a loved one. Still one of my favorites to play.

Punk Globe: What is in the future for WAR FEVER? 

War Fever:

B.J.: I think we will continue to get better and better as song writers and I look forward to that.

Augi: More fever with no cure in sight. ha ha 

Tim: Slow domination, we have jobs and families

Punk Globe: What advice would you give to a younger band starting out? 

War Fever:

Augi: Put yourself out there. Don’t be afraid to play anywhere and don’t worry about what anyone thinks about what you sound like.

Alan: There is already enough bland cookie cutter music out there.

Tim: Stop talking, start doing.

B.J.: ...and Be honest

Punk Globe: Tell us about any upcoming shows/tours

War Fever: Keep an eye out for a big show on December 14th in the San Bernadino area. AND January 11th at The Soda Bar in San Diego we will be playing with some friends to celebrate the release of some new War Fever songs!!!

Punk Globe: How do you promote your band and shows?

War Fever: Social media is a very powerful tool. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, or Bandcamp. 

Punk Globe: Where can the readers find you and your music?

War Fever: Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, all streaming services, social media, and AT A SHOW!!!!

Punk Globe: Thanks for the interview,all you do for SD music scene and your continued support and thanks to all the readers out there. 

War Fever: Thank you for you attention to local and unsigned artist!!!

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