August 2018


The World Domination:
Your Most Favorite Band
That You Have Never Heard Of ​
Interview By: Janet E. Hammer

Remember the glorious days of MySpace and just looking around and finding incredible bands from around the world that blew your socks off? This is that band for me. I was obsessed from the first time I saw them. I offered to camp out on their lawn, and was told I was welcome to do so. They talked to me, as I am sure many other bands did to their fans. They are flash, they are musicians, they are art and they are fabulous. I know that one person's obsession, is another person's irritation. Every so often though if you share your obsession it spreads and becomes a sensation. I was lucky enough to remain online friends with them, Valerian in particular, and so I asked if they would do an interview. I got a yes and so here it is complete with the video for one of my favorite songs "Hungry Men." I hope you enjoy reading this as I enjoyed putting it together. So without further ado, The World Domination.

Punk Globe: The World Domination is probably my favorite thing I ever discovered through My Space. I often wonder why we all switched to FB. How long has TWD been going on and how did it begin? (answers from Valerian Herdam of TWD)

VH: Thanks, Janet. Well, myspace crumbled because they were trying too hard to keep up to date while not realizing what that actually meant. They kept changing stuff around and it stopped being as fun. Too much, too soon maybe, myspace attempted to be facebook, tinder and spotify all at once and soon it was like a ghost town.

The World Domination, as you already mentioned one of the greatest bands ever, started 14 years ago. We now exist twice as long as The Beatles did (if you don’t count their last three years), can you believe that? Frithjof and I recorded our first album from scratch in seven days after getting to know each other during another recording session at his studio. Nowadays, in an extreme case of procrasturbation, we’ve been working on our next record for seven years now. But we’re almost there, folks!

Punk Globe: I love the Glam aspect that goes into the stage show and your all around look. Is it due to any specific influence or was it a way to stand apart from other bands?

VH: Both, I think. There’s many specific influences inside and outside of music, let’s say The New York Dolls, The Cramps, The Screamers, Allen Jones or John Willie, to name just a few (the list could be endless here). We’re leaning towards a "bigger than life“ attitude In general, there doesn’t seem too much of a point to blending in if you step on a stage, and as any priest of any religion does, we get into our ceremonial garb to service our system of values. Also, we’re kind of old, glam rock actually happened during our lifetime

Punk Globe: What is the music scene like in Germany, by that I mean is it oriented towards straight forward Pop bands or is there more acceptance of sub-genres like Punk, Power Pop, Electronic and the like.

VH: Wow, that’s a very comprehensive question. Some of the most successful German bands are Die Toten Hosen, Die Ärzt, Deichkind and Kraftklub. Besides being "Deutschrock“ bands, they could be filed under their respective sub-genres Punk, Power Pop, Electronic, Hip Hop or even combinations of those. So it’s not so much about genre or sub-genre. Drawing an audience is getting harder for smaller acts and smaller venues, though. The number of people who are interested in acts not previously known to them is decreasing, which is a bit of a pity. There’s nothing wrong with entertainment, but it escapes me why you wouldn’t want to get to know new stuff instead of just enjoying repetitions. Maybe it’s because it’s less about the music itself anyway and more about breathing the same air as some celebrity. But I don’t want to sound whiny here, there is a vivid music scene going on in Germany, with many grass-roots level bands working brilliantly in Punk, Garage, Psychobilly, Electronic Music, Metal, you name it.

Punk Globe: I know you said you came to the United States once and did not have a good experience. Do you have a better reception in Europe and would you ever consider coming back to the United States? What advice would you give to American bands coming to Europe and European bands coming to the United States?

VH: I wouldn’t call it a bad experience. It was actually just a short trip to NYC, some shows were arranged for us and of course we didn’t play at The Knitting Factory. We probably got the reception one can expect being mega-unknown. Three days doesn’t seem to be enough to conquer North America. We played with other bands who were assumably struggling (one I remember was called The Fucks, who had Frankenstein guitars that were broken and repaired in many places and which got set on fire during their show). It was fun, we did experience the kind of humble circumstances for unknown bands, compared to German conditions. It just wouldn’t be affordable to do a lengthy trip this way without any financial backing, but we don’t have an anti-overseas-agenda. In Europe, we had our ups and downs, played lots of larger and smaller places. We never broke big, though, not yet :-). As of now, we don’t seem to appeal to a larger demographic, so we’re working on an „insider“ level. Some people are super into us, others despise us, most ignore us. My advice for an American band would be, if you ever come to Europe, play at the "Reiche“ in Quedlinburg. For further advice please ask members of Rammstein, they should know more.

Punk Globe: I know you have other projects such as the Yucca Spiders and you are now working at Atomino-Studio-Erfurt. Do you think you will continue to do The World Domination or are you now trying to move behind the board instead of in front of it?

VH: At the moment we don’t have any plans to discontinue The World Domination. The Yucca Spiders are basically a sleeping beauty, we’re on stage only very occasionally. And since the owner of Atomino is The World Domination’s guitar player and main producer, the studio operates as TWD head quarter. If anything, it will make the band stronger and more vital. Being behind the board is also a big part of The World Domination’s work, a lot of times that’s where our music is created. The other musicians coming by at the studio to record or maybe just hang out tend to be a great inspiration, too.

Punk Globe: I have to ask about the costumes. The World Domination has a great look which can not be easy to achieve. Is this something you yourself designed or are there other people behind it?

VH: No, it’s just us. But we wouldn’t say no to something cool by an outside person, we’d probably look sharp in some Mowalola Ogunlesi get-up. For now we have to settle for mod podge, duct tape, halloween store leftovers and sex shop gear. Oh wait, I now remember one time we got dressed by somebody else: when we did the "Hungry Men" video clip, we donned clothing that was very fittingly put together for us by wardrobe stylist Friederike Porscha.

Watch it here:


Punk Globe: Is music the only art form you are interested in or are there other avenues within which you participate.

VH: I like drawing and painting, but music is the only art form I pursue on a professional level. I sometimes design stage decoration for the shows we do at Reiche/ Quedlinburg. And I used to be an auxiliary cook.

Punk Globe: Finally I just wanted to ask what is in the future for yourself and The World Domination?

VH: As I already said, we have been working on a new TWD record for some time now. It’s going to see the light any minute now. Also I’ll be doing shows with my other bands The Yucca Spiders and The Moo. Also I’m looking forward to do more recording work at Atomino-Studio-Erfurt. Furthermore, I’m doing booking and promotion for a place called „Reiche“ in Quedlinburg. Find any current info at these websites:






Punk Globe would like to thank Valerian Herdam for the time out of his busy schedule to answer these questions. We eagerly await the arrival of the new The World Domination record.

Music Free Life Radio – Stories at the Intersection of Music and Life