The Smile Case
Angel Beach
Review By: The Gypsy Poet
The Smile Case enters my inbox... And in my case, there is just a touch of expectation. What I go for normally pushes the envelope for sound-- You've got to know, I love music-- just love it. In this case, these guys get out of the box-- and welcome its listener to some adventure-- Their sound on their new album, Angel Beach, is fresh, frisky and has oodles of voltage!
“Angel Beach High” was the track that got my attention as its twists and turns in the melody are pretty wild. It is enjoyable with both the vocals and the guitars going in opposite directions and totally rings in the ears...
“Back Still Aches” reminds me of something that would suffice being a Tim Burton movie soundtrack-- It just rings of this sweet macabre for reason. I can honestly I enjoyed this one with the guitars wailing and the vocals are on it...
The track, “Glen Meyer” has a serious ring-a-ding-ding to it as the opening riff catches me off-guard, which I do like! This song does two things for me: 1) Gives me a case of song-worm and 2) it makes me think... Two totally different things... Now, song-worm is a GP term that means the melody gets stuck in my head. The fact that the song makes me think is a just as big a plus, because it means that I anticipate the melody in the song. Try it for yourself! Good stuff!
“Critical” I can feel the angst in. This song has an awesome sound with dissonant harmonies that linger in the ears and you can't help but enjoy....
The entire album has something to offer as most of it is about recovery from a break-up. It is honest and has some good tracks in it and is worthy of the listen if you are looking for dissonance and ringers in the ears with a touch choruses you simply don't want to get out of your head. These guys remain true to their sound. Dissonant, colorful with this touch of angst and rhythm that makes its listener think, The Smile Case makes music for a reason and that reason is to rock!
You can find their latest album here: