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Siobhan "Shamama" Lowe told me how very impressed she was The Manx when they played at Floyd Fest this past summer..
She suggested that they contact me and I decided to do an interview with them.
Here is The Manx Unveiled. Enjoy!
Punk Globe: Can you give the readers a brief description of your band The Manx?
THE MANX: Hi my name is Tommy Meehan. I play the banjo in The Manx and I'll be answering these questions. So, The Manx descended from Heaven on golden platters of diet worms... We are a folky, screamy, ogre despising band of Kendama enthusiasts first and foremost. We find time to make music only sometimes but not ALL the times secondly but usually lastly.
Punk Globe: In what year did you start playing together?
THE MANX: The Manx originally formed in 2010 as "The Gaze"... We quickly changed our name to The Manx. Not that we have anything wrong with that type of thing... Equal Rights for everyone we say.
Manx is pronounced like this: "mę?ks"
Punk Globe: Who is in the band and what do they play?
THE MANX: Max Winston JUST joined our band and he plays drums... You may know him because his VHS collection is insurmountable.Myke Chilian plays the accordion and has a cartoony voice. He's really good at drawing but he's never done any artwork for The Manx and he never will.Adam Barnes plays the bass and he is a viking. He smokes LOTS of cigs and knows a LOT about beer. His cousin is Noodles from that one band...Zach Zdziebko plays the mandolin and has a snotty hardcore screamy sounding thing about him. He likes rabbits, turtles, ghosts, froyo, and all things "fun".Tommy Meehan plays banjo and has a "gruffy" voice. He bleeds on stuff and sometimes he throws up on stuff too.
Punk Globe: How did you all meet?.
THE MANX: We are so un-punk that most of us met through our careers in television which actually makes us hella punk... Actually, we can't really claim to know much about punk rock so we could be wrong about that...
Well maybe Adam knows some stuff about punk rock... I think we're all more into Black Metal, Country Pop, and ELO. Which is hella punk rock of us. I think.
THE MANX: This is the same line up as always and forever more that we've always had.
Punk Globe: How did you come up for Manx for the bands name?
THE MANX: Our ex- mandolin player came up with the name... Speaking of The Manx and how it's our band name and everything: Please make sure not to confuse "The Manx" with "The Manxx", "The Man-X", "The Maxx", or "The Max Winston" who is our new drummer...
Punk Globe: Who are some of the bands inspirations?
THE MANX: GWAR are our lords and masters... We owe a lot of what we do to Blackbird Raum. Those guys are so good. We love a bunch of stuff like The Locust and HORSE the band and DJ Embryonic Petit Sac, etc. We could list bands forever. We like Mortal Kombat II. Mario Kart 64. Tacos. Shitty scary movies.
Punk Globe: Does The Manx have any releases out?
THE MANX: In 2011 we released this very experimental very limited 10" 3 WAY SPLIT with Razzle Blaster and DJ Embryonic Petit Sac.In 2012 we released our "Storms Thrashing Our Vessel" CD featuring Kali "Kazoo" Fontecchio. In 2013 we released a 7" entitled "Blood Chronicles" In 2014 We hope to release a full length... We can't promise anything though because we might be too busy on our Kendama Pro Tour... You can pick up all things Manx over here: http://themanx.bandcamp.com/merch THE MANX: Floyd Fest was so much fun. It was good for us to spend a few days in one place in the middle of our U.S. Tour... The people playing, attending, and running the event were all SO NICE! We made a bunch of friends. We didn't do any yoga. We played a lot of Kendama. We made out with TONS of chicks... I'm talking like, TONS of chicks. We turned some heads every time we played a set. We drank lots of beer by Lagunitas (who should maybe consider sponsoring us). We got our van stuck in the mud. And we sold about $30 worth of merch in 5 days! Meeting Shamama was definitely a highlight. She made us feel special in different special ways...
Punk Globe: Did you play when it was raining?
THE MANX: We didn't get to play in the rain but we DID get to see Larry and His Flask one night at like 1am and it was POURING. The best show we'd seen in 2013...
Punk Globe: Shamama tells me that you guys strip down during your show.. How fun does this happen often?
THE MANX: A few of us have become accustomed to playing in girls clothing or girls underwear while in other bands that we play with. The idea somehow came up just before our last set of Floyd Fest. I think it was an oriental girl who suggested it... You can still say oriental. We usually wear really hip hipster clothes when we play.
Punk Globe: Was this your first time playing Floyd Fest?
THE MANX: This was our first time playing Floyd Fest...
Punk Globe: Tell us where else you played on this tour?
Los Feliz, California Tuscan, Arizona El Paso, Texas Austin, Texas Houston Texas Atlanta ,Georgia Floyd, Virginia Washington, DC Brooklyn, New York Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Chicago, Illinois Tacoma, Washington Seattle, Washington Portland, Oregon Petaluma, California Van Nuys, California Long Beach, California THE MANX: I think we ended up playing 24 dates in just under a month.
Punk Globe: Any stand out shows besides playing at Floyd Fest?
THE MANX: In Pittsburgh we ended up playing this crust kid's house show. The energy that night was extra special. I threw up. El Paso had this weird underground community of bizarro metal acts that we got to play with. The show was in this huge makeshift garage type thing. There were car parts and junk stacked up everywhere... Myke put a towel over his lap and pooped into this big tire... We got drunk with all these hispanic kids. None of us are hispanic so it was good to mingle with different culture types. Everybody in El Paso were a bunch of sweet pees... Tacoma! Tacoma is a freaky place. We are good friends with this noise band that lives in Tacoma called "Feral Child". We played with them and this other great band called "The Fun Police"... People were getting naked. and throwing up. It was pretty punk rock... I think.
Punk Globe: Was this tour your first cross country tour?
THE MANX: Yes. Most of us hadn't been to 90% of the cities we visited. It's so good to travel the U.S. We threw green paint on the Lincoln Memorial... Okay. We didn't get to because someone had already beat us to it... But we were going to.
Punk Globe: Manx are centered in L.A. . What are your favorite venues to play there?
THE MANX: We usually play The Whisky. Sometimes we play Club Nokia but our favorite place to play by far is this gas station bathroom in Azusa. There are swastikas written all over the place in there though.
Punk Globe: Who are some of your favorite Los Angeles bands to play with?
THE MANX: Moon Bandits... Stab City... Square Fish... Nekrogoblikon...
Punk Globe: Do you have any Internet addresses that you would like to share with the readers?
THE MANX: Special Tantric Dudes...
Punk Globe: : Tell us what the rest of 2013 has in store for Manx?
THE MANX: We're taking Iceland down in the upcoming Junior Goodwill Games... U.S.A. ALL THE WAY!!!.... Also: We'll be hitting shit hard with our new drummer, Max "The Snacks" Winston...
Punk Globe: Any last word for our readers?
THE MANX: The Manx Plays Trve Los Anglican Blackened Folk Death Core Exclusively...
Don't forget to check us out on some of your favorite sites: The Manx on Facebook (main page)https://www.facebook.com/themanxband Here's our Bandcamp with merch/free music http://themanx.bandcamp.com/ The Manx on Spotify Follow us on Twitter Enjoy and share our new music video, "Blood Gold" |