The Loose Lips
Bella Morte
By: Serrefa Safira
Perth seems to produce a veritable feast of post punk, new wave, grunge and rock acts that have helped define the Australian sound we've all been known to love. From pre grunge meisters The Scientists, to the Garage pop of The Stems, Hoodoo Guru's, right down to folky/alt wave of The Triffids, for a geographically isolated town whose population only just out numbers a small American town, it's prolificness in talent has abounded.
Enter the new generation, made of well versed rock n roll legends, the Loose Lips. Their debut release 'Bella Morte' sparks a new era in the wonderful prodigious vein of Perthian dominance of the Australian music landscape, but this time, is has a sexy, cultish, desert sessions type edge. Drummer Tony Pola, hails from the inimitable, and undeniably one of the most dangerous live bands EVER known to grace the planet, Beasts Of Bourbon, whilst guitarist KT Rumble (Doug May) hails from post apocalyptic pop diva Abbe May's band. Vocalist and songwriter Louis Miles slinks and soothes, prowls and moans, with tongue held firmly planted in cheek, whilst backed up by pandering groove line in Bassist Ben Mathew and rhythm guitarist Anthony Chiovitti.
Stand out singles are the pop rock Freedom Fighters of Love, the oh so sexy blues of Mouth, and the punkish reticence of Run From You. The album is one part pop, 2 parts blistering rock, with a dose of facetiousness and fun just for good measure album available through itunes or MGM distribution International Velvet