June 2018


From Sweden With Love:
The Bondage Fairies
Interview By: Danil Volohov

When the band pulls in, I see ​four Scandinavian ​​ faces ​ that ​are coming of​​f​ the​ ​train carrying their cases and gig bags. We’ve never met each other before. At least in a real life. A few years ago I interviewed Elvis Creep for another magazine that I had been working at. It was one of the first interviews that I had done. So the band will always hold a special place in my heart. Even now, a very pleasant memory. As I listened to the band’s songs they bring back a nostalgic memory. I’ve been listening to Bondage Fairies during my high-school years, being a typical teenager of 2000’s – wearing red converse tennis shoes and ripped jeans. I’ve continued listening to them during my college years, breaking up with my first love. And a few years later, standing while I received my college diploma. Beating out the tune of “Gay Wedding” with my right foot.

Soon, all the band members all the band members are together. There were four of them. People who is destined to become Bondage Fairies one more night. I guess none of the other people who were watching these four Swedes couldn’t imagine that they were responsible for the fuss of 2000’s – when the band released their first record. It took me a few seconds to recognize the band – Only Drummer Boy looked the same. He had a new backpack. “Cool! A new one?” – I told him noticing the difference.

“Oh yes!” – he answers laconically. Then, rearranging his glasses

When Alex comes, we, grab all the bags and head for the central exit talking about the tour.

I knew Alex's history. During the 90's he was a member of the Siberian band “Punk TV” – the first of the Russian artists whose music had been broadcasted on the BBC. A big plus for musician’s career. From time to time I’ve kept my tabs on the guitarist’s career and his other projects. But of course I didn’t quite know that much about Alex’s performances with Happy Mondays and Ian Brown.

I ask how the tour is going?

Alex tells me that the tour is going quite well. We have had a sell out shows in Moscow and St. Petersburg. So I can't wait for today’s show…But I definitely like that the bands direction now. And we are playing to larger audiences, in comparison with last year which were smaller.

Alex gives me 10 bucks, asking to me to help Scott and Dallas get a cab to the club. I begin my job as a translator After a short pause, we are all getting a cab. The cab driver looked curiously at the guys, Scott and Dallas look like a typical stereotypes of a musician: both of them have a long hair, with ponytails, and beards. We give the driver the address and I start the talk with my Swedish friends. Scott is sitting next to me, looking to the outside world through the window of his “Aviators”. He is wearing a leather jacket, scruffy jeans with lots of blow-out patches and a few chains, hanging down, and Dr. Martens. He looked more like a typical fan of black metal. however it was his “GG Allin” t-shirt that proclaimed him a punk.

We arrive at The Subway” club which is located in the basement of “Culture House” – it is an old and nondescript building. It easily could be a place where “Zvuki Mu” had been playing thirty years ago. The walls of dressing room are covered with the names of all kinds of bands. The walls outside of it are full of posters glued on them. It seems that everywhere has their version of CBGB's club. After a few minutes, the sound guy, who is wearing “Deathcrush” t-shirt meets us.

Punk Globe: I know few Swedish bands. – I Recently I relistened Celtic Frost’s album of 1990 year. Lots of cool stuff.

Dallas Pumpkin: And what about Sodom?

Punk Globe: Well… I like black metal bands.

Dallas Pumpkin: I don’t really like black metal as style. But I like it’s esthetics. Do you know what I’m speaking about ?

Punk Globe: Yes.

Drummer Boy returns from the john – Dallas has gone into the dressing room, and left me watching endless array of posters,that are covering the corridor. I came across a number of posters with four Swedish guys I know on them. Drummer Boy seemed is calmly nodding his head continuing to hum a tune.

“What are you humming I ask.

Oh! It’s Nirvana! The best band in the world! Heart-Shaped Box! – he sings three sentences practically with no pauses. In my head, loI have thoughts of Nirvana playing standing in a poppy field.

In the dressing room four guys changed The Bondage Fairies would soon take the stage. I am comparing them to bands like Depeche Mode. Alex is just smiles, taking a fresh sip of his coffee. And Elvis, whose pupils become dilating after hearing what I had just said. Elvis Creep replied “I don’t think that we should be compared with Depeche Mode.

I think you could be I replied You know, among my friends in the USA, there are not that many “Depeche” fans. And in comparison – in Russia…the people are mainly Depeche Mode fans.

Alex, who is drinking his coffee just nods at me – he knows what I’m speaking about.. After finishing his coffee, he and the guys go on stage – checking on the equipment.

Alex Kelman Actually, tells a story itself is very funny about playing with Punk TV, they played a show in St. Petersburg at the A2 club. After the show after I got drunk. Hanging with some Swedish people” – at that moment I didn’t realize that the others band members had gone back to the hotel, I continued drinking. I didn’t want to leave the dressing room…I liked being there – there was a banquet for the guys so I behaved myself not very good, actually. The band came back to the club and took me to the hotel. The next day I went back to Moscow…And honestly, I don’t really remember that show. One of my friends had given me their debut album. And I was like “Oh! It’s a kind of karma!”. I heard it and really liked it,, the only thought I have was like “It would be cool to organize a show in Moscow for them. – I worked at “Dub Club” so we decided to organize a show for them . I tried to getting in touch with their managers with no reply I think they knew I was the dude that was sitting in dressing room, drunk! I found Elvis's email and wrote to him. He said Don’t worry! Everything is OK! So that’s how we organized their first show in Moscow!”

A few minutes before concert starts, I find Elvis in the dressing room, rushing from one place to another. From time to time he came out to concert hall, watching the support bands. He’s feeling free and easy, as rock-star should be. It happened that, coming to the dressing room he started pacing with his own, authentic rhythm. He opens up a bottle of vodka, hiding near the wall. A big gulp – without wincing! I tell to myself that the reason must be his nerves. Or maybe the fact that all the people in the room are drinking.getting geared up for the show.

Punk Globe: How old he was when he first performed?

Elvis: When I was 18…I bought an electric guitar and it was the start of my interest in music.

Punk Globe: Who are your influences?

Elvis Creep: Bob Dylan”

Punk Globe: I though you’re talking about Bobby D.

Elvis Creep: “Oh! I’m just kidding!, showing his teeth. Actually, at that time I liked computer games. Then I found myself being excited on raves and hardcore-techno. It was the only one in my school who liked it. And the next thing I found was the power of guitar music. being the vocalist of Bondage Fairies. He drinks staring into space.

Soon after, other guys who heard out talk about musical influences and join the conversation. Drummer Boy passes on the topics of drugs and talks about Pink Floyd whose As a drummer he knows a lot about Nick Mason’s style, as he should.

Drummer Boy: I think he brought a lot to the band. You can feel it, watching their concert in Pompeii.

Punk Globe: So you were influenced by his playing?

Drummer Boy: No. I’m not a fan of Pink Floyd. Although he’s playing was very laid back and a ’less is more’-style of drumming. But the important drummers for me has been Christian Wander, Keith Moon and Aynsley Dunbar.

Dallas listens to us silently, sitting on the sofa. The sofa itself was covered with band’s stuff and a few guitar cases. As well as most of their firm masks. Continuing on with interrupted talk, about our musical tastes I tell Dallas about my love for Venom. He’s also is a fan of them and I suggest to him several other bands.

The rest of band members have been standing looking through their set-lists. Eight-bit-like type and some unknown drawings, about which I ask Elvis.

Elvis Creep: It’s Jersey Devil. It’s a kind of mythological creature…some people even had been seen it in a real life! – I’m nodding. The vocalist continues his speech

And it’s J-Rod. He has been used by The US government in Area 51 for different technological experiments – he says, pointing to the next drawing – the image of an alien, wearing typical “white collars shirt”. With this, I feel a tune of excitement in northlander voice. It’s not an infantilism. Over against it. He’s completely getting to the role of the character he’d created. With it, it seems that I should just ask him a question a-la “Do you know Ziggy Stardust ?”, and it would be enough for him, to start the history of his coming to the Earth.

But when the band finally gets to the stage – I miss this moment. Alex with his girlfriend – Sasha,come into the dressing room after a short set they played. Their performance a more underground version of Portished.

Punk Globe: “By the way, Alex, when you’ll release your new album?

Alex Kelman: Well, I’ve been playing songs from it already, for quite some time, but frankly speaking, the new album is practically ready. Maybe I’ll releasing it in August.

Screams I’ll hear it for a long after it. Screams of hope and despair. In these chaotic note I could hear not only their love to the band. When Bondage Fairies firstly sounded for the generation on 90’s. With it, becoming it’s part forever.

​PHOTO #4 ​

Photo's 4 - 9

(Elvis ​ Creepshow ​PHOTO​ #5 ​)

(Scott Hole Photo​#6 ​)

(Dallas Pumpkin Photo​ #7 ​ )

(Drummer Boy​ #8 ​ )

(Dallas at the end of show​ #9 ​ )

Elvis ​ Creepshow

Elvis ​ Creepshow

Scott Hole

Scott Hole


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