Tartar Control
Article By: Patty
Claiming to be on their church mission in South Central Los Angeles, Tartar Control is originally from Salt Lake City. They go door to door converting the masses by day and play punk rock music by night. In performance Tartar Control has a Jekyll and Hyde dynamic to their act. They are polite, sheltered, and sweetly condescending onstage until they begin to play. When the music starts they turn into animals, their lead singer often cartwheeling through the pit and running into traffic outside of venues during songs.
The trio plays hardcore punk with songs like, “Jesus is Love”, “Sodomy Basket”, “Smoking Crack”, and “Peach Cobbler Party” regularly during shows. It is hard to tell if these guys are actual Mormon Missionaries or just two guys playing a joke on everyone. Regardless of their intentions, they put on an amazing live show. The video below for their song, “Jesus is Love” is a good representation of what happens when these three play… minus the arm ripping.
You can see Tartar Control play at this year’s Punk Rock Bowling and Music Festival, May 25th opening for Devo on the festival stage, and May 26th opening for Manic Hispanic and Druglords of the Avenue at The Beauty Bar. Their album "Holy Crap" is available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/holy-crap!/id469830631. For more information you can go to www.punkrockbowling.com or Tartar Control’s own website: www.tartarcontrolisyourfriend.com