February 2019


Susan Surftone
'Dicey After Dark'
CD Review By: Ginger Coyote


  1. Out of My Dreams
  2. Move It
  3. Look What You've Done
  4. Dicey After Dark
  5. Strange
  6. If I Knock


Ms. Surftone is back with six songs of surf bliss... That will have connoisseurs of this genre of music in ecstasy. ' Out Of My Dreams' kicks off the CD with some moody vocals along with some of the coolest surf tones that you have ever heard on a song.. My favorite track for sure.... Killer guitar work is what you will continue to hear on the next tracks. The final track 'If I knock' will have you begging for more with this rawking CD. Susan Surftone is a hidden treasure in the world of surf music... Buy it now...


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