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Sophia Lamar is considered one of New York’s most glamorous and visually stunning creatures of the night. But she’s more than that, Sophia is a smart, witty rock & roller who knows a lot about personal style. Inspiring artists and designers for years, she is one of the most fashion forward people I know. Like a typical Gemini, Sophia’s got a reputation as being a bitch as well as a sweetheart, but let me tell you there is absolutely nothing typical about her. For anybody who has ever wanted to know more about Miss Lamar, this Punk Globe interview is just for you! Let’s take a little peak into her fascinating life.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: You’re a very glamorous person, when did you first realize you were interested in glamour?
Sophia Lamar: I don't know if I'm interested in glamour, but I can tell you what you call glamour is very organic in me. The word glamour has been abused, and people associate it with ‘Old Hollywood’ but for me, Patti Smith and PJ Harvey are just as glamorous as any Hollywood star.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: How old were you when you started dressing up?
Sophia Lamar: Very Young. Maybe 12 or 13.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Recently you’ve been posting some photos on Instagram of you as a boy! You were gorgeous as a boy and of course you’re gorgeous as a woman, do you think it’s more exciting to dress as a female versus a male?
Sophia Lamar: I never have planned to become an avatar for either gender, and for posting those photos I got a lot of heat from some friends and followers alike. But I feel privileged because not too many people get to be both Male and Female in a lifetime. It’s more exciting to dress as a woman, but as a man it’s more of a challenge; like any good Gemini, I love a challenge.
Sophia Lamar: Life for me is not much more than aesthetic pleasure, so you can imagine how important image is to me. But it’s a little tricky sometimes, people get the wrong signals with a certain image and you end up attracting a bunch of affected people that think you are all about ‘it’.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Describe the feeling you had when you first stepped into a nightclub.
Sophia Lamar: Now? The First Time? I grew up in Havana, Cuba when there was a nightclub on every corner with shows even during the day. I can’t say I can describe a distinct feeling because I basically grew up in nightclubs. But I don’t like to walk into places to hear a shitty generic remix.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Who and/or what were your biggest influences when you started dressing up? What influences you now?
Sophia Lamar: Always the 1920’s, the 60’s, French Nouveau, ballet and ROCK & ROLL.
Sophia Lamar: I think after Ken Russell’s film ‘Boyfriend’ fashion sort of stopped and became repetitive. There were still big innovators like Rai Kawakubo, Martin Margiela and Helmut Lang but now those innovations have been translated to the masses. Great Looks always come from young people, even if they're looking back nostalgically to a time they think was ‘cooler’ but fashion today is so eclectic anybody can pull off a look, as long as they can carry it like they own it.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Were you a fan of the Punk movement? Were you influenced at all by the punk aesthetic?
Sophia Lamar: Of course I’m a big fan, and always try to mix it up with everything that has influence over me. Also I admire Dadaism, the Situationist International, and other radical artistic and aesthetic movements. Even if I grew up in a communist dictatorship, I disagreed with that ideology.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: How do you feel Punk varied from New York, Los Angeles, San Fransisco and London?
Sophia Lamar: Well, Musically and Aesthetically of course. The weather and lifestyle is different in each place, so the Punk movement had a different effect on each place. The Germs sound different than the Ramones, and the Dead Kennedys, Avengers, or Sex Pistols. And summertime is different in NYC, from London or San Francisco so the dress varied as well.
Sophia Lamar: No, I lived in Dallas, Texas for 2 and 1/2 years before I went to SF. I spent a lot of time in LA, but never lived there. The idea of driving everywhere is frightening for me.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: When did you move to New York?
Sophia Lamar: 1990
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: If time travel were possible, what era would you like to visit? And what city?
Sophia Lamar: Never Backwards, I never look back. I'd go to the future.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: How important is nightlife to you? What are some of your most memorable nights out?
Sophia Lamar: Nightlife is my livelihood, and as such is important. I try to make things different and organic which a lot of people seem to like. Every night is memorable.
Sophia Lamar: I never listen to music while getting ready. At home I listen to everything from Classical to lots of Folk music.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Who are some of your favorite singers?
Sophia Lamar: Bob Dylan, PJ Harvey, Patti Smith, Iggy Pop
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Who are some of your favorite bands?
Sophia Lamar: Led Zeppelin, The Yardbirds, The Seeds, 13th Floor Elevator, Nirvana, The Avengers, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Tame Impala, Radiohead, The Brian Jonestown Massacre, Radio Birdman, Angry Somoans.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: What was your first concert?
Sophia Lamar: Josephine Baker, actually. When I was 10.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Wow! What were the three best live shows you’ve ever seen?
Sophia Lamar: I’ve seen so many but I was very impressed last year when I went to see Nick Zinner in Karen O's Stop the Virgens.
I think that's the best way to present rock and roll now and in the future. Theatrical and sooo good.
Sophia Lamar: Yes, back in the 80's. I was modeling for a friend who was taking photos at different restaurants. I just changed clothes at the seven different restaurants. Very fun.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: If you could have dinner with any celebrity, alive or not, who would you choose?
Sophia Lamar: Oscar Wilde
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Do you ever perform?
Sophia Lamar: Oral Sex? Just kidding… I am concentrating right now on acting in theater and film. I think I'm well suited for that. But performing in cabaret type things I feel mediocre and out of sorts. But I'm definitely open to performing anything that I feel is good.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: How would you describe your look in five words?
Sophia Lamar: Eclectic, Chic, Gender-Neutral, Comfortable, and Rock-and-roll
Sophia Lamar: Thank you for this evening.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: How do you feel about the attention you get when you’re dressed up?
Sophia Lamar: It really depends on where it’s coming from. I really detest people with poor reference. For example, when you wear a look and people make a very lazy reference, like “Lady Gaga”.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: What is your favorite creative outlet?
Sophia Lamar: Acting.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: How did you meet Ginger Coyote?
Sophia Lamar: I saw Ginger for the first time on Powell Street in San Francisco where punk kids used to hang out in this pizza parlor name Blondie's Pizza. Then I officially met her Mabuhay Gardens. Her band, White Trash Debutantes, was inspirational for me.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Deborah Harry or Madonna?
Sophia Lamar: Debbie
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Prince or Little Richard?
Sophia Lamar: Tough, but Little Richard
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Marilyn Monroe or Jayne Mansfield?
Sophia Lamar: Marilyn Monroe but it's like choosing between a rock and a hard place.
Sophia Lamar: Clara Bow
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Marlon Brando or James Dean?
Sophia Lamar: Both. Or James Dean.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Elvis or The Beatles?
Sophia Lamar: The Beatles
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: The Ramones or Sex Pistols?
Sophia Lamar: The Ramones
Sophia Lamar: Led Zeppelin
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Cats or dogs?
Sophia Lamar: Both, but I have a bitch cat.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Twitter or Facebook?
Sophia Lamar: Twitter @sophialamarnyc NO Facebook EVER!
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Tell me 5 of your all-time favorite songs?
Sophia Lamar: Homesick Blues, Whole Lotta Love, Stairway To Heaven, The Passenger, Smells Like Teen Spirit and if I had a 6th, Hit Me Baby One More Time! Haha!
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Top 3 favorite movies?
Sophia Lamar: The Phantom of Liberty, A Face in the Crowd and Le Strada.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Do you have any regrets?
Sophia Lamar: Nope, because I've learnt from every shitty situation and mistake.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: How would you most like to be remembered?
Sophia Lamar: As a very loyal friend and a very loyal enemy as well.
Sophia Lamar: I'm co-writing and directing a short film. Tell the Punk Globe readers not to look for me, but to keep searching and they'll find me alright.
Follow me on Twitter, Instagram and find me at any of the parties I host and produce.
Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Here are a few of my favorite Sophia Lamar tweets:
“If I look unhappy when you see me, it’s because I’m very unhappy to see you”
“Every time I run into an idiot asking me why I'm not on Facebook, it reminds me why I'm not on Facebook” “No shitty people allowed” Punk Globe/Miss Guy: Thank you Sophia! And thanks to all of you Punk Globe readers. Until next time…