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I have known Scott Wilkins for over three decades decided it was high time that I interview him for Punk Globe... Scott is one busy dude but made time to answer a some question I threw at him... I hope you all enjoy the interview...
Punk Globe: Thanks so much for doing this interview Scott. Can you give us some background on yourself?
SCOTT WILKINS: Well, where do we start? I was born a poor white trash suburban kid with a single mom (Otherwise known as a latch key kid). Mom split, I survived. Found solace with everything punk rock. Most of the kids had the same thing in common. Grew up in LA till 1984. Split to SF then till 1992. Split to NYC till 1997. Split back to So Cal till the present. A quick synopsis of me life. Ha! Lots in-betweens but we’ll just keep it simple for now, until the book comes out.
Punk Globe: At what age did you decide you wanted to be behind a microphone?
SCOTT WILKINS: Pretty young, at least I think, maybe 16 or 17. I would see energy at the gigs and, at the time punk was an underground rocket still, bands were having a good time, kids were having a good time, cops weren’t, but just like others I said to myself, Fuck! I can do that! First band The Lonerz!
Punk Globe: Using just three words describe yourself?
SCOTT WILKINS: Bursting, Inquisitive, Steadfast (Cause I am a Taurus, I guess)
Punk Globe: In what year did you take over vocal chores in Condemned to Death?
SCOTT WILKINS: I really just kinda fell into that gig, late 1983? To 1984?. I was staying at the time under the drummers desk in his studio apartment with his girlfriend and the Vats too. We would get hammered on the weekends and sit and sing to Beach Boys and Ramones records etc. and he just turned to me and asked if I wanted to come down and sing on a full length they were working on. So as the song goes “ So what can a poor boy to do, except to sing for a punk rock band” hehehehe. So that’s when I joined up with C2D. Sang on “Diary of a Love Monster”. Did a bunch of shows with them and was kinda back n forth from the Vats to Mike’s desk, homeless mofo I was.
Punk Globe: In what year did you take over vocal chores in Verbal Abuse?
SCOTT WILKINS: VA had just finished their 84 tour. Had a falling out with the singer, he left, Joie approached me went down to Capp St. studios (or maybe Franco MDC studio) did some songs with them and that was it. So late 1984.
Punk Globe: Did you tour alot?
SCOTT WILKINS: Well we did tour as much as we could afford. Sporadic shows up and down the coast with Condemned to Death. Did a lot of touring with Verbal Abuse (Europe, Canada and US). With Electric Frankenstein, did East Coast, West Coast and one or 2 Scandinavian shows (They all had real careers), And now with Hollywood Hate we gig when we can and when its affordable, for both band and fans.
Punk Globe: Tell us some of the highlights playing with Verbal Abuse?
SCOTT WILKINS: Wow! There are quit a few highlights with that band, but to try to put 10 years worth would take forever. So once again, when the book comes out. A couple of things I do remember though. The very first show I did with VA was with Agnostic Front (It was their first west coast visit) and The Fuck Ups @ The Sound of Music. That was a crazy show. First the show had to be moved from the Mab cause MRR or someone associated with them had a nut out for AF and someone said they would blow up the joint if the show was there so it was moved a couple of times and landed at The Sound of Music (bad idea!). Show was as nutty as every punk show but got nuttier afterwards. Seems as though one of the skinheads decided to yell at Tenderloin residents with racial epitaphs and the next thing I know the throat was slit of that person. Another was Showing up in Houston at a show and as we were getting out of our van a full riot was starting up we got bout 10 feet from the door when about a dozen of Houston coppas told us to get the fuck outta here NOW! Another good story was the the GBH and Accused tour when we played out on a island in Washington and after the show all the punks hijacked the ferry they were taking to get home. But I think the best of times, for me at least, were the shows in Berlin. The people there were great to us and the shows there were a blast! And being there as the wall was coming down was quit an adventure don’t think Ill ever forget. Almost moved there!
Punk Globe: How about some of the bad times?
SCOTT WILKINS: Bad times were drunken fights both with the audiences and ourselves. The removal of members especially cause they were good friends too. The time when Wes from Ruthies Inn wanted to pay us in Food Stamps after we had just done a double duty that night. He ended up getting one in the kisser for that. One of the biggest hard times was the loss of our good friend Lyon Wong from Tales of Terror.
Punk Globe: How long were you in Verbal Abuse for?
SCOTT WILKINS: I played with Verbal Abuse about 10 years.
Punk Globe: When did you join Electric Frankenstein?
SCOTT WILKINS: I joined up with EF in about 1995
SCOTT WILKINS: Yeah I had moved to NYC in late 1993. I truly love that city.
Punk Globe: How many releases did you do with Electric Frankenstein?
SCOTT WILKINS: 2 Studio releases (Sick Songs & Spare Parts) and a bunch of 7"’s and a couple of Live releases.
Punk Globe: What were some of the highlights playing with Electric Frankenstein?
SCOTT WILKINS: At that time with EF we had really good gigs and momentum for the band was high. One really cool venture was flying to Sweden to do a cool Festival with Tubronegro & Glucifer for Frank records. It seems we did a lot of playing with Turbonegro on the west coast as well. Another was being able to participate with a show I put together at the Continental called Noise for Toys. We were able to give bags of toys to needy kids. Even though Volunteers of America turned us down because the Record Label I was doing at the time (Which sponsored the show with the Continental) Intensive Scare records didn’t sit well with the board members. I think most of all was being able to play with some really good guys at the time as well.
Punk Globe: What made you decide to leave the band?
SCOTT WILKINS: I’m a California guy! After several winters and seeing it be 70+ in California every winter I said fuck it going back. I just thought it was time to go west!
SCOTT WILKINS: I returned back to the west coast mid 1997 and went through some real dark times then, if ya know what I mean.
Punk Globe: You made it through your dark times and eventually you started Hollywood Hate. Tell us about that?
SCOTT WILKINS: Well, just like every musician who doesn’t play for a while you start to get that itch. So in order to scratch that itch I got together with some friends, we went into a rehassle space, and kicked out some tunes. Scratched that itch, and went hmmmmm we are liking these tunes. We wanted to call the band The Mess but after a little Google found out someone beat us to the punch so we settled with Hollywood Hate just to be cynical about the city.
Punk Globe: My band White Trash Debutantes and Hollywood Hate play together a few times.. Do you remember that show over in Corona at Angels Sports Bar?
SCOTT WILKINS: Funny you should ask about that particular show! I always talk about that show cause I will never forget when you walked by a certain motorcycle club sitting at the bar. You were dressed to the T and watching them watch you was priceless! All tough guy persona they had just melted away at that moment and it was GREAT! I also remember you guys being on fire that night as well, great set!
Punk Globe: Thanks Scott I am glad you enjoyed the show... Did you tour with Hollywood Hate?
SCOTT WILKINS: We haven’t really toured. We pretty much stayed around the California area and did a couple of shows in Nevada and The Lazy AZ (Phoenix, Tucson). We will be changing that this year though.
Punk Globe: Tell the readers about your kick ass bass player Hollywood Ho?
SCOTT WILKINS: Oh the Hollywood Ho! Well he is the illegitimate son of Don Ho and pretty shy about that. He has of late left, the band for a real job, cause as Bo Diddly and other great Blues Players say “Playing music is great but don’t quit your day job”.
Punk Globe: Who else is playing in the band?
SCOTT WILKINS: At this time we have Mark Hate Mark on the guitar, Suzy Homewrecker destroying her drums and our new addition Chris Saxton on bass. Past members include Dave Marriott (guitar), Paddy Mack (Bass), Pensacola Bob (guitar) and Designated Dale sat in on drums once or twice.
SCOTT WILKINS: Some of us needed to get our shit together (mainly me). In that time some of us had children and unlike a regular job where you pop em out and hurry and get back to work we took time off to bond and get right with our kids and our heads. I’m prolly I’m the one to blame on that front. You know the band doesn’t pay the bills or rent/mortgage and we are not twenty anymore plus Suzy and I had gotten clean and sober at the time, shit was killing us!
Punk Globe: How long were you down for?
SCOTT WILKINS: Never really took a break per sè, see answer above. I did do a show for the first VA singer to help him with his lawyer bills as he was looking at his third strike in TX and did a couple of one offs with VA after that. But! I’mmmmmm baaaack!
Punk Globe: When did you get involved with Underground Skanking Radio?
SCOTT WILKINS: I got involved with them in August of last year after listening to one of their shows. Talked with Kevin and asked if I could have a show on Sundays and it just went from there.
Punk Globe: Tell us about DJ Dog Patch?
SCOTT WILKINS: DJ Dog Patch (http://www.facebook.com/DjDogPatch) is a way of playing tribute to a type of music I grew up on and played in. I know there are a lot of internet punk shows now but I wanted only a couple of hours on a Sunday and wanted to play music from around the world, not just American and English punk rock. I mean who didn’t think when they were young “why will my music never be played on the air”. Can this answer read "why wont they play our music over the air"
Punk Globe: When and how can people hear your show?
SCOTT WILKINS: They can tune in on Sunday’s from 4pm-6pm (PST). Just go to the web address www.undergroundskankingradio.com when you are in there you can sit and chat with folks from all over the world, network etc. and now, there is an app you can get for those on the go @ www.tunein.com (go there search for under ground skanking radio, save it and your good to go, on the go!). Working on podcasts soon for those who are not able to tune in that day. Punk Globe: Can bands send you CD's and MP3's to play? If so where do?
SCOTT WILKINS: Oh yes they can! They can send it to djdogpatch@gmail.com . I usually tell bands to send 2 to 3 tunes that they would like to hear over the air or tunes that best represent what they are doing. I don’t need CD’s I have far to many already, plus being in a band aint cheap so save the postage, and spend it for gas or something else. Include artwork as well.
People are sending stuff as we speak but remember I have only 2 hours and the tunes gotta knock me socks off, so don’t get but hurt if I don’t play it on my show, but I will give it to the other DJ’s too. I will usually get in touch with the bands to let them know when they are on the show so they can get folks to tune in as well. SCOTT WILKINS: 2013 looks to be busy for Hollywood Hate. We are gigging when we can (half of us live in the Lazy AZ and the other in CA) so we book what we and the promoter can afford. New recordings should be done by Sept. this year. DJ Dog Patch is moving right along with the show on Sunday’s.
Punk Globe: Any Internet Addresses you would like to share with the readers?
SCOTT WILKINS: Sure at this moment everyone can go to these addresses. For Hollywood Hate info, tunes and booking:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hollywood-Hate/234461389514?ref=hl http://www.reverbnation.com/hollywoodhate http://twitter.com/HollywoodH8 For DJ Dog Patch: https://www.facebook.com/DjDogPatch?ref=hl http://twitter.com/DJDogPatch SCOTT WILKINS: Enjoy what you got folks no matter what it is, big or small. Take what you can when you can and give what you can when you can, cause it’s a give n take type world we live in. You be the news don’t get lazy and let someone else do it for you. If you want to be involved with music, play an instrument, book shows or you be a DJ. Follow it, you get out what you put in. Keep changing things up, keeps em wondering what the fuck! FTP (Film the Police) we are now turning it back on them to keep them in check. Remember where all those big brother cameras are on the streets are too, you can use those as well when you see something unjust going down, you paid for them. Non-violent protest does work cause the police are trained to be violent. Remember they are the ones usually coming dressed for a riot not you. Fight when you have to it’s your right! Stop voting rich people into office, cause you get what you vote for. Lastly, WAKE UP! (no not with speed Ha!) and let’s do this!!! Thanks Punk Globe! See ya all soon!
Scott Wilkins is the real deal..... Support him, tune in to DJ Dog Patch Sundays from 4PM-6PM at www.undergroundskankingradio.com And check out Hollywood Hate when they are playing in your area!!!!! They Rawk......... |