Punk Globe: Hi Scotty thanks for taking the time to chat with us can you give us a little history on your music career
Scotty: I started playing young but didn’t really come into my own until I formed The Machetes in 2006. We released our record just over 10 years ago. It was a really great period for me as we shared the stage with multiple national acts like U.S. Bombs and The Briggs. Then came The Saints of Sorrow, which is where the stage name comes from. We released two EP’s and played with the likes of Off With Their Heads and others. Since then I have moved north to Maine from Pennsylvania. New home and new musical projects.
Punk Globe: What are your immediate music career goals?
Scotty: My current goal is to get the new music to a new audience. I have an EP ready for release in March. I’m also working on a release date for our single and video.
Punk Globe: What do you do to promote your music?
Scotty: My current goal is to get the new music to a new audience. I have an EP ready for release in March. I’m also working on a release date for our single and video.
Punk Globe: What inspires you to do what you do?
Scotty: I play this music because I have to. It’s a compulsion. I’m not happy unless I have that creative outlet. And if I can reach one person at each show, it’s a massive win.
Punk Globe: Who are some of your favorite artists?
Scotty: Some of my favorite artists include: Bouncing Souls, Face To Face, Authority Zero, The Briggs, Strung Out, Off With Their Heads, Red City Radio and Rancid.
Punk Globe: Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration? What is your usual songwriting process?
Scotty: My inspiration comes from random incidents. I’m always paying attention. The songs just come to me. I’ll have a slump for months on end then 5 or 6 songs can just pop out. I’ll write a chord progression and that will set a mood. From there a concept based on that mood just flows.
Punk Globe: Do you ever change a song’s lyrics in live sets?
Scotty: Yes. Sometimes I’ll change them based on the mood or if something flows a bit different. Other times, I’ll just screw them up!
Punk Globe: If I came to your home and looked inside the refrigerator, what would I find?
Scotty: My fridge is always full with fruit and vegetables. I love oranges. Meat is always paired with veggies. I love my vegan friends but I don’t break down proteins from a plant based diet very well.
Punk Globe: What type of recording process did you use?
Scotty: We went to Chillhouse Studios in Charlestown, Mass. Will Holland is a master of his art. He has worked with Blood For Blood and the Pixies as well as others. We also had Will Bradford from the band, Seepeoples helping with production. The pair easily brought out the best in me.
Punk Globe: Describe your show visually and musically.
Scotty: My show is very stripped down. We don’t have a prolific stage show. It’s just a three piece band moving around constantly and banging out the songs in succession with little chit chat involved.
Punk Globe: What are some of your pet peeves?
Scotty: I hate, I mean really hate the “boys club” mentality in music. Clusters of bands form their own “scene” and work it to death. By the end of it, they just play to each other. Nobody wants to see the same show at the same clubs all the time. I also wish that punk rock would not be so divided. There’s the “PC” faction and the “Lets be offensive” faction facing off and killing the middle.
Punk Globe: Who are some of your favorite unsigned artist?
Scotty: I wouldn’t classify them as unsigned. Check out the Ocelot Records roster and the State Line Records roster. They are all friends of mine and amazing bands. Indie labels too.
Punk Globe: What do you think are the biggest obstacles for musicians?
Scotty: The biggest obstacle for musicians is getting the music heard. You can record in your own home and use services to get the music online but you can’t get people to listen. People don’t seek music out like they used to. You need to be fed to them. What do you have that makes you stand out? Frankly, I can’t answer that about my own stuff. That’s why labels hired teams of people back in the heyday. Now, you are a smaller fish in a way bigger ocean full of people who want to be heard.
Punk Globe: What advise would you give to a new band starting out?
Scotty: My advice to a new band would be this, do it for you. Play to the bartender, one dude from the other band not smoking outside and the booker the same way you would to 5,000 people. You have to believe in yourself if you expect other people to believe in you. Good music is good music, screw genres. Play what you want and have fun. Your chances of making a living at it are less than you making it to the NFL, so do it out of love for playing.
Punk Globe: Any upcoming shows or events you want us to know about?
Scotty: Check out our social media for release dates of the single and EP release. It’s up in the air due to promotion and my pending surgery on my neck. Yay, fun times.
Punk Globe: Where can the readers find you and your music?
Scotty: You can find us at:
We are also on bandcamp, Spotify and Apple Music.
Scotty Saints on Instagram
Punk Globe: Thanks for the interview and keep rockin!
Scotty: Thank you for taking the time to interview me. I hope the readers enjoy! I’m nothing special, just another musician trying to get by!
Punk Globe: Thanks to all the readers out there.