JUNE 2015


Photo By: Rick Thorne

The Quest for the Self:

Rick Thorne

Interview By: The Gypsy Poet

Photo By: Rick Thorne

What a surprise this is! To interview one of the most recognizable faces in BMX today, and to top that, he is now a musician! The one and only Rick Thorne talks to The Gypsy Poet with his latest and greatest endeavors! This guy has come a long way from the lower class Midwestern background he's from to the wildest of endeavors and successes he has made for himself along the way. I am so proud to know him! He's got a haunting strength inside of him that makes the legend of "The Devil's Backbone" in between San Antonio and Austin seem surreal! A look in this man's eyes will take you very far into the depths of his soul. His presence alone doesn't just scratch the surface, but gets into your blood. You gotta love him! Here is the one and only Rick Thorne!

Photo By: Rick Thorne

Hello, Rick! Talk to me! What is going on with you that is new and exciting?

Rick Thorne:
"Well everyday is a new day, new challenges, new opportunities to create. I'm recording new music, new music videos, riding bmx, learning new tricks, hitting up new spots, hosting, acting, voice overs, promoting, touring, photo shoots, its goes on and on. I'm excited to just book a show at Punk Rock Picnic in June and direct support for The Addicts at Henry Fonda Theatre in October with my band. I'm pushing my music full throttle right now and more and more opportunities are coming my way which is the most exciting thing to me right now."

You, from what I see, do BMX which is quite an amazing sport. What do you love best about doing this?

Rick Thorne:
"The best part about BMX for me is the freedom of expression, that feeling I get when I learn a new trick, reinvent an old trick, compete or shoot a really rad photo or ad. It's also about the lifestyle of the sport, traveling around the world, meeting new riders and finding new spots. But the root of it for me is to be as creative as I possibly can be, not just with tricks but with it all, and having my own style. It really gives me a feeling that life is rad and its been such a positive outlet for me from the beginning. Allows me to be aggressive in a positive manner, to help deal life when it seems difficult, to know that anything is possible and to set goals, it's been amazing on the amount of goals that have been inspired from BMX. Not just for riding but for everyday life."
"It really gives me a feeling that life is rad and its been such a positive outlet for me from the beginning."

Photo By: Rick Thorne

You are also quite the stuntman. I see you have some films you did this for! What was that like?

Rick Thorne:
"I was in XXX, Accepted and Mall Cop, I went to acting school for 3 years, to learn the difference between acting, riding and hosting. Acting is something I dreamed of and love to do as well, it's another extension of expression. It was really fun making those films, to be on the set is amazing and it was a huge accomplishment for me."

Who or what influenced you to do BMX?

Rick Thorne:
"I'm not really sure what influenced me to ride, I think it was just the feeling of being on the streets hauling ass around town jumping curbs as a kid, I wanted to get out of the house. I've been riding my whole life, it's that feeling of just being free, my art, my vessel. That feeling still burns inside of me today, it was also the fun aspect of the sport, hanging with your bros and challenging yourself. It wasn't a sponsor or contest, it was real simple for me, it made me feel alive to pedal down the street, I clung to it everyday, I couldn't stop chasing that feeling."

Photo By: Rick Thorne

Is there a death-defying stunt you enjoy getting the rush of doing when doing a show? If so, what is it?

Rick Thorne:
"It's not so much death defying, it's different every show really, different days you push more than others, ultimately it's about going big and you have to condition your body and mind during tour. When your out there for months doing shows everyday like lets say the Warp Tour, your wanna always put on a show, get rad and go big for the crowd. But you have to maintain as well, it's really in contests that you unleash the most gnarly tricks or video parts."

Your latest endeavor has been music. I LOVE the new single, Play To Win. What is the inspiration behind that song?

Rick Thorne:
"Yeah music is amazing, I've been performing now for 8 years as a musician, and I've done a lot of cool tours and gigs so far. Music goes with action sports and everyday life, I needed a voice outside of BMX to express my feelings and style. I created a different vibe and image on stage than my BMX style, and all the music I write is positive, take a negative and flip it to positive. Play To Win is a positive song about never giving up, I was inspired to write that song during a time of divorce, loss of a house, loss of income, the whole deal all at once. I had to remind myself to never give up, no matter what others say, focus on winning and not losing. I want to share with the world through that song and what I went through personally, that the sun will rise on a new day."

Photo By: Rick Thorne

What possessed you to do music these days?

Rick Thorne:
"I always wanted to be in a band ever since I was around 6 years old, Ive been around music for years touring with BMX and I finally broke down and said I'm going for it. I wasn't born into music or any entertainment, I've gotten everything by just going for it and I need to follow all my dreams in life not just one. I'm up for the challenge to make it and theres not a doubt in my mind I won't. I have a story to tell, I want to move a crowd, send some energy into this world through my music, to make you feel, to entertain, to shed some positivity, to make a difference."

Photo By: Rick Thorne

What do you love best about writing and playing music?

Rick Thorne:
"I love writing music and being in the studio, I love the process of making it happen. I also love being on stage doing shows. The energy I feel from the crowd is amazing, the connection I make. I figure if your going to be on stage put on a show, move, give it all you got. I love sharing my story and if one person can get some inspiration from my show and music then I'm doing good. I love the feeling it gives me and it helps me deal with everyday life."

Photo By: Rick Thorne

Do you feel that playing and writing music have the same kind of rush as you do stunts on your bike?

Rick Thorne:
"Playing music is different than BMX but it does give me the same kid of rush in a different way. BMX is physical and music is emotional to me. They both are expression, an outlet to create and inspire, to motivate, to keep me grounded. I find more freedom in music with style and less "industry guidelines" too, I mean there's room for everyone in music but in BMX it's a smaller industry and there are at times standards that are pushed to fit in and be accepted. In music it's not that way and I think thats one of the reasons I feel in love with music."
"They both are expression, an outlet to create and inspire, to motivate, to keep me grounded."

Photo By: Rick Thorne

You have come a long way from your Midwestern roots. What was it like growing up for you?

Rick Thorne:
"Growing up in the Midwest was fun, I grew up in Kansas City, Missouri, but ever since I was a kid I dreamed of California, I just felt it was much more open to style and life, I was attracted to the weather too hahah.......but in the Midwest I could focus more on riding with less distractions. I had a a lot of great times there and love the Midwest but not so much the weather or opportunities, I had to follow my dreams and move."

Photo By: Matthew Upton

You've done some series on tattoos. Is there something to the art of Tattooing that you love most? If so, what is it?

Rick Thorne:
"Tattoos are another form of expression to me, they always have been since the first tattoo I got at 19. For me each tattoo I have is either a story or a reminder of my life, to motivate myself and keep me moving forward. I love the freedom to get what you want, where you want, for yourself. I'm a believer in doing things for yourself first, and to be positive, I'm a story through my tattoos and you can read me for days. Tattoos are more than just getting tattooed on my body, they each stand for parts of my life that make up one big story called my life."

Many of my friends tell me tattoos are addicting. Do you find that to be true for you?

Rick Thorne:
"Tattoos can be addictive, each person is different, I like to take my time getting tattooed because like I said each tattoo is part of the whole story of my life and as I experience life I determine what tattoo is next. People obviously get tattooed for different reasons, thats whats so cool about it, do what you like its your body, but for me I want to keep adding over my entire life to my story and Ill probably be getting tattooed at 90. That way I don't run out of room and cover my body overnight, its a progressional story being written."

Photo By: Kaelan Barowsky

What's the best advice you ever got from anyone along the way in your life?

Rick Thorne:
"To never give up. My mama told me that, it stuck with me to this day, I owe a lot to her for who I am, she's the raddest person I know. She always told me to be me and who cares what other people think, that it's my life and go for it."

I noticed you have interviewed a lot of people on your roster, as well. Are there any favorites or any people that you dreamed of interviewing on your list that's on your website?

Rick Thorne:
"Man there's a bunch of great people I have interviewed, I interviewed Eminem at the XGames which was fun he's a really cool dude, or RUN DMC before Jam Master Jay died which was a really cool cause they inspired me growing up. Plus hosting with Ice T on MTV was rad because I never met a person with so much personality. Or interviewing David Spade about skateboarding, or Spike Jonze or James Cann or Henry Rollins or Korn or Johnny Knoxville or Vin Diesel, dang the list goes on...........I'm very grateful to have interviewed so many great artist and athletes and meet so many rad people."

Photo By: Matthew Upton

Speaking of interviews, what would you like to say to the readers out there?

Rick Thorne:
"Follow your heart, don't people please, be your own best friend, never give up, don't sweat the same stuff, be cool, send a positive vibration and if it doesn't make you happy then don't it."

Thank you Rick, you are blast to talk to! I hope this year is the best yet for you!

Rick Thorne:
"You rock thanks for the opportunity and STAY RAD.............." HERE'S MY IG: @rickthorne WEBSITTE: www.rickthorne.tv

Photo By: Rick Thorne