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I remember the summer of 1977 very well.. I had just started freshman year at The Fab Mab.. It was our rock n roll high school!!
I loved Rock Scene Magazine and thought that San Francisco needed something similar.. I also had seen Zig Zag and Sniffin' Glue.. So I decided to at least try to do do Punk Globe. The very first issue consisted of 10 pages of white paper that were xeroxed on both sides and stapled together... I had photo's, gossip and an interview with the band Crime... I was so proud.. I sold or gave away all 100 copies that I had made. It was a hit!! The monthly xerox issues continued until until August 1978 when I went to newsprint with 35 pages and 5,000 printed..
The monthly printed version continued with a bigger circulation and a heavier stock of paper. Punk Globe was put on the back burner while I toured with White Trash Debutantes.. But I got the urge to do Punk Globe once again and it found a home on the Internet... It continues in 2012 with the help of some very talented and supportive people.. The Floydian Device and Sharla Cartner are the two core people who help make it happen every month.. But we also cannot forget the great writers: Jayne County, Tyler Vile, Gus Bernadicou, Bebe Buell, Miss Guy, Rotten, Pauley Perrette, Iris Berry, Logan Mounts,Ozgur Cokyuce, Ban Tasers, Timm Carney, Ms. Ligaya, Kook Teflon,Josie Cotton, Kathy Peck, Daniel LeVesque, Dark Diva, De Fen, Siobhan "Shamama" Lowe, Pauli Gray, Gerry Jenn Wilson, Doug Donut, Jaws The Cabbie, Tequila Mockingbird,Tom Pitts, Margaret Cho, Andrew Grant, Arika Kaosa, Carl Campbell, Anje Vela, Lady Monster, Cyndi Ford, Carl Macki, Michael Rys, Mary Leary, Tammy Adin, Lisa Bardes, Lisa Booth, and James Carlson.. And we can't forget you the readers for your continuing support... Ginger Coyote
35 YEARS!!!
PUNK GLOBE -Est 1977 founded by Ginger Coyote Punk GLOBE
editor/publisher, talented musician, bandleader of the White
Trash Debutantes
and our dear dear friend has always uplifted all of us in the
music community and helped us be heard, laugh and gossip.
Ginger hats off to you for all of your years of dedication,
brilliance and fun!
Punk Rock would never be the same without you at the helm!
You are truly and inspiration to us all to keep going, be
fearless and always, always have fun.
We love you and we love reading our PUNK GLOBE!
Cheers Kathy Peck Co Founder of H.E.A.R. / Contractions Bass player
Happy Birthday Punk Globe! Thank you for an amazing
35 years of loyal devotion to keeping us all on the pulse
of what's really worthy of paying attention to. For keeping
us all informed and for keeping some of us informed about.
You're as gorgeous as always. You don't look
a day over 16. I love you Ginger Coyote! Thank you for all
you do!
Iris Berry
Punk Globe opened so many doors for me. It has allowed me to
vent the creativity I have channeled from my surroundings and
put into something useful and worthwhile. I never thought I
would be able to interview my heroes and kindle friendship
with so many people. I am truly blessed to be part of the
Punk Globe universe.
Gus Bernadicou
It’s been 35 years from the very first paper issue of PUNK
GLOBE MAGAZINE – and a long and illustrious road that
detailed the lives, art, music, film and everything else
you’ve ever wanted to know about a diverse collection of rock
stars, art icons, filmmakers and spectacular souls who
inspire. MEGA LOVE and THANKS to all of you FAN-atical and
FAN-tastical readers who make every interview, review and
all the artists and musicians, songwriters and punks that
have graced the pages of our beloved PUNK GLOBE - THANK
Happy Birthday Punk Globe and my beloved Ginger Coyote
Pauley Perrette
Happy Birthday **35** PUNK GLOBE!! You look ravishing
dahling! I L-U-V being a part of the Punk Globe Machine with
all the creative people who bring it together every month.
The magazine doesn’t follow ANY rules, and that’s what keeps
it really interesting and vital… No qualifications needed to
contribute except being interested in the world around you…
and maybe looking at things from a bit of a punk
rock/guerella/ underground/do it yourself perspective. And
the only direction from Ginger is really to just go out every
month and find stuff you think is cool, put your own spin on
it, and get it out there… The writers, artists, and
photographers who contribute every month are from all over
the world. I love that one magazine has such a diverse range
of focus from all types of music to art, comedy, film,
photography, politics… Big kudos to Ginger Coyote!@# You are
the heart and soul and glue that connects an incredibly
diverse mixture of people and scenes from all over the GLOBE!
You are The COOLEST!!! And thanks to all the readers and fans
out there that keep the Punk Rawk spirit alive!!!
The Floydian Device
Vive La Resistance! Long Live Punk Globe, the movers, shakers
and news-makers. Here’s to all who fly the Punk Globe flag.
May your light never go out.
Nina Antonia xxx
If you told me five years ago that I’d be interviewing my
punk rock heroes from bands like Dead Boys, Operation Ivy,
Minor Threat, and The Ramones, I’d probably tell you that you
were dreaming. Thanks to Punk Globe, I’m living that dream.
It’s not just about the big names, though, it’s about the
long lasting friendships and the community of readers and
writers who have kept Punk Globe running strong. I wouldn’t
be half as confident or inspired without everyone else who
writes for and reads this magazine. From a Xeroxed fanzine in
San Francisco to a worldwide online powerhouse, Punk Globe
has proven its credibility and staying power. Happy birthday,
Punk Globe, I am so honored to be a part of your legacy.
Here’s to many more years! Love, Tyler Vile
Happy 35th Birthday Punk Globe!!!!! Thank you Ginger Coyote
for starting this magazine 5 years before you were born!
Timm Carney
Happy Birthday Punk Globe! I couldn't be more thrilled to be
a part of this kickass magazine. Thanks to Ginger, my fellow
writers, and especially the readers! Here's to another 35
years! Logan Mounts
OMG...It's the 35th anniversary of PUNK GLOBE MAGAZINE. 35
years ago I was a 19 year old wanna be punker and I would
hang out with the friends who were fearless enough to join
me, over at CBGB's totally enamoured by this new sounding
music. People had total TUDE (lol) jumping around singing
lyrics like "NOW I WANNA SNIFF SOME GLUE"...and everyone was
all liquored up, and to me, just the coolest. The clothing
was the stuff that legends were made of...and so was the
music and the bands and the people. THANK YOU GINGER AND
COMPANY for sharing all the behind the scenes stories and
gossip. The world of Punk music just could never have been
the same without you!!! xoxooxxox Wendy Kaufman
A truly iconic landmark for an equally iconic publication
Punk Globe..and the awe inspiring Ginger Coyote,without whom
Punk Globe wouldn't exist .Congratulations! Xoxox ....
Jimi LaLumia.
Happy Birthday Punk Globe. Here's to 35 more years!! Darron Hemann DC-Jam Records
So PUNK GLOBE is 35! I remember the first time I heard of the
magazine, It was a print run back then. A punk fan friend of
mine had been living in the USA back in the late Seventies
and Early Eighties and had gotten copies and gave them to me
in 1996 before he past away amongst some albums etc.... I
really loved Punk Globe, it had all the things I, as a punk,
was interested in reading. Little did I know that 12 years on
I would become a PUNK OF THE MONTH, and be featured in it,
Let alone be writing for it. So many talented writers who's
opinions and articles I have enjoyed reading over the years,
too many to list, But must congratulate GINGER COYOTE for
steering the ship for so long, having the patience to do it,
and seeing her vision through.
Wow! Happy Birthday to Punk Globe! 35 Years of truly great
interviews with the famous and infamous, fabulous photos and
my favorite "Hot Gossip"! May you continue Rockin' Out for
another 35! Phyllis Stein
Thanks to you you, the loyal readers for being there :)
Still going strong after all these years!! Every issue of
Punk Globe
is a birthday which
means Punk Globe is 12 Issues stronger! Punk Globe is the
Globalest!!!! - Rawk On
Happy 35th Birthday and many, many more!!
Brian Kroll (My Son The Bum)...
Happy 35th Birthday, Punk Globe!! I LOVE this publication!
Keep up the fantastic work, Ginger Coyote & team. :))) xoxo
Jean Treichel Bridges Las Vegas, NV
PUNK GLOBE MAGAZINE is be celebrating 35 years of killer
articles.. Legendary pictures.. And the ongoing dedication to
Happy Birthday Punk Globe! Thank you for supporting the sexy
streets and extra- specially thank you for support Death On
The Radio..
We absolutely adore you, Ginger Coyote!
xoXxXoo Mary Powers and Death On The Radio
Right On GINGER !!!! Proud Of You And The PUNK GLOBE!!
Lisa Bardes
"Punk Globe is celebrating its' 35th Anniversary!!! Many
important names became a part of Punk Globe through all these
years which made it a huge family. I'm proud to be a part of
this family and I hope to enjoy it for many more years. Punk
Globe is what keeps true music alive. 35 years may seem a
long time but the party has just started!!"
özgür çokyüce
Happy Birthday Punk Globe! Congratulations on 35 years of
rocking the music scene! You have covered the who's who of
the industry under the helm of Ginger Coyote, and will go
down in the history books as setting the standard for all R&R
publications. I consider it an honor to be associated with
such a fabulous publication!
Cyndi Ford
Happy 35th Birthday Punk Globe Anje Vela
From the beginning the best no bullshit mag out there. Always
has been, I hope always will be. Kept it going no matter
what, keep it going no matter what!
Michael Falzarano (New Riders Of The Purple Sage)
Happy Birthday! xoxoxo Johnny Paris
Congratulations Punk Globe
Chris Cordani Revenge Of The 80's Radio
Happy 35th Birthday Punk Globe! Well what can I say? I have been involved for some years now, how time flies when your apart of something really good. A special thank you to Ginger for involving me and having the patience as my web coding skills have developed over the years. It is an honor to be Punk Globe's Web Mistress, and I can say things are only going to get bigger and better as time goes on. So all you writers and artists keep me tapping on my keyboard with your contributions every month, and all the kickass punk readers out there keep on clicking on punkglobe.com.
Pocket your phone and raise your fist, Punk Globe is 35 years strong! Sharla Cartner |