

Max Hodges:

That Hot Blonde Surfer Dude From TMZ

Interview By: Ginger Coyote

Brian McDaniel suggested I interview Max. He was really busy but I did manage to ask him a few questions... I hope you enjoy the interview...

Max, thanks so much for the interview. Can you give us some background on yourself?

Max Hodges:
5th generation Californian, grew up surfing and skating in Santa Cruz. Traveled the world quite a bit. Spent the last 12 years working in Television, including TMZ since its inception.

Tell us about growing up in Santa Cruz?

Max Hodges:
Epic place to grow up. Amazing surf. The skate scene is amazing too, but I grew up back in the days when skateboarding was a crime so there was lots of searching for spots and running from cops. Really good punk scene too. SC can get kinda dark too, its kinda a pit, a lotta people never leave. Went home for Christmas this year and for the first time in a long time I felt like its become way less of a bubble, like more positive, more girls, more good spots to go out...prob all the Internets fault.
"Epic place to grow up. Amazing surf."

That is called Silicon Valley Max! Did you go to shows at The Vets Hall and The Catalyst?

Max Hodges:
Oh yeah, pretty much weekly $7 vets hall punk shows. The Catalyst had a lotta different stuff but mostly it wasn't all ages from what I remember, the vets hall was it for us. Saw everybody I felt like.

People best know you as the hot blonde surfer dude on TMZ... But you actually were a surfer and a model right?

Max Hodges:
Yeah I mean, everyone is Santa Cruz basically surfs and skates. But surfing was def my passion from early on, oddly nobody else in my family surfs. I modeled too yeah, lots of catalog stuff up in SF during high school. Lived in NY for a bit but once I was out of school and kinda a man I didn't really see it as a real mans job, ha guess I was still kinda in that Santa Cruz mindset.

How old were you when you first started hitting the waves?

Max Hodges:
12, I bought a $22 homemade board and some beat wetsuit at the flea market at the drive in, which is gone now but it was the best Flea ever!.

Did you or have you ever been a pro surfer? Say like Kelly Slater.

Max Hodges:
No, I'm not the most competitive guy. Plus I didn't want something I like to do to become a chore, or work.

Where are some of your favorite beaches to surf?

Max Hodges:
Ha! I'm not gonna tell you...kidding.. Sewer peak and pleasure point were my daily spots. Up north of town a lot too.

You appeared on TMZ from 2007- 2013.. Tell us about how that came about?

Max Hodges:
Wow...LONG STORY, hard work.

Thanks for the interview Max

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