OK here they are basically 1 how far along are you in the film,
Mars Roberge:
On the 31st this month I will have approximately shot 1/2 the entire movie. However, due to finances, I will only be shooting 1 day/month for the next 7 or 8 months from here.

So have there been any changes or has it remained as it began script and plot wise,
Mars Roberge:
For the most part it has remained the same but due to the loose insane nature of the dialogue, there have been a lot of great lines added from actors improvising. However, it's nice also being the writer because there was a day Superstar DJ Keoki couldn't show to set and all of a sudden Ron Jeremy walked in so I said "you are going to replace Keoki for today" and created a new character. It was a very magickal moment that could have probably only happened in LA at 3 am. One superstar was replaced with another.

You mentioned actors getting along and talking to each other in character, has that helped?
Mars Roberge:
Definitely, like Gabe Kaplan's Sweathogs, real friendships were created with my Scumbags. This is a picture of actress Camille Waldorf saying by to a fellow costar, Kate McKay. Some people were even shedding tears when they were wrapped.

Spookey Ruben could really only remember the character names. It was funny but they all got used to him. I spun with Keoki and Miko (his brother and another actor in the film) last Monday night at the Lash, I saw Rich Hart Heiden sing on Happenin' Harry's night at 9 on Vine on Sunday, P.A. Ron Watson and I believe one of my producers Eric Ragan went to see another film of actress Lauren Parkinson yesterday, Kate had a house party for a bunch of us--I got screamed at by her neighbor because Rich entered his house and said "wassup scumbag!" Camille has been working on her music videos with some of them, PrincessFRANK played drums for Spookey at the Silverlake Lounge, star Debra Haden was hanging out with another costar and makeup artist Taryn Piano the other day and everyone went to see PrincessFRANK play drums for Angelo Moore (Fishbone and another star in the movie) at the House of Blues. Hell, I have been a dj my whole life (Die J! Mars) with a releases on DJ Hell and Larry Tee's labels but now I'm getting booked as DJ Mars Roberge (director for Cult film Scumbag). It's funny but I don't mind. :)

Have there been any major surprises ( like someone being really good or trouble on locations etc...)?
Mars Roberge:
I won't get too into it (or be a rat-fink fuck) but let's just say I have owed money on all my locations so far because one of them parties like The Beastie Boys on their first tour... In fact, I'm getting really good at getting screamed at. Lol. Otherwise there are a lot of serous actors in this film that raise the bar for the rest of them. Ryan Beard playing Cornelius, Matt Stoner playing Travis and Brennan Cook are definitely people to look out for. Then again all my cast is awesome and I hand picked all of them. In the future, I hope to always do this. I also knew all the people they are loosely portraying and even the actors agreed that the uncanningly look just like them. I might be in LA but while I'm making this (I've just started editing it today!), I'm living in Toronto and it's '96/97 (in my head anyway!)
"I'm living in Toronto and it's '96/97 (in my head anyway!)"

Punk Globe would like to thank Mars Roberge for his time.