Lori Barberois is a kick ass musician who most know as the drummer of the Minneapolis-based punk rock band Babes in Toyland... After the break up of Babes in Toyland. Ms. Barbero, also played drums for the band's Eggtwist and Koalas.... In 2015, she reunited with Babes in Toyland, performing on a successful international tour. She now resides in Austin... A shout out to fellow Punk Globe writer Dan Volohov who initialized this interview that the always cool Janet E. Hammer was to do. We hope you all dig it...

Punk Globe: Women drummers are somewhat of a rare breed, especially ones who beat their drums mercilessly. You have always played hard. What was it that made you want to play drums to begin with?
LB: The drummers were always the most interesting and best musicians in the band. I watch the drummers and usually only the drummers at live shows. They're the spine of the band which either makes it or breaks it. Women are born with a natural rhythm, so it was something that I had to accomplish in my lifetime.
Punk Globe: Babes in Toyland were a great live act and the reunion tour went really well. Are you all still close? Do you think you will play together again?
LB: Unfortunately Cal Jam October 2017 in San Bernardino California was our last concert. Kat is and always has been an addict, she just is not a functioning addict anymore.
Punk Globe: We live in an age now were women carry almost as much sway as men in the world of popular music, although women in bands still face extremely sharp criticism. Why is Rock still so hard on the women who play it?
LB: Quite honestly it doesn’t make any difference if it’s rock ‘n’ roll or in the office. Women or people of color will never be able to “run the show.” Not that we’re ever going to give up. Things are changing at a snail pace, but let’s be honest...
Punk Globe: There was a time during the 90's when there were female groups everywhere in alternative music. The numbers seem to be dropping again. Do you think it's because of the culture we live in now?
LB: I truly believe that technology is obviously changing the face of this world and human behavior. People are so consumed, that creativity and the will to push forward as hard as people used to is depleting. Which comes to where rock ‘n’ roll is becoming depleted, including touring rock bands. It’s a total bummer.

Punk Globe: I know you are still a fan of music, who are some of the bands that you really like at the moment?
LB: The Melvins
Punk Globe: Noise music seems to slip in and out of popularity like shoegazer and grunge. I just don't see anything out there that the kids listen to today that would make an adult break a sweat. Do you think that music as protest is dying out?
LB: Yeah, I’m going to record an album playing a harpsichord and whiny sing my four-year-old nieces diary. That’s about the extent of popular music these days.
Punk Globe: What Female performers and musicians would you play for anyone who was asking you about music made by women?
LB: Fea, Skating Polly, Kitten Forever, Deap Vally, Black Widows. Of course there’s many other female bands that I love that are from the past, these are “newer” bands that are still active.

Punk Globe: What is the best other band you ever got to see when you were touring often?
LB: I loved every band that we ever toured with. Truly. There were some horrible bands that supported us on tours we headlined ( when we didn’t bring along a support act) because every promoter thought that we were supposed to play with a female band. So, then he’d throw together a band with their girlfriend and their friends and it was their first show and they sucked. that happened often.
Punk Globe: If you could do a sit in with any other band, who would it be?
LB: Queen, when Freddy was alive.
Punk Globe: What is your advice to other women who want to play drums.
LB: Don’t take lessons, teach yourself. Be unique, and don’t criticize or be hard on yourself. You are the artist and you do what you like. When it’s not fun anymore, quit with your current bandmates, and proudly move forward and find people who make you happy to play again.