

Let's Talk Punk With

Kyle Zemblidge

of The Walking Toxins

Interview By: Lisa/PunkrPrincess

Hi Kyle thanks for being a part of Let's Talk Punk can you give us a little history about yourself.

Kyle Zemblidge:
I'm a total 80's kid. I grew up with MTV when they still played music. I've always had a favoring toward rock cause growing up it's what I remember most with my parents listening to. I remember when someone turned me onto punk and it was Angry Samoans. Before I heard them I thought it was gonna be some hardcore metal stuff but kinda plesently surprised when I listened. After that I would still listen to like Depeche Mode n such but also Bad Religion and Social D. It wasn't until later when I went to an Agent Orange show that I basically fell in love with the scene. It was up close and personal unlike those major label concerts where all you see is an ant on stage and listening to the music. The more shows I went to the more I craved it. Like tattoos I guess. Soon the very ideal of what I believe punk is about, I felt was in line with my world views. I've never taken pleasure of a "financially secure" way of life. I want to live, at least while I'm able to. So I've gotten by with a number of hustles and probably gonna continue to do so. I see no point in sharing stories about saving a company however much money on whatever deal...no...I want to have memories to share that are not the usual.

Whats the most exciting thing about being in a band?

Kyle Zemblidge:
It is performing in shows with the bands I've always looked up to. These are people in my eyes that are real rock stars and here I am on the same bill as them. I'm taken back a little each time each time but always exciting to say the least.

The least exciting?

Kyle Zemblidge:
The least excited is playing shows in an already saturated area. It's kind of a bummer to play for just a handful of people because the fans are spread out so thin.

Besides being a musician what other hobbies do you have?

Kyle Zemblidge:
Surfing, It's something I've always loved, even as young as 12 years old. I started out just doing it with a few friends. it was just like hanging out with your buddies. I guess that's why I like being in a band. It's essentially the same thing, just different activities.

Where are some of your favorite venues?

Kyle Zemblidge:
The Double Down in Las Vegas, it has that essence of punk rock, like the Doll Hut in Southern California. It has a good vibe. The Belly Up Bar, down south, it reminds me of the old Showcase Theater from the 90's

Tell us some of the bands you have played shows with.

Kyle Zemblidge:
Some of the more fun bans have been like Guttermouth, D.I. and The Dickies because they don't seclude themselves from the show, they get out in the crowd and enjoy themselves. Then there are other bands like The Mentors minus El Duche, obviously, Green Jello, Zero Boys, The Dwarves... There is just too many to name really but it's been an honor in it's own right with each one.

Can you tell us a memorable show moment?

Kyle Zemblidge:
There was a show we did as a supporting act and we have this song called Strip, we've always had a crowd of girls that like our music a lot, usually they are out there dancing even more than the fellas are, this particular show when we played that song that took it pretty much literal. Needless to say there were bras and titties everywhere.

Who are some of your favorite bands to listen to?

Kyle Zemblidge:
It depends on my mood, I'd have to say sometimes I like Real Big Fish and Streetlight Manifesto, I also listen to the Ventures and Classic Surf Rock and sometimes it's oldies like Bobby Darin and Buddy Holly. In Punk Rock my number one favorite is Zero Boys. Ha ha I guess my varied taste in music reflects in the variety of songs we play as a band.

If you could play a show at any current venue where would it be?

Kyle Zemblidge:
The Hollywood Bowl, I did some work there when I was doing iron work, we were doing some kind of modifications to the speaker tower canopy things for an upcoming Roger Waters show. I remember walking around all over the stage and backstage and seeing pictures in the hallways of the Beatles and The Rolling Stones. It would be cool to play the same stage as rock and roll giants have. I know they don't do punk rock.

Do you think the public and critics expect too much from musicians?

Kyle Zemblidge:
No, I don't think they expect enough, I mean let's face it, there are a lot of shitty bands and artists out there that come up with one monotonous beat and like two lyrics, but that's not music and that's not putting any heart or soul in that music, most of these people can't even play a real instrument, or they buy someone else's song and claim it with little to no recognition for the actual artist. It's almost like they don't care if the music is good as long as they can sell that image. Take my own band for example...I've noticed everyone wants a pic of the guy with a mohawk, but I'm only one fifth of it and not even the front man. It's flattering, don't get me wrong but by myself there wouldn't be much to enjoy. It's the whole group and the songs that makes it a show and something worth watching and listening to.
"...I've noticed everyone wants a pic of the guy with a mohawk..."

How hard to you push yourself?

Kyle Zemblidge:
I'd have to say I push myself pretty hard, I treat playing in a band every bit the same as I would having a job, I show up early, I plan it like a day of work and I don't take sick days, there are days when I'm at work 6 in the morning and put in a full 8 to 10 hour day,drive another couple, 3 hours and perform a show until midnight, ya know.

Who are your idols and why?

Kyle Zemblidge:
An old friend on mine that I've since lost touch with named Mark Hall, he was the one who truly inspired me to the whole "not give a fuck" Philosophy. He used to say, " How can you get mad if you don't give a fuck" Even when I've seen this guy done wrong in the most obvious matter, I never seen him blow up, he was smart he knew the best way to get back at someone was just to return the favor and he would do so with a laugh and a smile.

If you were to describe yourself in simple word choice.. what would you say?

Kyle Zemblidge:
Tenacious...I've always been a bit competitive and always pushed forward even when I hear those negative comments.

What's your most embarrassing experience?

Kyle Zemblidge:
We all have embarrassing experiences and it's nice to be able to look back and have a good chuckle. Like this one time, I was outside the venue talking with our bass players wife, everything was pretty much normal, until the drinks I had decided to disagree with me. I remember cutting her off in mid sentence and saying, "Your gonna have to excuse me" and I had about enough time to turn my head before having a vomiting attack, like I drank a bottle of ipecac. I can only remember bits and pieces of being in the band bus with my head hanging out of the side door, dry heaving for what seemed like hours. Someone actually managed to get a photo of me in fetal position.

What inspires you to do what you do?

Kyle Zemblidge:
As long as I can remember I wanted to be that rock star. It always seemed to be the coolest thing to be the center of getting the party going, like being the center of all this energy that is flowing around the room. It's like a symbiotic relationship where the crowd feeds off the energy you put out and in turn you feed off the energy of the crowd.

What are some of your pet peeves?

Kyle Zemblidge:
Hypocrisy and social acceptability, I mean what I gotta be just like everybody else? I can't stand the way people will talk about individuality and how you should always do your thing, but then turn right around and tell you, you should do this and you should do that because it's expected. If I lived my life being "socially acceptable" I wouldn't of had near as much fun as I've had or the memories I have made along the way.

How does music affect you and the world around you?

Kyle Zemblidge:
It keeps me balanced, I am fortunate that I play for a band and that I am on that side of things, but even if I didn't, I'd still be out there on the other side in the pit letting out all that pent up frustration.

What are the biggest obstacles for bands?

Kyle Zemblidge:
There's a couple, for one when you have a band you have to make sure your band mates are committed. Then let's say you get a group of committed guys, now you need people that actually enjoy the music you are putting together to go to the shows that you are performing in and show support. It's a lot of work and a lot of socializing.

Which songs do you perform most frequently? Do you ever play any covers? Do you have a set play list?

Kyle Zemblidge:
I'd have to say Poop on People You Hate is a song we're famous for, it's funny cause it started out as a screw up while we were goofing off live and trying to play the "Tequila" theme. We never really used a set list cause then we'd miss out on the little things that start out that way. We tend to avoid covers, cause we have more fun writing songs that sound like "that" band would've written it.

Could you briefly describe the music-making process?

Kyle Zemblidge:
A Lot of times it just starts when we are rehearsing, just jamming in the rehearsal room. We'll start with a riff and we will be like that kinda sounds like this band or that band and we will expand on it musically, Our singer just thinks of something funny to sing about or takes something serious and gets sarcastic with it. It just kinda happens I guess.

Where can the readers find you and your music?

Kyle Zemblidge:
The usual places like Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter and your mom's couch. There's a few of our tracks you can download on reverbnation.com. We're most active on the FB so keep tabs on that and you'd be up to speed. I guess we are on spotify as well. We did some kind of video documentary thing, rumor has it that it will be on Netflix. We will have to wait and see.

Anything you would like share, from new merch to upcoming shows/tours or songs/albums?

Kyle Zemblidge:
We just released our self titled album and constantly coming out with new merch. the latest being a spoof of a subhumans logo for our tenth year anniversary. In the works is another album that should be released before years end and plans for a west coast tour around March or April.

Any shout outs?

Kyle Zemblidge:
Yeah a huge shout out to all those who go to the shows to check out and support the local acts. I know everyone wants to see the originals and legends and I know there's a limited time left to see some of them, but here's the thing. Most of those aren't the original lineup. So it's almost like seeing a cover band anymore. There's bands out there now that are every bit as good and put on a hell of a show. I mean every band started as a small local playing to like ten people...wouldn't you want to be able to say you were one of those ten people when history was in the making?

Thanks for the interview and the great music you give the world! You ROCK!