

Jock Blyth

Let's Talk Punk with UK Musician

Jock Blyth

of GBH

Interview By PunkrPrincess

Hi Jock Thanks for taking the time for Let's Talk Punk can you give us a little history about yourself.

Jock Blyth:
Hi I'm Jock I'm 53 years old and have been into Punk Rock since it first appeared in the UK 1976. I have played guitar in GBH since 1979. I"m a vegetarian and like cycling,long walks and traveling.

Tell Us how is it being A UK Punk Musician and how you have done so well.

Jock Blyth:
I count myself very lucky being moderately successful at what I do, we got where we are by a combination of good luck and a love of what we do, an ability to write a half decent song between us, it's a lot of fun watching people go nuts wherever we play, usually, a good life all round.

What do you enjoy most about being a Musician?

Jock Blyth:
I like the travelling, meeting people from all over the world. The excitement of playing live, and the satisfaction of writing music that people get to hear, and generally like, at least in the Punk world.

You tour often with your band GBH tell us where are some of your favorite places to tour?

Jock Blyth:
I love Mexico and all of central and South America, or at least the places I've been lucky enough to get to Spain, Italy and the USA first and foremost but can't think of a place I dislike.

What do you miss most while away from home on tour?

Jock Blyth:
I miss my longtime friends, the stray cats I look after at the back of my apartment and some obscure things like veggie sausages, baked beans, brown sauce, english mustard and my own bed, occasionally.

Whats a difference between USA and UK music scenes?

Jock Blyth:
The main difference is that you get looked after a lot better in America, some venues in the UK never give you food or drinks, or even somewhere to chill out and leave your stuff, that's been my experience anyway.

What is your favorite american food to have on tour?

Jock Blyth:
I love pizza and Mexican food,also pasta and veggie burgers.

Any upcoming tours?

Jock Blyth:
We have plenty of one off dates booked and I believe we are also trying to arrange a tour of Australia at the moment. Check The GBH page for show info https://www.facebook.com/GBH.official?fref=ts

What are the best and worst parts of being in a band?

Jock Blyth:
Best parts are traveling, meeting people, having your music appreciated, having a lot of fun on tour generally, the worst parts are missing your friends and loved ones at home, being constantly tired, never getting to see a lot of the city you're playing in, more pro's than con's though.

If you could play a show any place of your choice where would you play?

Jock Blyth:
That would probably have to be Japan A fascinating Country.

What do you think sets your band apart from other Punk bands?

Jock Blyth:
I think the fact that the three of us have stuck together through thick and thin for all this time is quite unique these days.
"...through thick and thin for all this time is quite unique these days."

What was the first tune(s) you learned?

Jock Blyth:
Smoke On The Water By Deep Purple.

Anything you feel venues or promoters can do to better the music scene?

Jock Blyth:
Generally look after bands (a lot do) and give them an ounce of respect.

What advice would you give to a new band starting out?

Jock Blyth:
Never give up, don't take things too seriously,and have fun!

Whats a side of you the public doesn't know?

Jock Blyth:
I'm a vegetarian/attempt to be vegan, love animals, cycling and listening to 70's rock a lot.

Who are your favorite musicians? Groups? Albums?

Jock Blyth:
Favorite Musicians-Brian James, Captain Sensible, Brian May, Jimmy Page, Ritchie Blackmore. Favorite Bands-The Damned, The Saints, Led Zeppelin, Early Queen, Bad Brains and Exploited. Favorite Albums-First Damned album,Do it Dog Style by Slaughter and The Dogs,Never Mind The Bollocks by The Sex Pistols and The Clash by The Clash.

Any shout-outs or thanks you would like to give?

Jock Blyth:
Everyone who comes to see us year in year out, the other GBH guys, everyone that works with us on our travels,a big salute to you all.

Where can readers find you and your music?

Jock Blyth:
You can usually find me on tour or at a gig, on facebook, GBH (OFFICIAL)for gig, recording info and @gbhuk on twitter. https://www.facebook.com/GBH.official?fref=ts https://twitter.com/gbhuk

Thanks for being a part of Let's Talk Punk.

Jock Blyth:
Thanks for inviting me to do this, I don't do a lot of interviews.