August 2019


Jibber Jabber
From Nashville, Tennessee
Interview By: Ginger Coyote

I recently came upon a fun punk band  that were tight and lots of fun... We starting emailing and I decided to interview them for the 42nd Anniversary issue of Punk Globe... 

Punk Globe: Thanks, for the interview can you give the readers a background on Jibber Jabber?

ELIOTT: We’re roughly about a year old, but there’s a lot of history and baggage that comes with all the members. Haha! Toby and Marc have been playing music together since high school, so that’s a plus whether they like to admit it or not. I feel like it takes a long time to really connect with other writers in a band, and those two manage to finish each other’s sentences like a happy married couple. Smoots, from what I understand, is a closeted nerd. I asked him the other day if he would be up for trying to learn NOFX’s The Decline for a possible show with a cover band, and he already knew it. We all know each other through mutual friends, and past projects, but the reason why this band was put together is entirely a different story too long to tell. But the gist of it is that Toby was going to move back to Michigan unless he and I started a project together, and that was a good enough reason for me. So, we need people to listen, purchase, and attend shows to motivate Toby not to leave.

Punk Globe: Who is in the band and what do they play?

Jason Smoots – Bass

Marc Gould – Drums

Toby Toll – Vocals, Guitar

Eliott Virula – Vocals, Guitar

Punk Globe: Who are some of your inspirations?

TOBY: One Man Army, Bouncing Souls, Face To Face, Megadeath, Propagandhi, Avail, None More Black, Rancid, Social Distortion.

ELIOTT:   I’d like to add that these are our favorite bands that we all love dearly. We’re not aiming to imitate their sound, but rather we look up to them and their ability to bring something unique to a genre!

Punk Globe: At what age did you realize that you were going to be a musician?

TOBY: I was probably about 12 to 13 years old when I went over to my friend’s house and his Dad used to work for Gibson in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He had guitars all over the house, and my friend kind of knew how to play. I knew nothing, but he taught me a few chords and we started jamming. I was hooked.

ELIOTT: I got into guitar when I was 15 years old. After 20 years of trial and error, I’m still here. I look back and wish I had made different decisions with my musical endeavor. But one thing’s for sure, despite quitting for a few years, music is one of few things I got right in life- and it didn’t come easy. I made a conscious decision that I was going to take this seriously, and that was about 5 years ago. It’s been great ever since.

Punk Globe: Tell the readers about your upcoming release and why they should buy it?

TOBY: Well, there are lots of different directions that this collection of songs pulls you. Some being faster or just straight punk rock. Some a little more melodic and fun to sing along to, and even a little bit of metal in there. All in all it was fun to make. We’re very happy with the turn out and can only hope you like it as much as we do.

Punk Globe: Where did you record it and is it self produced or did you have a producer?

ELIOTT: I own and run a recording studio in Nashville, Tennessee. It’s called Shed Recordings. That is my full time job, aside from other hustles I do. Smoots, Marc, and Toby are well versed in the studio. Everyone had a clear idea of what sound we were going for. We aimed for a punchy, fast moving album, and that’s what we got…I think. So, the album was produced by everyone. Mixed by yours truly.

Punk Globe: How many tracks and who is the writers in the band?

TOBY: There are 11 songs on the record which Eliott and myself wrote.

Punk Globe: Do you have any other releases out?


TOBY: There is! You can look up our single “The Drunks of Summer” on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, & all that.

Punk Globe: Are you planning a record release party?

ELIOTT: I think so. When we released our single, we threw a party at my studio. We grilled some food and asked our pals The Rip Taylors to play. People brought their kids, and everyone had a good time.  We made a music video out of that. You can find it on our YouTube channel. The process for our Vinyl records is coming along smoothly, so I think we want to throw down again. Right now it’s set to happen in September. We’ll announce soon for those of you in or around Nashville that would like to attend.

Punk Globe: Has Jibber Jabber toured?

TOBY: Not yet. We’re still a pretty new band and just stepping into venues. Our first out of Nashville run will be September 27th Knoxville, 28th Atlanta, and 29th Louisville with our other buds The Deadly Dares.

ELIOTT: We just found out today that were playing Muddy Roots this year with a bunch of amazing bands. I was literally jumping in place. Thank you Ryan Sweeney, and Jason Galaz. Hopefully, it’s announced by the time this is up. (July 15th)

Punk Globe: Do you have any videos out?

Further – Directed by Alan Figs

The Drunks of Summer - Directed by James Falcon

Reign of Fools – Directed by Toby Toll

Get Off Your High Horse – Directed by Drunk Toby

You can find them all on YouTube. Find us through our name and title. Watch & subscribe. Once we get enough subscribers, we can make a custom URL. But for now, happy hunting. May the best video win!

Punk Globe : What does the band have on the plate for the rest of 2019?

TOBY: Pretty much just trying to play as many shows and sell as many records as possible. We’re also planning on putting out an EP at some point, but that is still in the planning process of things. It will probably be out at the beginning of next year.

ELIOTT: Everything that Toby said, but I will also add that things are looking pretty good for us. Our friends and natives have responded well to the album. Our few shows have been great, and booking out of town has come with only a few bumps. New projects are always tough. Especially in Nashville, I feel. There aren’t a lot of punk bands here, and very few actually get out. We plan on touring, and hosting touring bands. To me that’s a great honor to be a part of. So, I guess my plans for myself and this band are to build relationships, grow with the punk rock community, and actually contribute to it rather than just taking.

Punk Globe: Any internet addresses you would like to share with the readers?

ELIOTT:  Pre-Order our record now! Comes with a cd, sticker, pin, and a patch. Shipping starts September 2nd!


Studios, and label:

Friends we’ve played shows with so far:

Punk Globe: Describe yourself in three words?

TOBY: Terrific. Radiant. Humble…..Some Pig.

Punk Globe: Punk Globe is turning 42 years old this month. Any congratulatory message?

ELIOTT: So, you’re 42? Seriously, congratulations on all the hard work and not selling out. Just being in a band and getting emails almost every day about booking shows is a stress in my life that never seems to get easier. I can’t begin to understand what it takes to run Punk Globe. But now 42 years have come and gone…well that’s quite the accomplishment!

Punk Globe: Any last words for the readers?

Thank you for your time. You’re the reason why Punk Globe is still here. Keep supporting bands. Love you and stay true!!!

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