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Move over Todd Rundgren and Hall & Oates. Philadelphia has a new sound, that being GASH... Punk Globe Web Mistress the fabulous Sharla Cartner turned me on to the band and I was impressed... I contacted them and we did the following interview.. I hope you all enjoy.
Tibbie X: GASH are a Satanic S/M Sleaze Punk Band from South Philadelphia and we have been together for a 2 years now. Our mission is to bridge the gap between stage/audience performer/viewer and to universally unite under the powers of sexual rock-n-roll.
Punk Globe: How did you come up with the name Gash for the bands name?
Tibbie X: Hit Cunningham had the idea to incorporate pussy into our band-name since it is something we all have a common interest in.
Gash: Tibbie X- Femme Vocals, submissive offering
Hit Cunningham- Guitar , Astral Accuser
A.J. Delinquent- Guitar, The Wild Card
Travis Travesty- Bass, multidimensional psychedelic furry
Atom Riot, Drums, Instigator, Agitator, Fun Maker
Punk Globe: I was reading a bit about the band and I noticed you were into S&M? Tell us about what goes on during your shows?
Tibbie X: Our songs are thematically arranged to build and climax and then chill out, purposefully visage of LaVeyan Satanism. I recently began submissive acts of offering myself to our audience. I have always been inclusive mentally and physically as a singer but now there is an S/M twist added. Since this is new I am experimenting with levels of trust so I have been cuffed, laid down on the floor eyes closed in the middle of a mosh pit, whatever comes naturally to me that feels vulnerable. I am not interested in being raunchy, exploited or porn-like. My goal is to develop a deep connection where myself, the band and audience are linked together.
Punk Globe: Tibbie X, you look a bit like the late great Wendy Williams.. Are The Plasmatics a major influence for Gash?
Tibbie X: Wow, this is the second time I have been compared to Wendy O'Willams that is an honor. I am just me and not consciously influenced by anyone (although I love Wendy O and its a huge compliment thank you). A few years ago Richie Stotts and somebody else called me and said Plasmatics were doing a reunion and they asked me to sing. I thought it was a terrible idea but also if I didn't do it someone else would. I really agonized over what the right decision was. Luckily they never got it together. They didn't contact me again until almost 2 years later, I was 9 months pregnant and there was a huge snowstorm in New York. They were playing some songs at a local bar down the block and wanted to know if I could make it out to sing some Plasmatics tunes. It was just really bad timing and I never heard from them again,
Tibbie X: I'm actively physically and mentally turning myself over to a room full of "strangers" while performing satanic ritual punk rock songs about summoning dead lovers, sexual freedom, heightened sensation through sensory deprivation, Keylontic Morphogenetic Science, voodoo spirits, and a million other things I live for. Its all for the purpose of creating a unified field of sexual energy. It passes through the band, the music and myself as the central point into the room and the response circulates back from the audience through us. I consider it mutual ascension from common reality, a higher lovelust experienced together.
Punk Globe: Being a singer in a band that combines punk with S&M... I much more prefer taking the role of a dominatrix rather than a slave.. I feel it is more empowering for women. Do you have any thoughts about that?
Tibbie X: I think it is empowering for women to openly be whoever they are without the fear of being attacked, wrongfully judged or hurt against their will for their beliefs, fetish's, identity or lifestyle. It is empowering for me to be myself in public in a country defined by a very narrow commercial image, conservative religion and male dominance. The stereotype of Domination as the only empowering role stems from male political competitive capitalism, the fight to be "on top" means "winner" on our consciousness. The all mighty "god" in charge of his dominions. Having the courage to let go of control and be a part of something unknown and being outspoken about getting off on that, I feel is incredibly feminist. I never consider myself a slave I identify as submissive which plays out in many different ways. I am also generally not a masochist . I am an individual and I share my personal fetish's for the purpose of fighting censorship, shaming, stupidity, discrimination and the general up-tightness in our world....and for fun.
Tibbie X: No. In the early 90's I was supporting myself in NYC with zero family help or help from anyone. I lived on the lower east side and my life was dominated by survival so I was working many jobs, hustling where I could, trying to find non-psychotic cheap living situations and run my old band X-Possibles. I did not have a computer until the early 2000's no telephone no cellphone. When I needed to talk to people I either went to CBGB' or the 24 hour record store Accidental where I worked and I would hear about so-an so was looking for you and I would leave them a note for the next time they visited the store. Unless I caught a band in NYC at any of the various squats/punk clubs, picked up a new 7inch, or they were written about in a zine I didn't hear about them. I was so cut off from society I was reported to missing persons and had to fight to get my social security number back. Point being, I will google them now that things are 100% improved.
Punk Globe: Does the band have any releases out?
Hit Cunningham: We have our 4 song E.P. titled "Subspace" available for free download at Revernation/GASHOFFICIAL. By the ned of this year our full length album titled "ASTRAL LIBERATION" will be completed and available.
Punk Globe: Has the band toured ?
Hit Cunningham: So far we have been playing locally in Philadelphia and New Jersey and many shows in NYC. We definitely are looking forward to touring soon.
Punk Globe: Tell us about some of your favorite venues to play?
Tibbie X: House Parties, Large clubs, Small bars, basement shows, I love performing anywhere and taking over the space as our home for the limited amount of time we get to create a total environment. I do miss CBGBS and a few clubs from the old NYC but I an open and psyched for new experiences.
Hit Cunningham: There were a lot of awesome bands we played with but my favorites are definitely Danse dEsade, Sparklefight and Reagan youth.
Travis Travesty: Danse dEsade from NYC and South Philly's Glory Dole
A.J. Delinquent: I like to play with a local philly band called Sparklefight and a band from New York Danse dEsade. They both put on a sick show.
Atom Riot: I really enjoy playing with Sparklefight, as they bring both the energy and the raunchiness that I enjoy at concerts. They were a perfect headliner this past August for the Sexstravaganza at Connie's Ric Rac. A wet t-shirt competition paired with the most vulgar and sensual lyrics makes a great night and a great time.
Tibbie X: Danse deSade for sure! Hail Action are another Satanic Rock an Roll band, and I cant wait to play with Severed a doom thrash band fronted by BriEzelbub of South Philly she's a werewolf and I love her. The band "Fight Fuck or Dance" booked us with them and the Vibrators I cant wait for that!
Hit Cunningham: We played a CD release show for Sparklefight's new album. There was a lot of booze and nudity and from what I can remember.
A.J. Delinquent: The best show we played so far was with Sparklefight. Backstage I was setting up my guitar while burlesque dancers were changing about 1 foot in-front of me.
Travis Travesty: I really enjoyed playing The Delancy in NYC. Good bands, good vibes, just a crazy scene in general. photos of us dancing wildly beneath a real goat head somewhat capture the evening.
Atom Riot: Every show is the best show. I want to constantly improve, enjoy myself and never look back on the past nostalgically. Today is everything.
Tibbie X: Our shows at Gotham Grindhouse in NYC are always a wild time, the show with Sparklefight everyone speaks of, I recruited one of the burlesque dancers Stephanie Anders to perform with us. She will be interactive with me as mainly my Dom, we have a lot planned. She has a great intelligence and creativity I adore (and a smoking bod) I think she fits our kinda chaos perfectly.
Punk Globe: I understand that Tibbie X also plays bass with Reagan Youth? How long have they been back together for?
Tibbie X: Reagan Youth have been back together for number of years but our line-up wasn't solid until somewhat recently, a little over a year now. Its a huge relief and we get to travel in peace love an anarchy all over the world. I'm eternally grateful to Paul Cripple for giving me the opportunity to play my favorite punk songs and for helping me pick out my fender mustang bass which I love so much.
Tibbie X: https://www.facebook.com/GASHOFFICIAL this has all our show and general band information
http://gashuniverse.tumblr.com/ this is my personal Tumblr where I'm documenting 666 acts of public submission at our shows both with photographs and writing
Punk Globe: Describe yourself in three words?
Tibbie X: Brutally Sexually Honest
Travis Travesty: \: \: Loyal, Cute, Essential
Atom Riot: Puzzling, amicable, indeliquescent.
A.J. Delinquent: Animated, Dopey, Shmokin'
Hit Cunningham: \: Obscure, Explorer. Macabre.
Punk Globe: Any last words for Punk Globe readers?
Hit Cunningham: Thanks for checking us out!, head over to GASHOFFICIAL.COM for all of our content.
Travis Travesty: If you haven't seen GASH live yet, you need to. Things get rowdy.
Tibbie X: GASH are an all inclusive band, join us and let's GASH the Universe. Freedom, Love and Hail Satan!
A.J. Delinquent: I'm trying to seal the deal with this girl at a bar right now.
Atom Riot: Music is the closet thing that exists to a higher power; keep it close by.
Tibbie X: I'm influenced by the time I was blindfolded, and headphones were put on me with blasting static as the soundtrack. I was cuffed with my hands behind my back on my knees, my legs separated with a spacer and my ankles chained to the bed, teased for hours. I'm influenced by the time, long after my dom had died that I had full recall of a session with him and was able to physically reenact the entire scene from memory as if it were happening in the present. I like tribal drum beats and heavy guitar riffs with surfy minor chords over it and melodic bass lines. The musicians in my band inspire me endlessly.
Hit Cunningham: We all have different influences. It seriously ranges from the Beatles to video game music.
Atom Riot: The drumming style of the National's Bryan Devendorf isn't very applicable to punk, but his simple perfection has improved me as a drummer.
Travis Travesty: Black Sabbath, Motörhead, Ghost, Iron Maiden, The Descendents, Night Birds, Zero Boys, and I'm sure there's more
A.J. Delinquent: Butt Cheeks and Boobs