Punk Globe: Hi thanks for taking the time to chat with us can you tell us how you got started in music?
Evil Elvis: Hey Punk Globe, I started in a High school punk cover band, I guess like everyone else does. Then played in various other bands, playing bars, getting my singing chops together I guess before starting Evil Elvis in 2000.
Punk Globe: What are your future plans for your music career?
Evil Elvis: Awesome Question, I'd say at this point in our career we just wanna keep doin what we are doing, just trying to visit more countries in this punk world
Punk Globe: How many shows Do you play a month any tours?
Evil Elvis: We try to play as much as possible, but locally here in Toronto it's not a good idea to over flood your market. But we live in a Great area, there's Montréal, five hours away and Ottawa, Canada's capital about 5 also. And of course New York state is right next door, the American border is about an hour drive. Right now we are working on our 1st Germany Tour.
Punk Globe: Tell us about the making of your music?
Evil Elvis: Another Great question, the Last album was probably the most fun to make. Most of the time on the recordings before, Marz, E.E.'s guitar player would bring me Guitar riffs he liked, then I'd listen to them, usually only about a minute long, so I get a verse riff, bridge and chorus. Then I go threw Old lyrics in my book and I often already have a melody for those words, then I try to see if Any are a fit. If I don't have anything already written I simply listen to how that riff makes me feel. On this album I wrote with some other songwriters in other bands, I think it shows in the song's. Ironically my Favorite was written by our Bass player Doghouse Jeff, it's called "My Evil" and that's currently my Fav to sing.
Punk Globe: How do you handle mistakes during a performance?
Evil Elvis: MuaHaHaHaHa We don't make them! Seriously I have one of Thee Greatest bands in the world, mistakes on stage are rare and small. Three song's we perform in a Open Jam style, including our opening song, "WHO DO YOU LOVE" by Bo Diddly, we've never played it the same twice. So you can't make mistakes when the is no real Architecture to the song, just follow the Crazy singer.
Punk Globe: Describe your local music scene?
Evil Elvis: Toronto is the 4th largest city in North America, needless to say there are A lot of bands, not so many "Punk-a-Billy/Psycho-Billy" bands which I guess works well for us, there's really just Us, the Creepshow and a band called Spike. But lots of Great Punk and Hardcore bands to play with. Also A Lot of Great Rock-a-billy bands too.
Punk Globe: Tell us about some of your favorite unsigned artists.
Evil Elvis: My favorite unsigned bands are hands down "The AntiQueens" and "Ted Axe Band"! Go check em out
Punk Globe: If you could play a show any place of your choice near or far where would it be and who would open for you?
Evil Elvis: That would be My favorite place I've played, "The Devilles Pad" in Perth Australia. We've done 3 shows there, Perth fuckers are crazy. The bar holds about 500 and I'd Love my bass players band (Doghouse Rose) to back us up, they're Awesomeness.
Punk Globe: Were you influenced by old records & tapes? Which ones?
Evil Elvis: Most of my influence stuff was Long ago, original wave of Punk, because I'm Fuckin Ancient. (MuaHaHaHaHa) Stuff like Early Clash, Sex Pistols, Ramones and my childhood Favorite The Cramps. All those records came out new when I was a little kid.
Punk Globe: Do you get nervous before a performance or a competition? What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous?
Evil Elvis: I guess the better words would be "wound up" to get on than nervous. I think I only have been nervous going on stage twice, my very 1st show and the first time I performed to a Large crowd.
Punk Globe: What’s your strongest musical memory of your childhood?
Evil Elvis: Great Question, listening to Old Elvis Presley records when I was 4 or 5, that's my 1st memory regarding music
Punk Globe: Where can the readers find you and your music?
Evil Elvis: On our YouTube page or a few Free Downloads off the NEW record @ www.evilelvis.bandcamp.com you can buy our early stuff I think on line Interpunk.com but the New Album "Undead or Alive" only from our merch table right now
Punk Globe: Any shows or other info you want to tell the readers about?
Evil Elvis: Right now we're just trying to decide which song will be the Next video
Punk Globe: Thanks for the interview and all your support at Whatever68 you rock! and thanks to all the readers.
Evil Elvis: Thanks so much Punk Globe for your valuable time and your interest in Evil Elvis, you asked about advice to New bands and I'll finish with that one, you have to, HAVE TO, love music and feel a need to do this. There's not Alot of money in Touring on a Club level so you better love your job right? Practice and get tight so you can answer those pesky Questions about "mistakes on stage" the way I did early. Other than that write Great songs, do covers until you learn how to do that, because it doesn't matter what kind of music you play, it's always gonna be about Great songs.