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You read the headline correct... Duane Chaos Musician. Politician.... Duane, who plays with 22nd Century, Rampage and I, Braineater gives an exclusive interview for Punk Globe readers the detail of the reason he entered politics... I hope you enjoy my one on one interview with Duane Chaos...
Punk Globe: Thanks for the interview Duane. Tell us about running for office?
Duane Chaos: So just to fill readers in on the background of the question, I recently decided to enter a British Columbia Provincial election running against our current Premier Christy Clark in her home riding. The process is fairly complicated to explain but the election was for the right to be the Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) for Vancouver-Point Grey, an affluent neighborhood. I decided to run because there are a lot of issues that are going really sideways. We have a carbon tax in BC that on the surface sounds like it is reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. In reality, GHG emissions are projected to grow by 18% from 2012-2013 and the tax revenue collected is being largely funneled to corporations. Most of the green left wing think the tax is working yet the evidence shows otherwise. At the same time, my daughters are going to a school that has asbestos falling on the students and teachers. One might say they are not connected but they are. The BC provincial government implemented a carbon trading system that forces government institutions like the school board and hospitals to pay for carbon credits, meaning they have less money to remove the asbestos from my daughters schools. Even our own BC Auditor General came out stating the system was a “scam”. LINK: http://www.vancouversun.com/technology/Auditor+general+delivers+damning+report+controversial+carbon+trading/8160696/story.html No one else had the courage to speak out and I found myself called to do this. I will insert myself into that conversation to try and wake up those who think they are doing something to fight pollution yet might not be. I had the difficult job of trying to state that I did not support the Carbon Tax. When I state this it makes me sound like a carbon spewing, monster truck driving Neanderthal, which I am not. I would rather do something that actually reduces GHG emissions, not simply allow it to continue and tax people on it. Running for office itself was a very interesting process. I made many friends across party lines in the process, many of whom I keep in touch with. Some of the voters actually have very little idea about how the election process works and many eligible voters simply do not vote. If you come into this mix with ideas for change, it is easy to get dismayed and want to quit. I didn’t. I blogged every day about the experience of being a first time candidate for a local newspaper, the Vancouver Sun. Link- http://blogs.vancouversun.com/author/duanenickull/ Oh yeah, I got told I clean up pretty well but the hair always gives me away. Punk Globe: What made you decide to run for Vancouver- Point Grey?
Duane Chaos: Vancouver Point Grey is where I live and I am connected to that community. I shop there, I work there and my family lives there. It is also the Premier's riding. Many would state it foolish to challenge the most powerful political figure in BC to a street fight but the punk in me won't listen to voices of reason. There are two paths - anarchy/vigilantism or political process. I chose to participate in the political process to fight the system. Throughout the process I received wide respect from many seasoned political figures. There are many videos of the debates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiAHchTH43c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE5aDAib3iQ
Duane Chaos: Three reasons. The first is that the BC Conservative party is actually a centralist party. I ran alongside other musicians, business people, cultural leaders and environmentalists. The party policy advocates fairness, funding for essential services but most importantly, transparent and responsible government, concepts missing from BC in recent years. The second is that in order to be seen and heard at debates and the press, it is essential that I represent one of the main parties. While fair or not, independents do not get equal time with the press. The third reason is that the party has to whip system and I am free to vote and voice my opinions to the betterment of my constituents. That means I am one uncensored, attitude driven maverick with a license to do what needs to be done to shake things up.
Punk Globe: How did you place in the election Duane?
Duane Chaos: I placed 4th in my riding out of 8 candidates.
Punk Globe: How long did the campaign run for?
Duane Chaos: The official campaign period runs for the 28 days prior to the election. The writ is dropped and that allows signs to be placed up and a number of other things. Unfortunately, my political opponents are well funded and have thousands of supporters. They were effectively campaigning for months and even years before my candidacy was announced. The Premier’s party were using taxpayer dollars to fund partisan ads claiming their jobs action plan worked when in fact it did not.
During the process I got to see a lot of good and met great people such as many of the other MLA’s, but also got exposed to the way the system works which is a cause for alarm.
Punk Globe: Did you do any one on one debates?
Duane Chaos: Yes. I ended up doing more debates for my party than any other candidate. I did very well in the debates and got some very favorable press. Many people stated straight up that I said what they were thinking. I got a little cheeky at times in the debates but overall it was a very favorable and respectful experience. I believe the experiences of being a musician help a lot.
Punk Globe: How do you feel about the final decision of the election?
Duane Chaos: Shocked. While I never expected to win, I was very surprised to see the Liberals sweep the polls. The pollsters had a double digit lead for the New Democratic Party (NDP) just weeks prior to the election. I think a lot of people were choked by the results.
Punk Globe: You wrote a blog about the elections, where you were very frank with your opinions. Do you feel it hurt or helped you in the election?
Duane Chaos: I was completely transparent and spoke from a very personal place in those blog posts. It definitely helped. The Green party actually adopted part of my political platform around developing a clean and renewable energy industry here in BC and several important social and legislative changes we need for BC to thrive. There was a worry that my rock and roll past would lead to attacks. One Twitter pundit by the name of “Diamond” attacked me several times on twitter. I think she totally failed to understand that I was speaking for the common voice of BC and she mocked me for being in rock videos, specifically “Teenage Underwear Model” by 22nd Century. Note that 22nd Century used this song to help raise over $30,000 to build a school in Tanzania for children to be educated. It really pissed me off that someone would use my music and our collective generosity to help children as a way to attack me. Not professional? No one took Arnold the Terminator’s scripted words and tried to imply that was his real personality.
I never responded as I do not speak to people that resort to generalizing punk rockers as simpletons and miscreants. I will reprint what she said though and urge your readers to decide if the comments were appropriate or not. Just when you think that no one judges each other based on the genre of music they like you get a dose of reality that prejudice is alive and well in Canada. Punk Globe: It seemed like you had mixed feelings about Christy Clark. Tell us about that?
Duane Chaos: I’m not a fan of her politically. As the election wore on though I did feel sympathy for her. I publicly asked for the political trolls to be more respectful when making statements about her. She has a son named Hamish and I would hate for him to read some of the comments left on the internet about his mom. I mean it is his mom for Christ’s sake.
Punk Globe: Now on to the band news. Tell us what is new with 22nd Century?
Duane Chaos: We're regrouping after Zippy Pinhead had a medical issue. We had to take a break to ensure his health returned. Our next gig is scheduled for Aug 14 at a large festival in Vancouver.
Duane Chaos: We’ve been working with Randy Rampage and have played some awesome shows, but not as 22nd Century. Tim (bass for 22nd Century) and our drummer Zippy Pinhead backed up Randy Rampage for a show with DOA at the Rickshaw Theater on Jan 18 or this year. That show sold out completely in a large venue. For the encores Randy and I joined Joe on stage for some fun. We released a very limited edition CD of some live tracks from that show (Only 36 +1 were made and are all signed by the band).
Punk Globe: I know that you keep busy writing new material for the band. Have you been into the recording studio lately?
Duane Chaos: Personally I have written over 15 new songs. Many of them that were destined for 22nd Century are now being introduced to the Randy Rampage band. It is highly likely we will spend time in the studio with Rampage before 22nd Century but at this time it is up in the air.
Punk Globe: Do you use one particular studio or are you open to new recording studio's?
Duane Chaos: Yes. We have been partial to Mushroom Sound. It is a studio that has been a Vancouver landmark for years. Heart recorded there back in the 1970’s and to this day, many people still consider it one of the most acoustically perfect rooms in the world.
Punk Globe: Are there any tour plans in the future?
Duane Chaos: We have some mini tour dates lined up. We will go to Vancouver Island and hit several towns sometime in late spring. There are also invites to go back to the USA including both the West and East coasts and the Canadian interior as well. I am not sure the status of our postponed European tour as Zippy’s medical condition put those plans on hold.
Punk Globe: I know for a fact that the band made a big splash in the Bay Area. Any plans for any shows there?
Duane Chaos: It’s been over a year since we last played there so yes, we hope to get back down. Would love to hit LA again too. The Los Angeles audience really gave us a warm welcome.
Punk Globe: You, Tim and Zippy also play in Rampage. How are things going with Rampage?
Duane Chaos: Really well. Both Zippy and I have played in bands with Randy before so the familiarity is there. I played with Randy in I, Braineater and Stress Factor 9 so we speak the same language musically. Since Tim, Zippy and I have played in 22nd Century for 5 years, we are also in tune with each other musically.
Punk Globe: Besides you, Zippy, and Tim along with Randy. Is anyone else playing in Rampage?
Duane Chaos: Yes. Jan (aka the Great Baldini) joined the band while Zippy was recovering. He is a great drummer and has years of experience with DOA. His drumming also expanded our capabilities as he has double bass drum.
Punk Globe: Has there been any tours or kick ass shows that you would like to tell us about?
Duane Chaos: Playing with DOA was the highlight of 2013 so far.
Punk Globe: What is in store for 22nd Century in the future?
Duane Chaos: We’re not sure. Right now there is a lot of momentum with Rampage so we’re sort of moving forward at light speed. 22nd Century is more or less secondary to Rampage at this time. Our goal is to release a new CD of all new material with Randy then hit the road including Japan, Europe, South America and the US. We’ll likely evaluate after that. 22nd Century does have a show booked as headliner at a Summer Festival in BC in August so we will be looking forward to that.
Punk Globe: Is there any Internet addresses you would like to give the readers for Rampage?
Duane Chaos: That would be the Randy Rampage official home page at http://www.randyrampage.com/ and also if Punk globe readers feel like giving us some love they can hit us up athttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Randy-Rampage/109158452435778?nr . Punk Globe: I understand that Rampage played an awesome show recently at The Wise Hall and Lounge. Tell us about that?
Duane Chaos: That show was fun. It was my first time playing with the Great Baldini on drums and we were really in synch. A lot of other notable musicians were in the crowd to hear Broken Hands and Shockload too. Even SNFU’s Jon Card came to check it out.
Punk Globe: How is Susanne Tabata doing with her film "Bloody But Unbowed" ? It is so bloody good.
Duane Chaos: Bloodied but Unbowed is unbelievably good. Susanne has done the entire west coast scene a huge favor by preserving the pivotal moments of early punk in that film. I cannot tell you how well it is doing but encourage anyone who has not seen it yet to check it out.
Punk Globe: You are one busy guy besides 22nd Century and Rampage you also play in I, Braineater. Tell us about that??
Duane Chaos: I, Braineater seems to be going through yet another transition. The first time I played with the band was with Randy Rampage on bass, myself on Guitar, Jon Card on drums and Jim himself singing. We’ve stepped back a bit to re-evaluate. I am not sure I have the time to play in that many bands.
Punk Globe: Has I, Braineater been recording any new projects?
Duane Chaos: Yes, I went into the studio and laid down the guitar tracks to a dozen or so songs for Braineater. We are not sure when the release date is.
Punk Globe: Duane, you Rawk big time.. I always get emails about everything you do.. One question that I get is if you doing alright from your motorcycle accident? Would you like to let the readers know just how you are doing?
Duane Chaos: I’m still not completely healed. Still plenty pissed at the driver too. Pretty much a head on collision and he/she didn’t even bother to apologize. What the hell kind of person feels no remorse about something like that? I finally got back skateboarding a bit on my long board so that feels better but have huge back and neck pains still.
Punk Globe: If you could take a week off from everything. Where would you go and what would you do?
Duane Chaos: Right now I think the answer would have to be to go back to Southern France and chill by the Riviera. Maybe back to Barcelona too? I’d love to unplug and just be me for a while. I’m a very real person but sometimes I get overwhelmed. When that happens I find it good to step back and check in with myself to make sure what I am doing and saying is still real and not me projecting something I want onto others. One thing is for sure, I’d bring my Flying V with me on that trip to write some more.
Punk Globe: Any last words for Punk Globe readers?
Duane Chaos: For sure! I found something out about myself by running in a political race. I found out that I had more courage than I thought I did and want to thank Joe Shithead (Keithley) for inspiring me to take that step. I’d love to encourage everyone to do something this year to go bigger than you think you can go and take a step that is unreasonable like I did. It made me a better person. Last – a wicked thank you to Punk Globe for being the longest continually published punk mag in the world and the best center of gravity for the masses. Thank you!! Keep power chording through life.