DTES Healthcare Joke
I see so many faces...trapped beneath....the shattered glass of lies....
confusion...society in need of a mass tranfusion....the rich robbing the
sacred poor...till there is nowhere else to sleep...except upon the
pavement floor.....
i see them through my eyes....clearly....of what i used to be....not
better than them.....have i become but a step in
time....different....Jaded.....against so many things....society....our
system...educational brainwashing....or healthcare LIMITED TO THE ONES
Why is it that so many of my friends would rather let their legs rot off
their body.....I'll go with you ....make sure you are treated
right....and he was...but only because i go with him.......FUCK YOU!
Healthcare for everyone....you say....only if you look and act the right
fucking way......
I witnessed that nite more of our
downtown...eastside....community...junkies....mentally chaotic....and
disorderly....who were escorted out of the hospital emergency....along
with their obvious wounds....promptly by overzealous security....
He probably won't make it till morning....was stabbed in the side of his
head....i still see blood pouring out of his covered wound.....but
leaving is preferrable.....than to talk to the cops....if I do....I'll
die anyway....at least this way I have a chance.....
A boy next to me pukes in the sink after puking on the floor.....huge
gash in the side of his head....would they have treated him differently
dead.....I bet they wish he was....then they wouldn't have to clean up
his putridly souring stench in the cold, stainless sink.....
One of them yelled FUCKING CLEAN UP YOUR MESS! Do I come to your house
and wretch all over your stuff? At least you have a home to go to....
and I'm sure that any one of your friends....never get drunk and if they
do...they must always puke where they are supposed to....
compassionate.....what the fuck are you doing in healthcare...idiot....
Eastside, Westside...warzone....safezone....
One of the Know came out to play last nite.....now he is free of his
mental cage......dead....you don't care....you don't know his
name....nor do I....but he is free.... to go wherever he might roam.....