DJ Lebowitz
by Carl Macki

Not a disc jockey, DJ Lebowitz says he's "THE ROCKINEST PIANO PLAYER IN THE WORLD," and  "plays more rock music than any other solo piano player"--punk, new wave, alterna-rock, oldies, Dr. Demento obscurantic slimy essences --you name it, he's probably played it.

DJ's moved into supper clubs now, but where he really shined was on Turk Street in SF, in a little punk (or punk little) club called the Sound of Music.

It was owned by a harmless visionary named Celso Ruperto -- of late, who had a goodhearted spirit about him, just like Dirk Dirksen, who, by the way, told DJ one day: " Just remember, Lebowitz: You are but one of so many cattle." - Dirk Dirksen, the Pope of Punk (R.I.P.)

DJ will be singing, I mean screaming, with or without you at 6:47pm -- hmm, . .. must be into astrology -- Sun. March 18, 2007 at the Riptide in San Francisco.

He promises, "It will be like the shows he used to do at the infamous Sound of Music Club in San Francisco's Tenderloin district." The Riptide is at 3639 Taraval St. between 46th & 47th Av. If you're nearby, be there or beware, or you just might eat him, being cattle and all.
