Hello Ladies and thanks for the interview can you give us
a little history on Bad Ass?
Bad Ass:
The band started in 2010, myself (Helen) and Mikie had been
in previous bands together and were being encouraged to start another
one by 'Joe the Cub' the original guitarist who is still with us
today, joined by Becca on the bass and Cesar on the drums we started
playing under a different name, the name Bad Ass started as a joke, I
suppose it still is a joke as we are far from a 'tough guy' band. The
line up changed over the years for random reasons as distance and life
in general made it hard for some members to keep going with the band
and so eventually we ended up with the crew we have now, Mikie still
on the mic, myself, Joe the cub on guitar, Tony Bologna on guitar,
Bess Grotesque on bass and Jerm King on drums. We've done some
recording and put out one cd and two 7", hoping to do some more
recording in the future and possibly get our hands on another tour
soon, get the Ass outta California again.
How long have you 2 been friends? how did you meet?
Bad Ass:
We've been around each other for years as we've been in the
same scene and around the same friends/shows for ages however we never
really 'knew' each other until Bess jumped into the band. We needed
another bassist, female preferred as back up vocals had become so
important to the sound our band had developed. I (Helen) caught a show
at Bobs bang Shack where Liz was preforming with her other band BDSM
and I had thought 'we found her!' Mikie approached Cory from BDSM
before asking Bess about possibly joining our band to make sure we
werent 'stepping on any toes' or moving in on claimed territory
What is the best and worst things about being in a band?
Bad Ass Helen:
Best thing is the feeling of jumping around that stage
to a crowd of dancing punks! I love to see the fun we have while
preforming spread and I love, love, love being able to share the stage
with some of my favorite bands, bands I've been listening to since I
was a little teenager! And hey- it can be a great work out too hehehe.
One of the worst things but necessary things is the time that it does
take to practice, to put those hours in even when we don't really feel
like it to keep pushing the music further. sometimes there are
disagreements and we have to work through them, we have six different
people in this band, that's six different opinions and six different
schedules, yeah you can kinda see how things get sticky once in a
while ??
What struggles have you had as a band and how have you
over come them?
Bad Ass:
Most of our struggles come from different views on the bands
future- whether it be about booking shows, recording, going on tour or
even as simple as writing a song. like a marriage, communication and
compromise have brought us this far.

What inspires you?
Bad Ass-Bess:
Well sappy as it is, (oh god I'm that person now) my
daughter Exene inspires me. I want her to see that you can do
anything you put your mind to. I didn't play any instrument until
about 3 odd years ago when Cory of BDSM hit me up to play bass, I had
no clue what I was doing but I wanted it and I kept with it.
Bad Ass-Helen:
When I see average people strive to accomplish
something and succeed- whether it be a band coming out of nowhere and
making music to blow people away or someone picking up a pen and
becoming the next author, a paintbrush an becoming the next Van Gogh,
a skillet and create amazing food- people who dont give up but keep
pressing forward, I love this, it inspires me to keep at what I love,
something I hope Treble will pick up.

You both had your babies(both adorable) around the same
time has this affected the band in any way?
Bad Ass Bess:
We do have to bribe sitters, finagle schedules, and
sometimes reschedule practice due to fussy babies or sitters not
working out. Pumping at shows is a new added adventure ha ha, you
should see the looks I get when I break out my cover and use my hand
pump while sitting at the bar listening to the other bands.
Bad Ass Helen:
Absolutely, like Bess said we do have to 'arrange'
things now as far as childcare while we play gigs, the pumping at
shows is a kicker. Having the little Bad Asses around the same time
was completely unplanned, neither of us knew the other was pregnant,
that in itself is a whole different story- we already had to take a
bit of time off just before and after they were born. But as much as
our babies have made life in a band a bit more complicated, it has
also put a new bounce in my step. Its empowering to be a mom and also
able to jump on stage and sing my heart out, raising a son who will be
well immersed in music (and not just punk rock but all genres) I want
him to grow up not just hearing music, but seeing it and feeling it,
and recognizing his parents up there spreading it!

What is your opinion of the CA music scene?
Bad Ass Bess:
I love it, I think it's great... but then again, I've
only been exposed to the California scene.
Bad Ass Helen:
California music scene is booming right now, loads of
new bands coming around and old ones getting recognition, sometimes
there are so many shows going on at the same time its difficult to
choose which one to go to (which can be good and bad)
What do you feel if anything can be done to make the CA
scene better?
Bad Ass Helen:
Support each other rather than drag one another down.
theirs a lot of finger pointing and judgment in the air, gonna bust
out some lysol soon.
Bad Ass Bess:
Drop the meth people, stop the drama, and start
supporting each other more.

What are some of your goals for next year?
Bad Ass Helen:
Would love to get the band out of California, another
tour perhaps, but organizing the kiddos has to go hand in hand with
organizing the shows hahaha. Hoping to get some more recording down so
we can come out with a full 12" record.
Bad Ass-Bess:
Goals huh mine right now are just live each day the best I can.
Will you be or have you started teaching the Babies to
play any instruments ?
Bad Ass Helen:
Treble's beaten around a bit on the keyboard but aside
from the little baby toys that make music that's about it. I would
love for him to try his hand at an instrument, maybe piano lessons at
the get go, and it would be great if he could pick something up, but
who knows. He may not be into it. He may want to try something else- I
quit piano lessons when I was young because all I wanted to do was
draw. Tried the flute, but again, just wanted to draw. Thank God Im a
natural at the kazoo or Id be useless with instruments! hehe
Bad Ass Bess:
I used to teach 3-5 year olds the intro to music, so of
course I'm going to teach Exene her first play mat was a kick n play
with a piano attched to it, and we listen to music every day. I'll be
starting her with piano, once you know piano it seems you can
transition to most other instruments.

I know it's hard with kids and a band how do you do it?
Bad Ass Helen:
There is no other real option but to just 'do it'.
Obviously the kids take priority in our lives, but to be in a band it
also requires time and dedication. I dont know if it will get easier
later on, or harder, but what I know for myself is that yes I am mom,
but I am also so much more. The band is a huge part of me and what I
love, music. Alongside my husband and my tattooing I have to balance
things lest I lose those things. They played an important role before
my son was born, and will continue to play a role now that he is here.
Bad Ass Bess:
It's definitely a tightrope balancing act.
How can the readers find your music?
Bad Ass:
Online on Youtube, sometimes the search can get tricky. You
might need to search Bad Ass punk rock or 'bad ass southern california
punk rock'. Or you can go online or into Dr Strange record shop and
get cd's, patches, shirts, ect.
You can also contact Helen directly through FB under Helen Farber if
it needs to be mailed out. Best bet- come to one of our shows- we
always have merch!
Any shout outs you would like to give?
Bad Ass Helen:
Shout out to Vic from Assault and Battery and also to
John Trench at Trench studios- the two reasons we have music out on cd
and 7" to share, to Jeff Magro who helped us put out our most recent
record, to all the promoters who have gotten us gigs over the years
and most of all to the fans that come out and support us! Thank you!
We could play for an empty room but it just wouldn't be the same. My
kazoo would echo and it would be awkward...
Bad Ass Bess:
Yea, shout out to all the local bands/ musicians that
are pushing and continuing their passions, and keeping music in the
Thanks for the interview and your continued support to me
and Whatever68 Radio..You both ROCK!
Bad Ass Helen:
Anytime! Thanks for asking us to interview!
Bad Ass Bess:
Thank you for rocking the local bands and getting all
this rad music out to more than just the locals!