Often overlooked more as the film debut of Brooke Shields than the superb low budget thriller it is, Alice, Sweet Alice gets a fantastic Blu-ray release from Arrow. Originally titled Communion and with that title on the print used here, if you have not seen this little gem either on video or in revival houses then you are in for a treat. Made in 1976, it was retitled Alice, Sweet Alice and then after Shields made Pretty Baby it was again retitled Holy Terror.
Alice and Karen are sisters and Alice is the strange one. Something happens to Karen and all things point to Alice as the culprit. As the story unfolds we are introduced to plenty of characters exhibiting odd behavior. While the divorced parents and the priest represent normality, the aunt, Alice and the unforgettable Mister Alphonso the landlord are like characters from a John Waters film.
Arrow has done a fantastic job with this Blu-ray and shows it the respect it deserves. Betraying its low-budget origins, the film has fantastic acting throughout, some great editing and an effective film score. The transfer to Blu-ray looks and sounds great. Extras include a fascinating interview with director Alfred Sole, a Skype interview with actor Niles McMaster, a look at the New Jersey locations and the Holy Terror version among other goodies.