Punk Globe:Hi Girls thanks for chatting with us. Can you give us a little band history?
Soap Girls: hello thank you for having us, we are The SoapGirls , Mille and Mie, we were born in Paris France and grew up in Cape Town South Africa, from when we were kids we started street performing to sell handmade soap , to raise funds for children's homes , public hospitals and homeless people and animals. From early in our lives we knew we wanted to make a difference and do music , music has helped us spread our message of freedom , we started recording professionally from ages 12 and 13 and by the time we were 14 and 15 signed to Universal Music, but it turned out to not be what we'd thought it would be , we had zero creative control which was extremely frustrating , we eventually got out of our contract and have been independent ever since, touring the world and making music that we believe in.
Punk Globe: How many songs/albums have you released and which are your favs and why?
Soap Girls: Independently so far we have released 4 albums, but altogether 5 have been released including an earlier album from when we were signed , there are 2 albums that were recorded but never released with the label. Choosing a favourite album is impossible as it changes all the time , but right now we are both really proud of and loving our latest album In My Skin, at the moment my favourite song off the album is the title track In My skin, it's the rawness and heartfulness that i love (Mille) . My favourite song of this album right now would be Kill Breed, even performing it live the message of the song is so powerful and the fact that my sister Mille can go between singing sweetly to insane heavy growls and screams is amazing !(Mie)
Punk Globe: How many shows do you play a month?
Soap Girls: On average whilst on tour probably 24 shows a month, without including our livestream shows.
Punk Globe: Describe your family member's musical interests and abilities.
Soap Girls: Our mom is a super talented pianist , harmonica player and she sings as well as being a great lyricist too , our brother Redd-Valentino raps , is a lyricist and plays drums , our grandmother was a very talented singer and guitarist , and our great uncle was a very talented drummer.
Punk Globe: Do you get nervous before a performance?
Soap Girls: no never ,just pure happiness and excitement, it's the unknown of each crowd and venue that makes it thrilling.
Punk Globe: Where are some of your favourite venues?
Soap Girls: Definitely France , Germany , the UK , Austria and some parts in Italy like the Big Lebowski venue.
Punk Globe: Favourite tour foods?
Soap Girls: Mille ( fruit ,vegan sweets and cold mashed potato) Mie ( Waldorf salad coleslaw , vegan sweets and Berocca C )
Punk Globe: Describe the making of your music?
Soap Girls: when we write it's always together and usually music first, whether it's bass or guitar, on the album In my Skin the song Wasted's melody came weirdly enough while (Mie ) was vacuuming, she heard it in the vacuum cleaner , that's the first song we've written where it wasn't with instruments first , it also depends on what we're going through at the time and also world issues, we're very much about using our music as a vehicle to get people to pay attention to issues happening in the world.
Punk Globe: Who are some independent artists you like playing shows with?
Soap Girls: This is what we love about playing festivals , especially Camden Rocks festival , you get to play with so many bands many major bands as well as undiscovered gems .
Punk Globe: Describe your first instrument. Other instruments
Soap Girls: we both started playing on guitar , also tried harmonica , I (Mille ) moved onto bass , Mie plays some drums , bass and keyboards.
Punk Globe: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Soap Girls: jesus christ we'd rather not say , but it's a shocking amount!
Punk Globe: Were you influenced by old records & tapes? Which ones?
Soap Girls: unfortunately we've never owned a record player , but our taste in music was definitely influenced by amazing artists like Tina Turner, Tracy Chapman, Billy Idol, Fleetwood Mac, Alice In Chains, Nirvana and many more, maybe one day we will get to own a record player!
Punk Globe: If you could play a show anyplace with any bands(living) of your choice where and who would they be?
Soap Girls: Definitely Madison Square Garden with Alice Cooper , that would be a dream come true!
Punk Globe: What other hobbies besides music do you have?
Soap Girls: we both love painting , making clothes from recycled objects ,yoga , dancing and learning languages.
Punk Globe: If you could own 3 vacation homes where would they be?
Soap Girls: Cape Town, the South of France and Greece
Punk Globe: What or who inspires your music?
Soap Girls: life does, we've always been affected by issues of the world and believe we all have a voice and should use it for good, whether it's to educate or inspire others , it's very important for us as musicians to be able to express what we feel and see, even coming from a third world country it definitely gives us a different dimension to our music and as people , we see poverty , abuse , crime and corruption first hand where we are from , we will always address what we live and see in our music.
Punk Globe: Any shows/tours we should know about?
Soap Girls: yes , we are currently on a world tour , The Don't Give a Damn Tour 2022, we have a few more shows left in the UK before heading out to America and Japan, then return back to the UK for some final shows before heading back to South Africa, our tour started in April and ends in November , most of our tour dates are up on our website : www.thesoapgirls.com .
Punk Globe: Where can we find your music?
Soap Girls: On Spotify, Deezer, CD baby, Itunes, youtube, and on our merch page our albums are available to order.
Punk Globe: Any shout-outs?
Soap Girls: A massive shout out to Sam Debray our manager , videographer , driver , basically our everything , she is the heartbeat of The SoapGirls and without her it wouldn't be possible, also a big shoutout to our incredible fans The Soapsuds are the best fans on earth we have an ever growing global community who are integral to our message and music and we are so happy that they are so included in this journey with us we wouldn't be able to do this alone! Also last but not least Paul from Kick Down the Doors PR what a passionate and enthusiastic person who lives by his word and strong ethics.
Punk Globe: Thanks for chatting with us and thanks to all the readers!
Soap Girls: Thank you so much for the opportunity!