Punk Globe: Hi Mike thanks for chatting with us. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Mike: I'm Mikke I'm from Boston, MA. I've Played In the Punk Band Worm since we started in 2003 and run Wreckless Wreck Chords since I started it in 2012. I go to a lot of shows( pre-Covid) as well as book shows in and around the Boston New England area.

Punk Globe: Can you tell us about your band and label?
Mike: Worm Is A Punk Rock n Roll band Outta The South Shore( South Of Boston, MA). We Have Been actively playing since 2003, We played with some great Bands Some being Gang Green twice Michale Graves Of the Misfits, Tree, Slapshot, Jerry's Kids , Dogmatics, The Outlets, F.U.'s ect some Boston Greats. We Have toured The Country in 2015 and Have 4 Records/cds Out with our latest one being released this past January entitled "This Is A Game" thru my label Wreckless Wreck Chords. Check It Out. The Label I run is Wreckless Wreck Chords Which started in fall 2012 with The First Band I put out being BAd Movies which I Played Bass in. We have since put out a bunch of Worm cd Releases and last Year put out Witches Tears debut "Cry Of The Banshee". Witches Tears Is A Doom/Sludge metal band from the South Shore. We have worked with a few different artist helping them with their layout of the cd's Booking shows with bigger name bands Like Gang Green, Blanks 77, Dogmatics, Michale Graves(Ex- Misfits Singer) as well as helping bands on tour get a show or shows in the Boston and New England Area when coming thru as well as radio promo ect..
Punk Globe: Your band WORM has a new video can you tell us about the making of it?
Mike: We just shot a video for our latest single off The New Album "This Is A Game" Entitled Skater's Edge. We shot it in our friend Bowen's Backyard Who Is the Bassist for Witches Tears and runs his company Don't Panic Films. He shot it for us and we are currently finishing up the story scenes of the video. We had a bunch of skater's mostly kids from bands of the Boston Punk Rock Scene skating in Bowen's Halfpipe he has in his backyard , while Worm played as well as Witches Tears and Working Poor USA. We just gotta go through and start editing and cutting up material and hopefully have it out in Sept.
Punk Globe: Who are some of the other artists on your label?
Mike: We currently have Worm and Witches Tears Signed on The Label and every now and again we will do a Bad movies reunion show The first band we put out that's now defunct. We've Worked with some other artists like hip hop acts Jus Divine, Ghetto Booth Chronicles and Pop Rock band Far Above The Ground. We are hoping to put out a comp sooner than Later and possibly a spit with Worm/ The Wastebuds.

Punk Globe: Do you release vinyl,cassettes,CD's or is it all digital?
Mike: We do our releases in cd's and digital online. I distribute in a very D.I.Y. way with every city I visit on vacation or that the band tours thru i go to local cd stores and sell the cd's to the store to put out. Was in process of getting a distribution company to do this worldwide but then covid happened, so that's on hold for the time being. We've got bands on the labels Music for sale at Newbury Comics all over New England. As Well as the Amoeba's out in Hollywood and San Francisco, CA and some smaller shops on the Sunset Strip. As Well as a few smaller shops in Lower Manhattan in NYC.
Punk Globe: Did your band have to cancel any shows/tours due to Covid?
Mike: Yes we had a tour planned from New England up through Canada and back in The U.S via the Midwest which we now have to waitin on. We've had to cancel 8-10 shows we had booked from March to Aug and 2 cool Festivals we were looking forward to playing. Punk Island In NYC and Shuffle Fest In New Hampshire. We've only played 2 shows this year one for the video shoot and the other a backyard party.
Punk Globe: So how is the music scene in your eyes at the moment?
Mike: There is no scene right Now cuz of Covid. but before the Boston Scene was great. then you had Worcester, the Cape, North and South shore had a little something going with certain clubs putting on good shows and bringing some good bands.I'm hoping when this is all over that we will see so many people going out to clubs and seeing bands more than before. I think we will see more people going to clubs shows than big arena or Outside venue shows with 10,000 + people.
Punk Globe: When on tour what's your favorite road trip food?
Mike: Me personally it's Arby's cuz there's not to many around where I live or any mom or pop diner or sandwich shop theirs always a gem you'll find. Some of the other's like truck stop food places and or Denny's Pancakes.
Punk Globe: Tells is the music making process for WORM
Mike: I've written a lot of the songs or Brought and song ideas and riffs to the table throughout Worm existence. We've Collaborated on songs and other members have brought songs to the table too. Myself And Vin Ca$h and Drummer CJ wrote a good portion of the Last album/ New Album together with me bringing 1 or 2 I wrote to the table and Vin bringing some to the table as well. Then the 3 of us collaborated on stuff as well with me structuring them to the Lyrics. Over the Years Me and Zero Wrote songs together, Me and Gregg Wrote Songs together, Me and Vin as well, Has been the majority of the songwriting Teams. Then Past Members collaborated on a few songs in there as well.
Punk Globe: How often do you release new music?
Mike: Well it'd be nice to say every other year but things and money come and go to record or stay on track. So it's more like every five years we've been able to release new music for Worm.
Punk Globe: What other bands do you like to play shows with?
Mike: Oh There's so many to name and at different spots in the state and country. It's so regional which is key for touring, go to this city and hang out and play a show with this band or that band. But some of Our Favorites are Bitch N Dudes in Las Vegas, The Sheckies in Jersey, BucketFlush in Philly, Alouth in NYC, Uncle Spudd and The No Goods in Maine, Timeout Timmy in NH, Lost Riots in CT. Then In Mass here's a few M.A.T.B, The Revilers, Opposition Rising, The Pity Whores, Fast Times, The Imposers, Straight Eights, The Moneys, Crimespree, Jerry's Got Jokes to name a few.
Punk Globe: Where is your favorite place to tour?
Mike: "New York, New York #1 city in the world". Lol a Little Iron sheik talk for ya. But Kansas City, MO was great Las Vegas, NV And Philly. Haven't got to play on the west Coast or the South east Yet or Canada. I'll always say New York City.

Punk Globe: What advice would you give to a new band?
Mike: If I could give any advice or message to anyone or bands coming up "The best chance you have if you want to rise to the top is to give yourself up to loneliness, fear nothing and work hard. What You find is Life is based less on what you think or have learned and more on what you've had inside of you right from the beginning." I got that quote from Bret Hart but it holds true. Don't quit your day job but don't lose your passion, don't doubt yourself and be original, be an individual and make your own art on your own terms. Stay true to yourself and your expressions.
Punk Globe: Besides music what other hobbies do you have?
Mike: I Like To Surf and Skateboard. I Like Playing pool at clubs and Bars, I'm Kinda a pool Shark lol. Traveling is fun and walking/ hiking and exploring cool spots. I hope to make it to Hawaii one day. I'm a huge wrestling fan. That's my other art I enjoy next to music.
Punk Globe: Where can the readers find your band and label?
Mike: You can find Bands from the label and their music online at the following links. www.mypace.com/worm , www.facebook.com/wormpunk www.reverbnation.com/wormpunk , www.punkrockers.com/wormpunk W0rmpunk channel on youtube(that's a Zero), www.wormpunx.bandcamp.com , www.Soundcloud.com/wreckless-wreck-chords , www.facebook.com/badm0vies!, www.reverbnation.com/badm0vies , www.punkrockers.com/badmovies www.badm0vies.bandcamp.com , www.facebook.com/wrecklesswreckchords , www.facebook.com/mobos , www.facebook.com/witchestearsmass666 Bad Movies Band channel on Youtube
Punk Globe: Any Shout-outs?
Mike: Shout outs To the Current Worm Line up: Josh Crimespree and Gary Tears. Shout outs to past members and now and again Members and friends: Zer0 Punkster, Vin Ca$h, Allabasta Jones, Taylor Boring, Drunx, Gregg Worm, Gidge, Rent, Danarchy. Shout Outs To Starky's Skate Shack, Witches Tears, Pete Mac, Roach McKrackin, Bad Movies, Jess Braley and Bowen Staines of Don't Panic Films . Shout to all the skater's from the video shoot.
Punk Globe: Thanks for chatting with us and thanks to all the readers
Mike: Thank you Lisa and Punk Globe Magazine For Having Us. Cheers and Up THA PUnx!