November 2021


Arrow Films/MVD
Blu-ray Review By: Jaime Pina

Coming after the enormous success of his films Alien and Blade Runner, director Ridley Scott chose high fantasy for his next project. Legend is chock full of unicorns, goblins and the embodiment of evil. Tom Cruise and Mia Sara star as the gentle people who are present when goblins attempt to kill two unicorns and plunge the world into eternal darkness. Tim Curry steals the show as Darkness itself under make-up designed by Rob Bottin, the genius artist behind John Carpenter’s The Thing remake and Robocop. While Cruise and Sara give very good performances, Curry is absolutely delicious in every scene showing ego, vulnerability and elegance all at once.

Ridley Scott’s filmography is all over the place as far as genres but his films are always beautifully photographed with majestic visuals. Along with Blade Runner, this may be his most breathtakingly gorgeous feast for the eyes. Arrow’s two-disc limited edition set has the theatrical version on disc one and the director’s cut on disc two. The box comes with a book, poster, lobby card reproductions and the extras include commentaries, documentaries, featurettes and lots more.

MY SON THE BUM, Featuring Brian Kroll – Follow Me, Like Me