July 2022


Anarchy At The Circle K
By Patrick O' Neil
Book Review By: Gabriel Johns

A true romantic account of tour de junkie’s life on the road.  With all the gritty emotions and efforts of trying not to let the efforts show, the denial and realization.  I’ve always thought “what is it that this doom and gloom despair brings out the romance in us?”, well, I should just say me.  The book had me in the first chapter.  As if I was walking the streets of NYC along side of Patrick wondering what’s to come as we turned another page, another corner.  The pains of kicking, the elation of scoring, the ritual, then . . . Yes!  

Then, the added excitement of working with some pretty hardcore acts that are mentioned in the title, so you have something to look forward when you buy the book.  There’s love, sex, dope, music, clash confrontations of all sorts, junk food (junkie’s diet).

Definitely a good read and those who have been there will reminisce, recognize the names that haven’t been changed to protect the innocent . Those who haven’t or know little of that life will get a taste of punk touring first hand and the sick romance one has with heroin.  Well written as to keep your interest along every line from paragraph to paragraph, page to page.  And there’s some punk history in the book, as well.  Enjoy it, which I think you will, at that.

Music Free Life Radio – Stories at the Intersection of Music and Life