“Let Justice Prevail”

Interview with
Tammy Adin, Coordinator for
West Memphis Three World Awareness Day
Ginger Coyote
Punk Globe caught up with Tammy Adin who is the Coordinator of the
World Awareness Day on July 23 for The West Memphis Three.
On July 23, there will be a series of events going on simultaneously
around the world. These events are being done to raise awareness and as
well as money to help these young men - Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin,
and Jessie Misskelly, with legal fees to get a new fair trial.
I hope you will all realize what a worthy cause this is and show your
support. After all it could happen to you.
Globe: Tammy, I applaud all your hard work that you have put into making
the World Awareness Day for The West Memphis 3 a success? When did you
get involved with this case?
Tammy: I've been interested in the case since I saw the Paradise Lost
films on HBO many years ago. I was angered by what I saw, but didn't
know how I could help. Last summer, I moved to a small rural town
outside of a larger town where I work, and in between the towns is a
prison, so I drive by it every day at least twice. Every time I do, I am
reminded about Damien, Jason and Jessie sitting in their cells for
something they didn't do. I got motivated to give a local benefit, and
did in February of this year at the Blue Note in Columbia MO. We had
great bands, and dozens of wonderful prizes donated for our raffle and
were able to raise $200 for the legal defense fund. That spurred me to
want to do more -- so I started thinking along the lines of doing
simultaneous shows in St. Louis and Kansas City, which led to thinking
about doing it in multiple cities. The idea took off and World Awareness
Day was born.
Punk Globe: Tell the readers what the exact day is in July?
Tammy: The official date is July 23rd, although some cities are having
events spread out over multiple days.
Punk Globe: Are the three men involved with The West Memphis Three
aware of all the events being planned?
Tammy: I believe they are aware of the event, and the wonderful
folks at have obtained video messages from the Three
that will be available to play at all the events.
Punk Globe: I remember speaking with you a few months back when you
were mulling over the idea of the event and now it has really exploded.
How many cities and country's are involved.
Tammy: Yeah, you were witness to my stream-of-consciousness thinking
that led to this all. Right now, I believe we are up to about 50 solid
events happening, and I am getting requests to set up more events each
day. Most major cities in the U.S. are having events, as well as Canada,
England, Australia, Russia and even Antarctica!
Punk Globe: Were you shocked by the amount of support that you have
Tammy: Not so much shocked as thrilled. As I've been contacting
venues, bands and supporters for months now, and I am excited by the
support out there -- people thanking me for letting them be a part of
this and there are so many people who have wanted to help them in some
way -- I am just the catalyst to pull it together for this one event.
Hundreds of people are working very hard to make this happen.
Punk Globe: I understand that some cities are having more than one
event on July 23?
Tammy: Yes, some cities have multiple events spread out over days,
with the majority of the events happening on July 23. Some cities have
more than one event -- Little Rock has at least three at this time on
the 23rd alone. Many cities are showing the Paradise Lost films as well
as having benefit concerts.
Punk Globe: I have visited the West Memphis Three website and am
impressed by all the love and support these three young men have gotten.
Tammy: There is so much support out there for these three young
men, that it boggles the mind that the Court system does not see what we
all see.
Globe: It is case of convenience and time. It was easier for the West
Memphis Police to arrest these young men and charge them.
Tammy: Exactly. I highly recommend reading Mara
Leveritt's book, "Devil's Knot" about the case. It really details
the corruption that was going on behind the scenes, and the lengths that
they went to, to wrongfully convict the Three.
Globe: This case has not gotten the media attention that Michael Jackson
or Mary Kay Luterno marrying her now-legal boy toy. This has been a real
grassroots support. How can we get more press attention to this case?
Tammy: I'm hoping that events like the World Awareness Day will
help bring attention to the effort, and get the media interested again.
The problem with the case is that there are so many people who haven't
heard of it at all, since it happened so long ago, and many others who
assumed they had been freed many years ago. The more we can get it
noticed again out there, the better.
Punk Globe: This case has caught the eye of several affluent people
in the Entertainment Community . Can you tell us some of the celebrities
involved with the shows being held on July 23. Has any Politicians
gotten involved with the case. it sounds like something Howard Dean and
Michael Moore would support.
Tammy: I haven't been able to get Howard Dean or Michael Moore to
respond to any requests, but we're still hoping. We do have some great
people involved now -- like the famous Ginger Coyote! We also have Chuck
Prophet, Art Alexakis (Everclear), Stephan Jenkins (Third Eye Blind),
DeRay Davis (Barbershop), Jonathon Richman (Modern Lovers), Jello Biafra,
Mondo Generator, and countless other performers. We're receiving
auction/raffle items from Mara Leveritt (author of Devil's Knot), the
Dresden Dolls, Gidget Gein (Marilyn Manson) and Eddie Vedder (Pearl
Jam), as well as many other bands/businesses. We have video PSAs from
Margaret Cho, Mara Leveritt and the Supersuckers, and received a very
generous donation from the Dwarves.
Punk Globe: Is there a site that readers can go and find an event
happening in their area?
We have our own area of the WM3 discussion board, with all the events
listed at:
You can also get information and updates from the West Memphis Three
site at
Globe: Who should any any bands or venues contact about being involved
with World Awareness Day?
Anyone that wants to get involved can contact me at
Punk Globe: I am hosting and performing at an event at The Anarchy
Library and there will also be a Comedy Show happening in the Los
Angele's area.. I want anyone who supports equality & fairness and wants
to see some good music to come to the Anarchy Library. It will be a
great show. Every event will be special.
Tammy: Both L.A. shows are going to be great. I'm excited
about the great lineup for the Anarchy Library, and the other show is a
variety/comedy show at the Hollywood Improv, so Los Angeles is providing
something for everyone!
Punk Globe: Is there any shows or show that you may want to
Tammy: I think every event that is happening is exciting. If I
could fly around to each one that night, I would. I would especially
love to attend the Anarchy Library show as well as the shows in
Portland, San Francisco and Phoenix.
Punk Globe: What show will you be attending?
Tammy: I will be going to the show in St. Louis -- it's a punk
show at the Hi-Pointe with the Barnacles, Black Sunday, Breedlove,
Lo-Freq and UnMutuals. It's an all ages show so my daughter Madison and
her boyfriend Josh (15 and 16, respectively) will be coming with me.
They were my helpers for the Columbia benefit and are supporters.
Punk Globe: I would like to personally thank you and all the other
people who have thrown themselves into this wonderful day. There are so
many people to thank individually. Any last comments for us?
Tammy: I want to thank the Punk Globe for being supportive, and
thank you, Ginger, for all of your support with the event too. I'd also
like to thank every single person who is doing whatever they can to help
free those three young men.