Albert Kahn, who pretty much is a
one-man band, is the being that goes by the name of Vayizaku, a
Hebrew word that means'"to call out."
"It Begins" is his first CD, and it is
pleasant and harmless pop punk. Albert admits that his music sounds
a lot like Green Day and Blink -182 That is indisputable.There is
little of the anger and catharsis that you find in hardcore music.
Yet he does have a political edge that goes beyond rmmantic angst,
and I wonder about that, how appropriate it is to sound bouncy and
upbeat when singing about powerlessness and how "justice has not
been done."
Nevertheless, that is an observation,
not a cut. Overall he sings and plays on the album quite well
indeed, and includes a video of the first song, "You Know How I
Roll," on the CD.
In the promo stuff he sent, Albert did
not include a price. However, it is available at
for $4.99, and
is also at