I am mega impressed with
this Italian Punk Rock album. Ig great solid Punk Rock N Roll is your
thing then you´ll love this. There´s plenty of Ramones influence here
but The Valentines are far from copyists as they´ve thrown in some great
ideas of their own. Just listen to ´Life Stinks Of Human Beings´ for
starters. The Male/female dual vocals work really well on that track.
There´s other kick ass tracks on here like the opener ´I Really Die If
You Want To´, ´Black Rubber Toy´ and ´The Push´. Production wise is top
notch but they got Daniel Ray(The Ramones) to fly in to Italy to record
this. He also plays guitar on ´Blue Job´. This is a gem of an album and
despite this being an Italian band they sing in English. Look out for
this female fronted Punk Rock band - You´ll love them. (The Accordi
Records) 10/10