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Texas’s punk scene has never produced any popular music band since the late 70s to the early 80s. It happened because of the fact that most of the bands had been influenced by a DIY ethic. The punk scene could survive thanks to fanzines and independent radio stations support. Mydolls emerged from that scene in 1978 in Houston with Dianna Ray on guitar and Trish Herrera on voice and bass. Later, the guitarist Linda Younger and the drummer George Reyes joined the band. Mydolls released their first 45 RPM “Mydolls ?– Nova Grows Up / The Rapist / In Technicolor” by the independent label C.I.A. Records in 1981. Really Read singer Ronnie Bond was the man behind the label. He was also Linda’s husband.
Punk Globe: Mydolls travelled to England where they played at BBC Radio and were interviewed by John Peel, who played the Mydoll's song “Nova Grows Up”.
Trish Herrera: The band released their first record “Speak Softly And Carry A Big Stick” in 1983.
Punk Globe: In 1984, Wim Wenders invited them to appear in the movie “Paris, Texas” in the bar scene where Nastaja Kinski reconnects with Harry Dean Stanton. Later, Paris,Texas would win the 1984 Cannes Film Festival. Mydolls played the song “A World of Her Own” in the movie.
Trish Herrera: Mydolls disbanded in 1986 and nearly 20 years later they reformed the band. In 2005, they released a new album called “A World of Her Own”. They decided to play on stage again with two new members: Kathy Johnston on guitar and Ralph Kaethner on sax. Johnston, who was Dianna's life partner, passed away so this interview is also a tribute to her.
Punk Globe: What do you remember about the Texas punk and post-punk scene of the late 70s and early 80s?
Trish Herrera: I remember we were riding on the end of a wave left by cool 60's/70's bands that I considered "punk" .Iggy Pop, Magazine, Television, Red Crayola, Velvet Underground, Patti Smith, NY Dolls and other bands who disrupted the "norm".
Punk Globe: Texas bands are often influenced by blues, jazz, zydeco in some way and the punk bands of that time adding the influence of bands like Patti Smith or the Raincoats or Sex Pistols. It just becomes more entwined with layers of sound and history.
Trish Herrera: Even though we didn't sound bluesy or jazzy the sultriness of the hot Texas world reflects in a lot of bands from here.
Punk Globe: Later, Mydolls was influenced by Gang of Four, Slits, Raincoats, Red Krayola, Clash, Fear, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Talking Heads, The Fall and many Rough Trade British bands who seemed to have the vocals more out front.
Trish Herrera: Our Houston scene was a little club we called the Island. Rock Island. It was on Main street and we all hung out there every night. It was run by Phil Hicks who was in his own way, punk. He always wanted to give Mydolls muffin parties when we played at the Island. He also had hot dog parties, so it was really like surreal. We were pelted with tampons and kotex fans brought to the club. Gobbing was popular with more hard core bands. At first it was pogo dance then it was thrash and stage diving.
Punk Globe: Mydolls was a sister band to Really Red. Linda Bond our guitarist and singer was married to U-Ron and Really Red nurtured our playing and really helped us with shows.
Trish Herrera: We all helped each other. CIA records was a co-op which housed the Degenerates, AK 47, I'll be on the Phone to You, the first Culturcide release and Really Red. Jay Francis, Carolyn Hall, Marian Luntz, Ralph Kathner, Dan Workman, Renee Pernoud, Tarbox Kiersted and Rachel Hecker were a part of the creativity of our band, from playing with us on different songs in performance and studio, to co-writing lyrics.I can remember hanging out at the funky Holiday Inn hotel across the street from the Island when bands came to town. We also played at the Parade in the early 80s which was a disco. Our first gig was with the Hates at the Parade for gay pride.
Punk Globe: The innocence of that time since Punk wasn't really a genre yet was "You just didn't know when you were making a mistake". There wasn't a box we had to stay in. Later, punk had a uniform and a formula which is now recognizable. We were creating the sound and were influenced by each other.
Trish Herrera: I remember no one liked the Flock of Seagulls when they played at the Island, but we loved X , Lydia Lunch and the Dead Kennedys. One thing I noticed while we were touring is that it was hard to be taken seriously as women. Our tour manager, Ralph Mckay was a great help during those times.
Punk Globe: Texas was way cooler that way. Texas women are pretty independent.
Trish Herrera: Bands from Austin and San Antonio played at the Island. Butthole Surfers opened for us in San Antonio and we really liked them and we invited them to Houston and we opened for them at the Island.The Butthole Surfers were so talented, they were an immediate hit. Paul, the guitar player is genius. I remember he loved Mark Farmer from Grand Funk Railroad. That time was a love fest. My lover was William Steen an amazing artist who taught me that I could paint. The art and dance scene stayed very close to the music scene at that time. Everyone helped each other and there were signs that you were a "punk, a safety pin here or a badge/button there. We all loved the Big Boys and Dicks. I adored the Legionnaire's Disease. Jerry used to expose him self on stage and tie one of his legs up behind him and jump around. We took it to the ultimate limit of what we could do and it was HOT here. Houston can get to like 105 sultry hot humid like a jungle and the cement here is growing. The weather aside, the Island was so run down some times the ceiling would fall down on our heads when we played. Every one was terrified of the microphones, because Bobby Sox used to stick the vocal mike up his ass. The sound man at the Island was called Feedback Phil. Later Feedback Phil Davis became Mydoll's sound man and without Phil, we would not have developed the sound we had. He was awesome. He died a few years ago and Mydolls got together to play at his wake/fundraiser. The Island is now a Wendy's fast food drive-through.
Punk Globe: Can you tell me about the CD of Mydolls?
Trish Herrera: The CD is called A World of Her Own. It is on Grand Theft Audio CD includes 2 cds and a 24 page booklet of all of the songs plus photos, flyers and lyrics. You can buy it at www.bomprecords.com from www.soundideadistribution.com We did a song by The Fall called Totally Wired and also a song that we wrote using Charles Bukowski Poem called Fair Stand the Fields of France. We had to get the permission of Linda Bukowski to use the poem on the cd and Linda said Hank would've loved that song. It is a full collection carefully researched of all of our music. A lot of it is live and the recordings are uneven, but it's a true story of Mydolls.
Punk Globe: Like Nick Cave, Mydolls also played in a Wim Wenders movie. The movie was called "Paris, Texas" and was the favourite movie of Kurt Cobain and Elliot Smith. What do you remember about working in that movie?
Trish Herrera: We were on the set for 4 days and had to sit around a lot. Our scene was shot in Port Arthur. Robby Muller, the camera man, is a genius, a true genius and it was fascinating to watch him work. We hung out with Harry Dean Stanton, John Lurie, Agnes Godard, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agn%C3%A8s_Godard, who later became Claire denis's cinematographer, also Birgetta, the wardrobe lady and Nastassja Kinski. Also, Alison Anders worked on the film and at the time she was part of the UCLA film program Wim hired due to budget. The movie was funded by the French franc and at the time the American dollar was worth much more, so Wim made a road movie using what he could and what resources he came upon. Very creative. He lucked out totally having the talented crew he hired. He loved my Australian cattle dog Oi Roo and used a dog like her in a recent film Don't Come Knocking.
At that time, I was into dressing like Louise Brookes, the 20s silent movie star, and had vintage hair and clothes. I had 3 lines in the movie. I adore Wim Wenders and Claire Denis, who at the time was his assistant director on Paris, Texas. Claire is one of the most talented heartfelt woman I have ever met. Her movies are so political and wonderful. She is using two of our songs Exorcism /Imposter on her film 35 Shots of Rhum, which she just finished. She is amazing. I can't say enough about her talent. During the filming of Paris Texas, I was painting and writing poems on old bed sheets I bought at the Good Will resale store across the street from the Keyhole Club where we were shooting. I made some clothes out of them by ripping the sheets and then tying them back together. Wim, Nastassja and Claire wore my creations at the wrap party in Houston. It was fun. All good- natured, lovely people. Trish Herrera: WWI (Women with Instruments): Post Mydolls This band consisted of 9 women. We played a few shows and then broke up. We had a euphonium/tuba crossed with a French horn player Kathy Jolly who used to do a fanzine here called XLRate.
Black Dresses: Post Mydolls Sort of a folksy band. Our drummer was dancer/choreographer Sarah Irwin who played hand drums. She was quietly powerful. They Should Have Been Blondes: Post Mydolls This band wrote great songs performed a few times and rocked for animal rights. Dianna's life partner, Kathy Johnston, was a driving force behind this band. She wrote a lot of the melodies and played guitar. Mamas and Dadas: During Mydolls This was also a 9 piece band who played once to raise money for Dianna's 2 front teeth which got knocked out by an asshole suburbanite kid who pushed her down and broke her teeth. My lover, at the time, Walter Shannon, played bass in this band and Kevin Jackson played guitar. I played drums. It's a little blurry I think it was 1982. I remember I played drums in a ballet tutu and had to keep beating the netting off the drums. Part of The Monster: Post Mydolls This was with two talented men younger men who played so well and I sang. We wrote some great songs, a living room band. I wish I knew what happened to those kids...great musicians. Women's Drum Corps: Women's Action Coalition drummed against old daddy Bush and helped get Clinton into office. This happened when I was on the board of Planned Parenthood during the Republican convention in Houston. Punk Globe: What can you tell me about your poetry?
Trish Herrera: At heart I am a poet who just sings songs to get the words into the air and off the pages for awhile.
Special thanks to Fernando for the interview with Trish Herrera