March 2020


Let's Talk Punk
Totally Gnarly
Interview By: Lisa/PunkrPrincess

Punk Globe: Hi and thanks for chatting with us can you give us a little band history including current members? 

Totally Gnarly: Hey Lisa, our pleasure! Thanks for getting our words to all those punks out there!  Totally Gnarly has been together for about 6 years now.  With Jim Nellis on bass, Jay Bowie on drums, Adam Hannis and Tony Anzalone on guitars, and Glen Springstead as lead vocalist.  We have all known each other and played in groups together for over two decades in many different incarnations and styles.  Within our small upstate NY scene all the weirdos and musicians become familiar pretty easily.  Gnarly has been the longest running, most productive, and hopefully best of the various projects we have all been involved with. Once this lineup of players came together and decided to focus on our mutual love of punk rock “Totally Gnarly” was up and running. 

Punk Globe: Any new music releases?  

Totally Gnarly: Funny you should ask.  We in fact just released “Tales From the Ripped” our third studio effort. We produced it ourselves with help from the great Tim Lynch of the Recording company. He has been the engineer for all our releases and helped with the sonic production choices throughout.  We were lucky enough to have Dan Randall at Mammoth Sound Mastering put the finishing touches on it.  This was a big step in production for us, we have never had anything mastered before, and he has worked on some great records. If a band out there needs mastering check him out. 

Punk Globe: Describe the making of your music 

Totally Gnarly: As far as the studio is concerned, we are still pretty green.  After recording “Tales from the Ripped” we have learned some lessons.  You can spend forever trying to fix, or add to, or change a song never really knowing if it is better, or just different. The songs are written, played through, and gigged plenty of times before we ever start to track anything.  Decisions need to be made about guitar layering, harmonies both guitar and vocal, and just balancing the idea of expressing a live performance with a well written song or album.  We normally don’t just hit record and play everything live, even though plenty of good records have been made that way.  Maybe we will try it down the line sometime.  

Punk Globe: I always love your album art who does it? 

Totally Gnarly: That is our very own front man Glen.  He has done the vast majority of our design and art work.  From the fliers to shows we put on, all the merch we have, the logos and album covers, he designs or has a hand in all of the Gnarly graphics and artwork.  It’s nice having an unpaid art director in your band.  It’s kind of like the guy in the band who owns a van or has a PA.  The only exception is our Gnarly Gned sticker.  That design was a gift from Kristie Mckeighan, a great local tattoo artist.  Thanks again Kristie, Gned is a gruesome little guy! 

Punk Globe: If you guys were to describe yourself in a simple word choice. what would you say?  

Totally Gnarly: That was the intention of the band name.  We have realized that being “Totally” Gnarly is a hard pace to keep for over 6 years. So, partially Gnarly, or mostly gnarly, or “Gnarly on the weekends” is more appropriate these days.  Not to say we can’t be Totally Gnarly, just that we need a break from time to time. 

Punk Globe: Where would you like to tour? and who would you like to take along?  

Totally Gnarly: The question for us is “Who is taking us on tour and where are we going?.  To your actual question; Europe would be an amazing opportunity.  It seems like punk rock and metal are thriving and the diversity of all the country’s and culture in a small area could make an action-packed couple of weeks.  The beer is supposed to be good too but it’s a rough drive from New York. 

Punk Globe: What's the best thing a fan has ever done for you? 

Totally Gnarly: Fans have done some pretty amazing stuff for us.  Too narrow it down is hard.  Just the fact that we have fans in itself is kind of amazing. The best thing is when fans have gone the extra mile to show support.  That might be paying for a “free” album on Bandcamp, which I think you have done Lisa, driving the extra hour to an important show, or donating their time or resources to keep us going.  So, to everyone that has helped us out, cheers to you!!! 

Punk Globe: How do you handle mistakes during a performance? 

Totally Gnarly: Well, we just hold on tight and hope we land on our wheels.  We have found that as long as the drums keep going, we can pull out of most catastrophes.  Luckily Bowie (our drummer) keeps it together better than the rest of us and we look to him to take the reins when we hit a rough patch. 

Punk Globe: What can we see in the near future for the band?  

Totally Gnarly: Hopefully some new songs and new shows this upcoming spring.   We have been promoting the new album and getting it out for people to hear.  But we don’t want to wait too long to get the next bunch of songs up to snuff for whatever is down the line. 

Punk Globe: Do you get nervous before a performance? 

Totally Gnarly: There is always some excitement or anxiousness before preforming.  If you are not a bit nervous or feel some kind of tension then you are too intoxicated or you stopped caring.  Maybe “masters” of their craft feel different and can go to a zen state but we are far from that level. That's how we know it’s still worth doing.  We don’t want to suck. 

Punk Globe: What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous? 

Totally Gnarly: This might not sound like advice you would expect from us but don’t lean too hard on liquid courage.  As in most things the sweet spot is the answer.  Taking the edge off is one thing, fighting your own band mates on stage is another.   

Punk Globe: Do you have any other hobbies besides music?  

Totally Gnarly: As a band we can’t come together and not make it about music.  It always comes up.  Around the campfire, over dinner, boating, swimming, hiking, you name it, the conversation always moves back to music.   

Punk Globe: Where is your favorite performing place?  

Totally Gnarly: Aaron's Irish Pub in Gloversville NY is our home.  We have been throwing shows there for years.  Most of our close friends come out, and we have a good crew of local musicians who also frequent the bar.  Aaron has trusted us do to whatever show idea that has come to mind.  This year will be the tenth annual Jamzilla(a music benefit for Alzheimer's research) that has become the biggest winter music event in our area.  It’s where we do our album release shows and where we go to hang and drink in our area.  If you are in Gloversville stop by and check it out, and then immediately leave Gloversville.    

Punk Globe: Strangest venue or gig you’ve ever played?  

Totally Gnarly: Not to put anybody down, but we played a show in a city very famous for chicken wings.  It was a small art/theater space with costumes and sets, and junk all over the place.  We were unloading our gear when the promoter came busting in from behind the clothes racks screaming that “everyone in this place is full of shit”, and he was “trying to do the right thing”, and that “they" fucked up. In the middle of his tirade he dropped his aggressive volume turned around and said in a sincere non-threatening tone “good luck, have a nice show” before continuing to curse everyone that was associated with the venue.  After he stormed out, we were assured that everything was still on.  The show turned out fine, but it was just a weird scene.  It seemed that what we witnessed was just business as usual.  

Punk Globe: Describe your local music scene anything you would like to have improved? 

Totally Gnarly: We are by default and Albany NY band because it is the largest city near us.  There are plenty of bands, venues, shows, and touring acts passing through. What there is not, is great attendance at shows.  We see the promoters struggling to fill the venues.  Most likely that is a common problem for scenes all over.  If your scene doesn’t have that problem, be thankful, and then please put us on a show!     

Punk Globe: Do you have any other projects you would like the readers to know about?  

Totally Gnarly: During Jamzilla a reoccurring theme is the Way 2 Big Band.  It is a conglomeration of us and a host of other local talent that only plays at the benefit show.  We do covers of a bunch of different styles with a horn section, precision, and a choir.  It is a sight to behold.  Check it out on our YouTube page!! 

Punk Globe: Where can we find your music? 

Totally Gnarly: Our new album “Tales from the Ripped” is available for free at https://totallygnarly.bandcamp.com along with some other goodies.  We are on Spotify, applemusic and most other streaming services.  Google totallygnarlyband to weed out imposters.  Follow us on facebook at www.facebook.com/totallygnarlyband/ for all Gnarly news. We are launching our YouTube artist page and hopefully it will be up and running by the time this is in print.  Most of our stuff is up for free so grab it while you can! 

Punk Globe: Any shows/tours coming up? 

Totally Gnarly: Everything is hush hush for now until Jamzilla is over.  We are putting stuff together for some spring shenanigans. 

Punk Globe: Thanks for the interview and your great music you guys are one of my favs. keep rockin! and thanks to all the readers  

Totally Gnarly: Thanks, so much Lisa!!  We appreciate you doing what you do and giving a voice to the bands like us!!  Keep up the good work!  If you made it this far thanks for reading!! 

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