Punk Globe: Can you give us some background on all of the hosts of the Rebel Music TV?
TONY QUIROZ I share the fun and awesome hosting duties on Rebel Music TV with Rebel Dames such as Lorraine Tully and Erin Micklow. We’ve also had local musicians guest host for us on occasion, Kevin Preston from Prima Donna interviewed Texas Terri for a special feature, and Ralphie from the Faraway Boys/Stealth by Starlight has also contributed. The radio/podcast offshoot from Rebel Music TV is Rebel Radio Show which is hosted by me and Ian Down, bass player of LA band White Flag Down, Samantha Meow of Just Deadly Clothing and Tattoo Parlor and Mia X, lead singer of The UV’s. Recently, we had some special guests hosts fill in for our last show of the year, Eric Blair from the BlairingOut with Eric Blair show and December’s Rebel Dame Jessica Faraday stepped in to lend a hand. We’re just a huge family of rockers doing what we can to support the music we know and love!
Punk Globe: How long has Rebel Music TV been around for?
TONY QUIROZ Rebel Music TV has been going steady now for almost 2 years. Rebel Radio Show began this summer with 14 pre-recorded podcasts which were a huge hit and a lot of fun to do. We are currently half way thru our 2nd season of the podcast, and it keeps getting better and better!
Punk Globe: For readers who are unaware of how to find the show on the Internet can you give them a link?
TONY QUIROZ Currently can watch at www.stickam.com/RebelRadioLosAngeles but soon enough you will be able to go directly to our site www.RebelMusicTV.com and watch it there.
Punk Globe: Who came up with the name and the concept for the show? How did you find the other hosts?
TONY QUIROZ Rebel Music TV was an idea I had for a long time to showcase the cast of colorful characters that make up this punk rock n roll music scene today, and since music television in the main stream has become focused solely on depressing shows and horrible scripted “reality” shows. We took to the interwebs and started airing our video episodes of the rock n roll misadventures of the Rebel Music Family. We’ve traveled around the country to cover events and shows big and small. Rebel Radio Show was an offshoot from the TV show that was something we were kicking around for a while that would be fun to do. Ian and I knew each other for a few years by the time we started talking about doing a podcast. Funny thing is, I had no idea he was a sound engineer at a recording studio. When Ian Down and Philco Raves from Downtown Sound Studio offered to let us do the show out of their incredible studio in the heart of Los Angeles, we jumped at the opportunity to join evil forces and shake things up!
TONY QUIROZ The party vibe from Rebel Radio Show is something we did right out of the gate. We had heard other podcasts around and we felt that they were a little stale and monotone. Hosts were being too professional and the interviews were stuffy and uncomfortable. You know how it is, if you don’t like what’s out there, then DIY! So we did. We have some structure in place, but for the most part our show is more of a party with microphones capturing interesting conversations. It helps make our guests more comfortable and chatty.
Punk Globe: How many guests do you usually have for a show?
TONY QUIROZ When we started the show over the summer we were overbooking the show, and would have 10 bands or more represented on any given night. For this new season of Rebel Radio Show, we wanted to spend more with our guests so we’re averaging about 4 guests per show more or less.
Punk Globe: When I was on the show. I was impressed how well you had the timing down per guest. Do you ever have guests who want more time or back out before or during the interview?
TONY QUIROZ Thank you for that! We do our best to make sure the guests that do come in are interesting and have stuff going on to talk about. Usually our guests leave satisfied, we’ve only had one leave an interview half way thru, but we we’ll spare you the boring details.
Punk Globe: How long have you televising the show for?
TONY QUIROZ We just started doing that this season. The first season was all pre-recorded audio files for download. We had so many wild things happen on the show, we knew we had to incorporate video into it so people can see all the silliness and sexiness that goes down at Rebel Radio Show.
Punk Globe: Can you tell us about all the people not seen on camera that are involved with production of the show?
TONY QUIROZ We have an all-star team of people running things behind the scenes, our video production team of Patrick, Stephen and the gang from Vintak Productions (www.Vintak.com) they really helped improve the video production value of the show. The audio production team from Downtown Sounds Studios (www.DowntownSound.info) Philco and Andrea do an incredible job of making us sound good!
Punk Globe: It seems that you all work well together but you have your own special uniqueness to the table.. Can you tell us some of your inspirations?
TONY QUIROZ Well, I can honestly say for all of us the main inspiration is to NOT be like anyone else. In a strange way you could list Howard Stern as an inspiration to go against the grain and do your own thing, no matter how crazy or out of bounds it may seem.
Punk Globe: I also enjoy that you have bands playing! Can you tell us some of the bands who have played on the show?
TONY QUIROZ We have had some incredible live performances on the show by some amazing and very talented musicians. Gambler’s Mark, Dirty Filthy Mugs, Clepto, Barb Wire Dolls, Eddie Nichols from Royal Crown Revue, Jenna Syde, Danny B. Harvey, Devil Doll, Sassafras, Hands Like Bricks, Rezurex, Thousand Watt Stare, Deadbeat Vultures, just to name a few.
TONY QUIROZ Some of the guests that stand out in our mind are Ginger Coyote of course! *wink* We’ve also had some really interesting folks on our couch such as Sideshow Freaks from Freakshow Deluxe in LA, Master Liam – male dom, Fetish model Miss Emily Marilyn and her partner in crime Eric Razo, frontman for the Henchmen, Steve Belmonte from PunkRockers.com, Barb Wire Dolls, Prima Donna and Lightnin’ Woodcock stand out as some favorite guests to date.
Punk Globe: You also incorporate the studio audience... Tell about some of the regulars who stand out?
TONY QUIROZ Right off the top of my head, Alex Alvarez has been to just about EVERY Rebel Radio Show we’ve done. Patty Flores from Just Deadly clothing has been stopping in rather frequently, as well as hair and make-up artist and hotness Miss Cat Cordova. Last season we frequently had Mary Powers, Jenna Syde and the boys from Pottymouth and Dirty Eyes stopping in for what they called Sunday’s Rock n Roll Church.
Punk Globe: Are any of you involved with Steve and www.punkrockers.com?
TONY QUIROZ What do you mean by “involved”? HA! Steve and I have been acquainted for some time now, and recently Rebel Music TV and PunkRockers.com teamed up to host our first annual Xmas Party at the Tiki Bar in Costa Mesa. It was a wild time and we had a great turn out. Hope we get to do it again next year. We appreciate what he does for the music scene and I would like to think we have a mutual respect. Although, I’m sure he may comment otherwise on record.
Punk Globe: When I appeared I believe Ian said he wished he could get Lisa Lampanelli on the show.. Do you have any other people that you would love to interview?
TONY QUIROZ We would love to interview a wide variety of different people from Lemmy Kilmister, Brian Setzer, Foo Fighters, to some of our favorite TV and film entertainers such as Vinnie Jones, Eli Roth, Samuel Jackson, Steve Buscemi, Robert Deniro, Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez to name several.
Punk Globe: What is on the horizon for 2012 for Rebel Music TV?
TONY QUIROZ Total world domination! Mwahahaha! Rebel Music TV/Rebel Radio Show’s goals are simple, to bridge and help rebuild this splintered punk rock n roll scene together to bring good time rock n roll back to the mainstream masses. We want to grow our brand and have correspondents in different cities giving us the skinny on what bands are tearing up stages in their towns. We want to bring rock n roll back from the shadows. People in this country are broke, hungry and down on their luck and rock n roll has always been an American tradition gawddamit! Rock n Roll is the workin man’s music, the music of the people during good times and bad, and we know a lot of great bands and meet new musicians daily who are blowing our minds and evolving rock n roll to new levels and different directions and we want to be the “stage” that showcases these talented individuals from all over the world.
TONY QUIROZ Just go to www.REBELMUSICTV.com for all your rock n roll needs, check out our Rebel Blog for featured artists write ups, check out our sexy Rebel Dames, photos, and episodes of RMTV and Rebel Radio Show! Links to our twitter, facebook, twitter, and punkrockers.com profiles are all there. Also make sure you check out www.DowntownSound.info to record your next album, and www.Vintak.com for all your video production needs.
Punk Globe: Thanks so much for the interview.. Any words of advice for people wanting to get involved with broadcasting on the Internet?
TONY QUIROZ First and foremost THANK YOU ALL at Punk Globe Magazine, especially you Ginger Coyote for doing what you do and supporting the music scene as you have for so many years now. Don’t ever stop! To answer your question, I’ve been very outspoken about that very thing. If you want to do your own show, or podcast, by all means, do it! Just have enough respect for the artists you’re covering to do it right. One thing that has set Rebel Music TV/Rebel Radio Show from a lot of other folks is the quality of our product. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality. Show these artists some respect, immortalize them as you would want to be immortalized. Rebel Music TV is the sexiest rock n roll show on the internet. We’ll see you at the next show!!!