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"Cheat The Devil"

CD Review by Carl Macki

the young werewolves cd cover cheat. . .devil

cover photo with Sid Hain, producer, as Devil


Mischief Night
Devil Dancer Girl
Cheatin' The Devil
Run Away
Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
Gala Monster Rally
Satan's Daughter
Touched By A Demon
Guns, Guns, Guns
Tattooed Aliens

the young werewolves group photo altered

Jonny Wolf -- drums, vocals
Shewolf Dana Kain -- bass, vocals
Nick Falcon -- guitar, vocals

If you like rockabilly, surf,  bebop, swing, and garage-kept horror pop, 
and want these things to remain forever undead, 
then The Young Werevolves are your only salvation, grifter.

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