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The Swigs
Swingin' with The Swigs
The Album of the New Year has got to be the Swigs “Johnson Family Values”-- When listening to this album, I was blown away by the direction, musicality and just plain substance on this album. Although, there is a touch of humor in it, as well. The Swigs are truly a talented bunch of musicians that show their diversity with a rockin' sound and because of that, *Johnson Family Values * covers an incredible amount of ground. Covers that range from the Bee Gees and David Bowie, to name a few, give this album its kick.
“Transissions” is a powerful track with guitars that wail with direction. Very well harmonized, great bass lines with a rhythm that makes you want to get up and dance. This track shows off their chops in a really big way and they bring it on!
“Raw Little Animal” gives serious vibrations to the body with the intro guitar riffs. This has both a rock and blues feel with a dash of twist and strut that makes you wanna dance.
“Alone” is a cover track from the Bee Gees in 1997, and it's brought back with a twist of fast rhythms and fun drums and guitars that roll with it. Kevin Henderson gets the vocals here, and it's a blast to listen to and the humor comes out in this song, too. This track is done a little faster than the original, but it gives you a wild ride on the ears!
“Omas Ludvig” One word. FUN. An instrumental worth getting your feet on the floor for and it's this track that you really see these guys really rockin' it out.
“Downtown Lucy” has a twist of acoustic and electric and this track is riveting with lyricism that has a crunch and swagger. The Silver Thread Trio featured does this one justice and much more!
“Fire Ants” Pure listening enjoyment, color all across the spectrum... knock yourself out.
They are Wasted Waitress Waltz i, Wasted Waitress Waltz ii, Night Crawl iii and Brompton's Cocktail.
This album, altogether is a fun listen with covers and original material that absolutely amaze me, because this band has rockin' and ringin' ideas that just shake, rattle and roll. It has an artistic flavor and things come at the listener with things unexpected and it makes you want to dance, and with lyrics that are profound, insightful and funny. This album is worth the listen and the influences used are substantial and ecclectic. Botton line: IT RAWKS!