January 2018


The Art Of Horror Movies: An Illustrated History
Edited by Stephen Jones
Applause Books
Book Review By: Jaime Pina

Assembled by someone with a solid background in these sort of endeavors, Stephen Jones has created a beautiful hardcover coffee table book showcasing all manner of horror art from movie posters to book covers to commissioned pieces. Movie posters from all over the world are displayed showing the wild imaginations and differences in style from country to country. And with top notch artists like Basil Gogos, Dave McKean, Drew Struzan and William Stout, just to name a few, on hand with familiar and privately commissioned pieces, this book is essential for artists and horror fans alike.

(pictured are pieces from the book by Basil Gogos, Graham Humphries and Alex Horley)


Music Free Life Radio – Stories at the Intersection of Music and Life