Most of the readers best remember Storm Large from the CBS Prime Time Reality Show "Rock Star Super Nova" She wowed audiences with her amazing talent and vocal range...... Storm and I have been pals for years during the years we lived in San Francisco. I was so happy to get a chance to ask her a few questions... It is apparent that there is nothing she can't do! Most of the readers best remember Storm Large from the CBS Prime Time Reality Show "Rock Star Super Nova" She wowed audiences with her amazing talent and vocal range...... Storm and I have been pals for years during the years we lived in San Francisco. I was so happy to get a chance to ask her a few questions... It is apparent that there is nothing she can't do!
Storm Large: I'm old and I've been around.
Punk Globe: Many people think that Storm Large is a stage name... I tell them that it is your legal name. Am I right?
Storm Large: Ginger Coyote is never wrong.
Punk Globe: Thanks for the heads up Storm! We knew each other from playing the San Francisco circuit. Do you remember the show we did at The Fillmore together? I think Tribe 8 and a slew of other bands were playing.
Storm Large: Was that the naked one? Live Nude Bands? I wore a purple Merkin and Mr. Breedlove had a huge black strap-on....I believe. Good times yo!
Storm Large: I always swore I would leave SF the day the Paradise Lounge closed down. I was getting on the 505 North, headed to Portland just to house/dog sit for a month, when Terry and Robin (from Paradise) called to invite me to drink the inventory left at Paradise because they were closing. And so, I never came back. Of course there are a million more reasons than that, but that one's the coolest. I have always loved Portland, it suits me.
Punk Globe: Can you give the readers a run down of the auditioning you had to do for Rock Star Supernova?
Storm Large: The producers saw a video of me singing and talking shit so they invited me to come meet them. I went to the Crocodile first, in Seattle, then they flew me to LA, where I sang and interviewed, and promised the producers and their CBS peeps that I never did porn, just fetish. Best moment was when a CBS bigwig asked me what a gag ball was.
Punk Globe: How did it feel to be one of the chosen to appear on the show to compete for being the lead singer of Supernova?
Storm Large: It was a lot of fun and super stressful. I'm so grateful for the experience and for having met such cool and talented people, but methinks that was my last dance on reality TV.
Storm Large: I think so....but it was such a crazy time I can't be sure. Did you have fun?
Punk Globe: Of course.. We had VIP seats... I remember all the controversies following Rock Star Supernova. That weeks before the finale that it was already decided that Lucas was going to win. And of course the small band suing over the band name. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Storm Large: Well, 'Supernova' is such a big, bright and shiny word in the lexicon, it is rather silly to think that you're the first guy to think of calling your band that. Lukas WAS the best guy for the job. He is a great singer and front person, and a total love...I don't know if that came across, but out of all of us I thought he was the best choice.
Punk Globe: My good pal Pauley Perrette from NCIS mentioned that she and her cast mate Lauren Holly were huge fans of the show. Did you get to meet them?
Storm Large: I suck at names, but if I saw them I might remember. Is NCIS a forensic drama? I fuckin LOVE those shows....that's where I learned about petechial hemorraging....tell them to message me and I'll FB friend them!
Punk Globe: Of course we were all rooting for you but we also were very impressed by Dilana. Are you still close with any of the other cast mates?
Storm Large: Dilana is awesome, I'm closest with Toby and Lukas, though, still.
Punk Globe: Did you record with anyone from Rock Star Super Nova? Tell us about that?
Storm Large: None of the RSSN guys themselves, but, Dave Navarro played on 'Ladylike' and the RSSN houseband, led by the incredible Paul Mirkavich, recorded the rest. I'm unofficially sister wives with Paul's wife, Michelle.
Storm Large: Nope. But I kinda live there off and on for work. Not Hollywood, more Venice up to Malibu.
Punk Globe: From the fan base you picked up from doing the show tell us how it changed your career?
Storm Large: Totally introduced me to a huge new fanbase in other countries and enabled me to play in places like NZ, Iceland, Singapore, and Australia. And thanks to the internet, I've been able to maintain a connection with a lot of those fans.
Punk Globe: Not real long ago you also had a lead role in the play Cabaret. tell us about that?
Storm Large: That was so fun. Sally Bowles is a fucked up narcissistic club singer JUST LIKE ME! Only I don't do drugs anymore...I used to hate theater, but that show got me into it. Now I'm doing bunches, I did my own, plus a theater piece for Randy Newman last year...I audition for some kind of musical theater a few times a year.
Punk Globe: How long of a run was that for and did you tour with it?
Storm Large: We ran three months in Portland, and two months in Rochester NY.
Storm Large: I did a film called "Rid Of Me" where I play a man stealing ex-cheerleading hose beast. I liked Sally better. But the film just did really well at Tribeca, so I'm stoked. I also wrote a musical memoir called "Crazy Enough" that did really well in Portland, then the Edinburgh Fringe in Scotland and is heading to Australia next.
Punk Globe: You also just performed at The Kennedy Center in Washington DC. How did that come about?
Storm Large: My friend sings for Pink Martini. She hurt her voice so I stepped in and learned their songs, (10 songs in 6 days in five different languages!)and I got to do those amazing gigs with that amazing band. I'm going to Sao Paolo Brazil next week with them, so NOW I'm learning some Portuguese. No sweat, right?
Punk Globe: Good luck Storm.. Brazil will love you! What is in store for you and the band in 2011?
Storm Large: Anything and everything I can do without dying...plus at least one REAL vacation.
Punk Globe: Do you have any web addresses you would like to share with the readers?
Punk Globe: Tell us Storm. Who are you rooting for to win "Dancing With The Stars"?
Storm Large: I only watch shows about petechial hemmoraging...and Oprah.
Punk Globe: So Kirstie Alley did not get any votes from you... Any last words for Punk Globe readers?
Storm Large: Follow the yes.
Punk Globe would like to thank Storm for the fun interview and wish her much luck in Brazil.