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Punk Globe: Thanks for the interview Steve. Tell us how long have you been
playing bass for?
STEVE DAVIS: Hey, thanks for having Me Ginger. I'm honored. I picked up the bass in
1977. I went to a local music store called Central Music here in
Phoenix, and walked out with a 1963 Precision Bass. Had no idea what
it was when I got it, Orange Sunburst finish, it was beautiful. I
still play it for all my shows, great piece of wood. Had it stripped
and re-painted white with a black pick guard. I got the bass, cord and
a case for $100! My Grandmother, Rest Her Soul and mom purchased it
for me. I had no direction in my life at that time, and we all agreed
that it would gimme something to do. Central Music is still around in
the same location by the way.
Punk Globe: Tell us the name of your very first band?
STEVE DAVIS: It was The Answers, we never got outta the living room, we were doing
some originals and a few covers too Never did solve the riddle of how
to go from living room to the stage! Kind of a poppy type sound.
The first band I had that had a gig, which incidentally was our one
and only, were called The Ties "fittingly" enough, this would of been
1979. Not like a bow tie, but like when you tie yourself off. We
played a benefit for a local punk rock musician to help cover some of
his medical expenses. We learned 12 songs in a week, they all sounded
pretty much the same. When we got to the show, and got all our gear up
on stage, we discovered we had left the one and only copy of our set
list back where we practiced! Rookies! So anyways we played the
three or four we could remember off the set list and played them all
twice! No one seemed to mind, so there it is! The event took place
over a three day period in Tempe, at an old club that's long
gone,called The Star
System! RIP. I saw a ton of bands play there!
STEVE DAVIS: I learned with both. For me it was faster to use a pic, and in the
end, it became all about the Down Strokes. Once I felt the pic had
become a part of me, I never used my fingers again. Same with reading
sheet music, which I did at the beginning, and when I learned my way
around the neck, off I went. I guess in a pinch, like dropping a pic
in the middle of a set, I do okay and get around quite fine,
Punk Globe: Who were some of your personal inspirations?
STEVE DAVIS: My personal inspirations on the bass were Dee Dee Ramone, John
Entwistle, oddly enough, they both died on the same day, both OD's.
Jon Watson from 999. Sid to a certain extent and Arthur Kane. Each one
was for different reasons, so I felt I gotta pretty good mix. Dee Dee
for his playing style
and Sid Vicious for the look of course, but then I also followed both their
leads into heroin addiction and crazy girls and stuff! That's another
story. Dee Dee was and still is the man to me. I've had the good
fortune to be in a couple publications where I expressed my thoughts
on him and The Ramones, and the role they played throughout my life.
Entwistle taught me the use of octaves and playing higher notes on the
neck, as he was trying to overcome Keith Moon and Pete Townshend's
wall of sound. I have to overcome Steve and Keith's Marshall Stacks,
of course my SVT and Ampeg cabs handle them quite well. With Watson, I
liked the tones he was getting on the 999 recordings. Killer Kane just
Punk Globe: You are currently in The Glass Heroes.. Congratulations on your
20th anniversary in the business. How did you celebrate?
STEVE DAVIS: I am yes, I was one of the co-founders of The Glass Heroes and, still
servicing with a smile. Thanks alot for that Ginger, fuck, 20 years,
never saw that coming in the beginning. We did honor the time with a
couple of shows here locally. One of which was at the George And
Dragon English Pub here in town, There was some local bands on the
bill with us and we all had a pretty good time! To me it seems that
just sticking around and doing what we believe in, this 20th year
seems to have taken an energy of it's own. Documentaries, Interviews,
Television and some work on soundtracks.
Punk Globe: How would you best describe the Glass Heroes in five words.
STEVE DAVIS: Sacred, Typical, The Real Deal.
STEVE DAVIS: Keith Jackson is our singer, has been day for day. The two of us
started GH together over 20 years ago. He plays plays guitar. He's a
great front man! Keith had just moved back to Phoenix from Detroit
City. He caught one of my shows here in town. At the time, I was with
a long-running group called Hellfire. I was on bass in their last
line-up. So, I'm outside in the club parking lot after we played, and
having a cigarette. I'm sitting on a parking block when Keith comes up
and said he dug the show. It was our farewell show, so he asked if I'd
like to start a band? Next day I'm at his house and the rest is Glass
Heroes history!
Steve Shelton completes the front line and, the three of us have been together the whole time. He also is on guitar, trading leads with Jackson. Sheltie and I are like the foot soldiers of the band! When on the road, the two of us hang together, always have. He and I had been pals before the band started. The two of us had met at a clinic here after he returned from New York City. Keith and Steve had also met out and about. So it was like the first time he came to practice, it was just great! Mr. A.D. Adams is in the engine room, pushing us, makes my job easy. A.D. brought us up a couple notches when he joined the fold. He's been with us for seven years now, maybe eight and, actually was a fan and had seen us earlier in our career! Check out some of our viddies on YouTube to see what I mean about A.D. STEVE DAVIS: Currently I don't have any side projects. I was getting ready to do a
European tour with The Freeze in '09, but I had some pretty serious
medical issues that came up just before we left The States. I'm
grateful I wasn't away from my Doctors when I got taken outta the game
- I ended up needing them. Once a year or so I do a Punk 1977 show
here in town. That's where a bunch of local musicians get together and
do some class of '77 covers. It's a lot of fun and everyone seems to
have a good time! A.D. even sat in with us last year!
Punk Globe: What prompted the band to stay in Phoenix?
STEVE DAVIS: I know for me, they couldn't take me anywhere. I was pretty messed up
and I was still property of the State Of Arizona for the first few
years. I finally kicked a 20 plus year Heroin habit in our first five,
six years. Glad they didn't kick me outta my own band! Plus, with our
drummers of which we've had six or seven. There would down time in
between them. We'd have to find a new drummer, teach them the set and
start all over again. Bob Stubbs, one of Social Distortion's early
drummers did a couple of stints with us. He did one in the 90's,
recording our two cassettes. In the zeroes he came back for another
round. As we got older, we started doing things like having families,
and we had day jobs that kept us going.
STEVE DAVIS: We released a couple of cassettes here locally in the early 90's, on
CD we had the self titled release in 2005. Our second full length
"Liars, Cheats and Thieves" hopefully will see the light of day later
this year. The "Get Out Alive" 7 inch, was released by TKO records as
part of their contender series, the flip side is "Kick Down The Doors"
a Professionals cover. That about covers it. Here's a list of comps
we've appeared on as well as a split:7" split w/Mean Streets ( 2011 ) Blackhole Compilation Appearances High Voltage Oi! + Punk (1995) Bronco Bullfrog - Step 1 Records Oi! we are the bois (1996) Bronco Bullfrog - Step 1 Records Carbon14 Magazine issue #27 ( 2007 ) If It Aint Broke Hit It Harder ! ( 2006 ) F- Bomb Save The Boobies ( 2006 ) Tatdude Straight From The Underground ( 2005 ) Smash Mag AZ Punk Volume 2 ( 2003 ) AZ Punk Volume 4 ( 2005 ) Sailor Jerry Presents Volume 2 ( 2010 ) Punk Globe: Rat Scabies of The Damned produced "Liars, Cheats and Thieves." Tell us about that?
STEVE DAVIS: Yeah, Rat and Keith met online and he really liked our first release,
"Glass Heroes". As it turned out, he was coming over to the States
anyways, and said he would like to work with us. We were just getting
started in the studio on "Liars, Cheats and Thieves", so it just
turned out that way. Timing is everything I've heard it said. Ratty
had us doing time in the right hand club. Now, when we asked him what
the hell that was? He said it was down strokes with A.D's high hat,
details, big ones! Lucky us! Tricks of the trade. He's a pretty funny
STEVE DAVIS: It did happen in Phoenix, yes. Rat stayed with Keith for about nine
months, So we saw him every day and at the time, between booking
studio time and also some vocals done over at Keith's, it was pretty
much completed by the time Rat took off. We used the same studio that
we had for our first full length. Villian Studios here in town run by
Byron Filson. Definitely was a lot of fun, and goofing on old Rat too.
What he brought to the table with us was all his many, many years of
experience in and out of the studio. He didn't change anything with
the material we recorded, we already had that in the can. What he did
do, was get better takes out of us. He pushed us and made us work. We
may have said, that's close enough for Rock And Roll and moved on,
whereas he would make us do it again and again, get a better take.
Funny story, Rat is laying on the couch in the studio one day, snoring
while were doing a take, and as soon as we stopped playing, he full on
wakes up and says "do it again!" What the shit?
Punk Globe: Tell us some of the many bands that The Glass Heroes have shared the stage with?
STEVE DAVIS: The short list is MC5, Sex Pistols, Rubber City Rebels, Motorhead,
Texas Terri, Duane Peters, TSOL, and a whole slew of British bands!
Adicts, The Business, Anti-Nowhere-League, Cock Sparrer, Peter And The
Test Tube Babies, Buzzcocks, Damned, after 20 years that's bound
happen I think.
STEVE DAVIS: When Malt Soda put the first album out, we did the Midwest Circuit.
We've stuck pretty much regional here otherwise. West Coast somewhat
and once took a run to The Great Northwest. We've been invited to play
all over the world and many touring bands that come thru town want us
to jump on the road with them. Just hasn't worked out for one reason
or another. With the forthcoming release we probably will be going
out. I'm getting itchy feet to hit the road again.
Punk Globe: In your twenty years with the band you have probably played most all the venues... What was your favorite venue to play ? Which venue do you miss the most?
STEVE DAVIS: I really liked playing on the outdoor stage at the MUSINK 2010
festival at the Orange County Fairgrounds, Locally, I dig Hollywood
Alley and The Marquee. The Double Down in Sin City is always fun!
The venue I miss the most is Alex's bar in LA, actually there's a couple more too, Emerald Lounge here in Phoenix and The Anarchy Library in California. They were all small, tight, sweaty and smoky rooms. Can't smoke anywhere anymore. STEVE DAVIS: It's hard living here and not hearing about any of those issues on a
daily basis. The Gifford incident was crazy, as the reports were
coming in, of course it was on the national wires as well, it was
almost surreal in that it happened at a Safeway Store. I mean, shit.
That's a place lots of us shop at! I understand recently she stepped
aside to focus on her recovery, and one of her staff ran in her place
at a special election to finish out her term. The world is so much
different today than when I was coming up. I wish her a good recovery.
The border? Whatever happened to Border Radio? Really tho, when I was incarcerated for some time, I studied a bit of the political history of Arizona. Going all the way back before Statehood. Turns out, the same officials that were running the place back then, ranchers and all that, are the ones who's relatives are still here today, Superior Court Judges and the like! Fuck, The Wild Wild West! Anyways, with the border situation, I feel there are so many places in the world that if someone enters a country without the proper papers and whatnot, they're turned away and sent packing. Why should USA be different? Look, this isn't going away anytime soon. I think it's best if we all take a step back, take a deep breath.Ya know, if nothing else the discussion is long overdue, and I'm glad we're all talking about it. Punk Globe: I remember one odd law that we got when White Trash Debutantes played there and that was not legal to drink booze on stage. I think that happened in Tucson.. Is that still a law there?
STEVE DAVIS: Ummm, I never heard of that one before. I mean, every place that I can
think of gives drink tickets out to the bands. I spoke with a pal of
mine yesterday in Tucson, he hadn't heard of that either. Maybe it was
something that they tried to do when White Trash Debutantes were
passing thru! Doesn't sound like it stuck if that was the case.
Punk Globe: I think that Linda Ronstadt's brother was the Chief of Police
there. Do you know anything about that?
STEVE DAVIS: Yes he was. Peter was chief cop for ten years, 1981-1991.
Punk Globe: Speaking of stars... I understand your band mate Keith Jackson
is also an Actor. Tell us what we may have seen him in?
S.D. Right, Keith has turned to some acting and has been at it for a few
years now. Here's what he's been in to date:
Nightmare Alley 2010,
Off The Boulevard 2011,
Queens Of Country 2011,
The only ones I've seen him in are the same ones that I appeared in as
well, Nightmare Alley, I'm a bicycle cop! I'm also in Off The
STEVE DAVIS: Right you are Ginger. It's a film adaptation of Sonny's book of
fiction called "Dead in 5 Heartbeats" Filming currently here in
Arizona and features some of Glass Heroes music in it. You can YouTube
it of course, I think our stuff is in day 3 and day 19 that I know of.
Jeff Santos is directing it, and he's helped us out quite a bit over
the last couple of years. He also directed "Off The Boulevard".
Punk Globe: I understand that you will be in the studio soon. Tell us about
STEVE DAVIS: Yes, in July we're going to be doing some soundtrack work for a film.
It's a Troy Duffy, from Boondock Saints fame project, we're writing
some new songs to contribute to the film. We're also just putting the
finishing touches on "Liars, Cheats and Thieves" here this summer too!
Punk Globe: Will you be recording "Back Biter" by The Ruts?
STEVE DAVIS: Yes, we did record "Back Biter" and are just getting ready to mix it
down. We have a few special guests appearing on "Liars, Cheats and
Thieves" as well! The second record feels a bit darker than the first,
and when Rat was in the studio with us we came up with a brand new
song. So everyone is looking forward to it coming out. The songs on
the self titled record were ones we had been playing for years and it
was long overdue in getting it out. Now, with "Liars, Cheats and
Thieves" we have a lot of new material and also a few older ones we
dusted off. There's a video by Nick Orciuolo of "Back Biter" on
YouTube that came out really great! Check it.
Punk Globe: What label will you be putting it out on?
STEVE DAVIS: We've had a few labels that are interested in releasing it for us. We
paid for all the recording of it ourselves, so we have more control
over everything and will keep the rights to our music. We're also
taking a look at putting it out on a net label. There's also an agency
that's looking to place our music in television as well as films. So
we've got a lot of possibilities and options. We've had a few songs
already used for those purposes.
STEVE DAVIS: Oh, Aunt Holly! She's the best, cracks me up every time we talk! There
was a fashion show here in Phoenix in 2002, that Arizona's Costume
Institute put on at the Phoenix Art Museum. That an old pal of mine,
Paul Barquinero invited me to go with him to. There were different
collections of costumes dating back centuries at the show. Some of
Vivienne Westwood's pieces were on display from her days with the Sex
Pistols. It was free and I was interested in seeing Holly perform Lou
Reed's "Walk On The Wild Side" and seeing Vivienne's piece from Sex
too. I also wanted to get my hardback copy of Holly's biography
autographed, I was a fan and had followed the Warhol Superstars for so
long. Anyways, when she signed it for me, she told me she didn't even
have a copy of her own book! She came back the following year to do an
in-store with John Waters that I attended as well. Of course she
remembered me, and from there we went downtown for drinks. So, that
was the start of our long friendship.
Punk Globe: Has she seen the Glass Heroes ?
STEVE DAVIS: She hasn't unfortunately, no. It's my hopes that one-day she will,
we'll see. The times we've been out in L.A. or Hollywood for shows,
she's been on the road. Holly stays pretty active. I'm happy for her,
it's long overdue.
Punk Globe: I remember going to a party for the closing of the Record Plant
in Marin County.. It was Holly Woodlawn, Naomi Ruth Eisenberg, Maryann Price, June Pointer and myself... We were all high on ludes and booze and lost Holly.. We eventually found her in a hot tub with Elvin Bishop. While his hit "Fooled Around and Fell In Love" was blasting through the speakers... Any thoughts on that?
STEVE DAVIS: Holly does the darnedest things! Of course, her timing is impeccable
eh? Wonder if Elvin even knew about her surprise? Actually, I think
that's pretty funny! I'll have to ask her about that next time we
talk! Sounds like everyone had a good time!
STEVE DAVIS: Loved those times Ginger. Life is good tho. I have a blog if anyone
cares at http://stevedavis77.blogspot.com/ also https://twitter.com/#!/stevedavis1977 The Glass Heroes can be found at http://www.myspace.com/glassheroes and www.facebook.com/glassheroes , http://www.reverbnation.com/glassheroes our main website is currently under construction. Punk Globe: Besides recording what does the rest of 2012 hold in store?
STEVE DAVIS: We will be playing live here in AZ a couple times this summer, and
we're working on going out regionally in the fall.
STEVE DAVIS: I didn't get to know Jeff very well, but he brought a lot here
musically to our town, that I do miss. Jeff consistently put together
some great shows around the Valley back then, and he always had a kind
word to say to me when I ran into him. Can't remember how many times
we shared the stage with his band. They'd open for us and he always
stuck around to catch our set. He'd often stand to the side of the
stage by me.Jeff was totally supportive of the local scene in many
ways, and contributed talents on many levels. I understand he's
originally from Hawaii.
Punk Globe: Any last words for the Punk Globe readers?
STEVE DAVIS: Drugs are bad. No really, keep up the good work that you do for the
entire punk community you guys! The Punk Rock saved my life in more
ways than one. Punk is my family and look out for the new Glass Heroes
release and maybe we'll be in a town playing near you soon! Adios!