by Ginger Coyote
Spoiled Rotten
are a three piece band hailing from Hamilton Canada and have
been entertaining us since the early 90's as Absent Minded
Professors and The Retardz. In June of 1996, to avoid any
confusion with other bands using the same name - they decided to
changed their name to Spoiled Rotten
label AMP Records named after their original band inception
Absent Minded Professors. With over 75 releases to date they are a
force to be reckoned with. I was lucky enough to get Larry
Retard to sit down and answer a few questions in between his
busy schedule recording the new Spoiled Rotten release and
running AMP Records....I hope you enjoy the interview.
PUNK GLOBE: Could you please
list the current members of Spoiled Rotten? And how long has
this lineup been together?
[Larry- AMP Records] Spoiled Rotten are: Larry Retard-
guitar/vocals; Pete Nihilist- drums; JT Magnet- bass/vocals.
This current lineup has been solid for the past 4 years.
PUNK GLOBE: Larry- You are the
band's driving force and the only original member of Spoiled
Rotten. Could you please give us the 411 on the band?
[AMP Records] Spoiled Rotten are all about the tunes, our motto
is “If it doesn’t stick in your head the first time…then it is
no good!”. We try to write catchy melodic songs that will make
you want to tap your foot and bop your head. Live, the energy
just pours out…
PUNK GLOBE: Your original
drummer Candy Rotten was also a long fixture right? Was it hard
finding Pete to take over drumming chores?
[AMP Records] After many years with Candy (93-2002) it was time
to progress, we were developing musically and just needed some
more power…she is a great drummer though…solid. Pete is an
amazing drummer, knows just when and how to hit the drums to
make that hook in a song jump out
at you.
PUNK GLOBE: So the Band's name
Spoiled Rotten has evolved from The Absent Minded Professors and
The Retardz?
[AMP Records] Correct, Absent Minded Professors (AMP Records was
the initials) we were just a bunch of drunks and pot smoking,
the Retardz, more drunkenness and more talent. Spoiled Rotten
started in June of 1996 after there was numerous bands with the
Retardz name…local papers would not print the Retardz name even,
until Howard Stern mentioned us in an interview he was doing for
a Toronto radio show…
PUNK GLOBE: What was the bands
name when you released your famous " What Did You Expect For A
Buck" Cassette?
[AMP Records] the Retardz, some copies were blank, some were
not, didn’t really have time to see if music was on all the
PUNK GLOBE: What do you each
remember about the first gig you played with Spoiled Rotten?
[AMP Records] The first Spoiled Rotten gigs was at the Side
Door Receiving. It was a garage with a studio and living space.
We rented a PA, got a couple other local bands to play, about
100 people, lots of drunkenness, and the floors were covered
with booze. BYOB.
GLOBE: In what year did you change the band's name to Spoiled
[AMP Records] We changed the name in June of 1996.
PUNK GLOBE: Can you describe
the band with four words?
[AMP Records] High Energy Speed Punk’n’Roll
PUNK GLOBE: Who are Spoiled
Rotten's influences???
[AMP Records] Ramones, Sex Pistols, Death Metal, Elvis,
Wildhearts, Godfathers(uk), Clash, Dead Kennedys, Queen, Slade,
early 50’s rock and roll, and basically anything that rocks,
PUNK GLOBE: How about touring?
Tell the readers about some of your most memorable tours .
[AMP Records] Back in 1996 Spoiled Rotten did our first tour to
the east coast (NY and Boston), played one of the last shows at
he RAT, cool show, lot’s of Mohawks and such…In 2003 we did a 10
date tour of the east coast again, hitting CBGB’s for the first
time, that was cool, played with the Real Kids in Boston, and
broke down in New Jersey in front of Silent Bob’s Comic Book
store…in Long Island we played in Amityville at a video arcade
with some kids, the promoter smoked about 4 packs of cigarettes
doing the couple hours we were there…unbelievable…
GLOBE: Where in The USA have you toured?
[AMP Records] NY state, New Jersey, Mass, Maine, Conn.
PUNK GLOBE: Fill the readers in
about a show you played in Toronto that a riot broke out when
you played "White Riot" by The Clash.
[AMP Records] Back in 1997/98 we ended our set with White Riot,
cool cover, ended up with a bunch of punks fighting, starting to
throw bottles around and chairs, some even through the bar
window, we got banned from there…for about 2 years…the Corktown
it was called.
PUNK GLOBE: In what year did
you start AMP Records and are all the band involved with running
the label?
[AMP Records] AMP Records started in 1997, out of boredom with
the music scene…AMP Records is basically run out of my office in
the house. Pete does the website and write ups. 
GLOBE: You have accomplished quite alot with AMP Records! Tell
the readers some of bands on AMP Records?
[AMP Records] We have worked with the Hymans, Manges, Kowalskis,
Vapids, and many more, mostly unknown bands, with great sounds.
Best to go to the website and see what is there. Over 75 CD’s
released to date.
PUNK GLOBE: I believe when
White Trash Debutantes were originally in touch with you in the
90's you were using the name Larry Retard.
[AMP Records] Since 1989 I have had the name of Larry Retard,
not even sure how it came about, other than someone asking what
my name was during an interview and me wisecracking…
PUNK GLOBE: What about the
Spoiled Rotten CD "Guitared"
[AMP Records] Guitarded was a great tuneful CD, one to be proud
of…it sold fairly well, and got some GREAT reviews, all over the
PUNK GLOBE: Can you tell us
about your new release "Steal your Girlfriend?"
[AMP Records] Steal Your Girlfriend is the latest CD that is
being releasing June 1st on AMP Records and
Woimasointu Records in Finland. 21 songs in 31 minutes…a little
more faster than the last CD, but just as hooky…
PUNK GLOBE: I really
appreciate that you are playing as my backup band for this
year's Toronto Pride.. I am sure it will KICK MAJOR ASS!!
[AMP Records] It is going to be quite the show for all…not to be
missed, hopefully someone with video the show…
PUNK GLOBE: Do you have any
final words? Thanks so much for the Interview!
[AMP Records] in the words of Mickey DeSadist, Rock and Roll is
a hard life…it only gets better with age…
so much Larry see you soon in Canada!!!!!!!!
AMP Records
153 Balsam
Ave. South
Canada L8M