Punk Globe: Hi Guys I have known you and your awesome music for a while now can you give the readers a little band history ? including current members and part in band.
SNIDE: Hi, thank you for inviting us to take part in this interview. SNIDE was originally formed in Spain during 2007 with Nobby and original guitarist Dan and then relocated back to UK in 2009. We have been rather 'fluid' with line ups since then, but the nucleus of the current line up has been together since 2014. Tom joined us during 2018. Current line up is; Lou on vocals, Rob on guitar and backing vocals, Nobby on bass and backing vocals and Tom on drums.

Punk Globe: What keeps the band going?
SNIDE: Primarily, the love of the music, be it creating new songs, recording but mostly playing live. That cant be beaten. We really do enjoy meeting other bands and of course the people that come to watch. No cliche, but we are the same as them so we really do appreciate their support. Punk in the UK is a big family. All of that along with stubbornness to take us to greater things. Its all relative, our ambitions aren't necessarily the same as other bands, fame and fortune won't come our way, what we see as 'success' others would regard as mediocre. We achieved a lot in 2017 including a small tour of Belgium as well as supporting bands we always regarded as heroes and we asked ourselves 'what next?' More of the same please!

Punk Globe: Can you describe your music making process?
SNIDE: Song writing for me (Nobby) is like a jigsaw and probably others follow the same process. I have books filled with random lines or phrases, I also have the odd bass line idea on my voice recorder or home recorder. I then sit and try and match them to each other. Sometimes successfully..... many times not. At this rate, I'll be making music for a very long time yet. But I never throw anything way. Some songs that are being recorded now are ideas I had ten or so years ago, it didn't work at the time, but you tweek it, revise it and then 'bing', you've a song.
Punk Globe: Do you guys have any other hobbies besides, obviously, making music?
SNIDE: Lou is a keep fit nut and has recently qualified as a gym instructor, personal trainer, zumba instructor as well as many more. Rob likes football (soccer) and has a quirky hobby of locating and restoring the old red phone boxes. He's quite an officianado. Often on our way to a gig, we have to make a detour en route just so he can 'spot' one he's not seen before. Tom has recently had a baby son, so that takes up a lot of his spare time.

Punk Globe: Who are some local bands you like to rock shows with?
SNIDE: The towns where we live are relatively small and Rob lives in the middle of nowhere, so the bands we like to play with aren't what we call local, but by US standards probably are. Three that we always enjoy playing with and they happen to be really nice guys too, are Terminal Heads, PUNKA and the Committed. These are within a hours drive from us. Further afield from South London, Slow Faction deserve a mention, not only is their music good, but they do a lot for their local scene. So, this is why we don't play 'local' shows, the scenes tend to be in London and other parts of our county.
Punk Globe: Describe your local music scene
SNIDE: Local music scene, ie the town we're based? Dead. Dead. Dead. Also Frustrating, VERY frustrating. There isn't one pub, bar or venue that caters for any original, alternative music and definitely not punk. They only support 'covers' bands. In fact, the only originals music played locally is acoustic...
Punk Globe: Is there anything about your local scene you would like to see change?
SNIDE: As I said before, there isn't a local scene, so can we have one please? I've looked many times to find suitable place, but they've either been unsuitable or the owners have been unwilling to try something not guaranteed to bring in money. I know other towns have had supportive venues and have a thriving music scene, I'd like to achieve this if possible here.
Punk Globe: How do you describe your music to people?
SNIDE: Raw old school punk with an up to date feel.
Punk Globe: What's your most embarrassing band experience?
SNIDE: Rob...generally. But specifically for him, his first gig with SNIDE, he proudly arrived at the venue wearing lovely red trousers that were so tight he had to be helped up the stairs onto the stage (video evidence is available). He couldn't move and prayed he didn't have to bend over for anything.
Punk Globe: What are some of your band goals?
SNIDE: Immediately, we're recording some songs that will be out this year. We'd love to play outside the UK again, so, if any American labels or promoters want to give us a gig, our bags are packed already. Carry on playing bigger and better shows in the UK and build the TWAT army. People are encouraged to take a photo of themselves wearing one of our t shirts and posting it on our TWAT army page. If you didn't know what 'Twat' means, a person regarded as stupid or obnoxious. A woman's genitals. To hit or punch someone. We Brits have a habit of calling someone a derogatory name but we say it in a friendly manner... yeah odd.
Punk Globe: How do you promote your band and shows?
SNIDE: Generally it's through all forms of social media. Heavily via Facebook. Where possible, we flyer the venues too, send posters etc. but we find Facebook probably the most successful at the moment.
Punk Globe: What advice would you give to fellow bands?
SNIDE: Stay true to yourselves, make the music you want, have fun and finally, don't give up. Communicate with each other. We see so many bands fall apart as members don't have the same ambitions or goals.

Punk Globe: What are the biggest obstacles for bands?
SNIDE: Promoters that have 'favourites' and don't give other bands a chance. Festivals that announce line ups a year in advance with no application process. Venues still afraid of the word 'punk'. This genre in UK is stumbling into 'nostalgia' rather than new bands coming along. Not too many young bands starting up sadly.
Punk Globe: Is there anything you feel promoters/venues can do to improve the music scene?
SNIDE: Some promoters don't promote, they 'arrange' shows and then that's it... There are so many small venues closing or under threat. Stop putting on 'covers' bands.. same song being played by different bands. Boring.
Punk Globe: What do you think about online music sharing? Do you ever give your music away for free?
SNIDE: We are already available online, people can share our music should they wish, its a good way for our music to get out to a wider audience. Online radio shows also share our music, of course we'd like to get paid for this, but yea, we give our music away free.

Punk Globe: Anything new shows,tours,new music?
SNIDE: yes, we've some new songs being recorded currently as well as some older songs being re - recorded. We've a few shows booked this year, but no tours as yet. We want to get the recording done first, then look at shows later this year to support the release.
Punk Globe: Anything you would like to add?
SNIDE: Yes, thank you for your support in playing us over the last few years and be assured you'll get the new recordings as soon as their completed.
Punk Globe: Where can the readers find you and your music?
SNIDE: Bandcamp
facebook page
Punk Globe: Thanks for the interview your continued support and keep bringing us your great tunes! Also thanks to all the readers