Tail Of The Dragon
Review and Photo's By: Michael Rys
Change bad..its kinda my motto. I get all pissy when I cant have my brand of coffee in the morning,if the store is out of my smokes,and wont wear anything but All Stars hi tops. Just the way I am...I can kinda be like that when it comes to music too. I don't evolve well,well maybe I do but I do it slowly. Toledo's SLUG has made a name for themselves being a hard rock act that blends raw bluesy emotion,with southern tinged hooks and a lovable wit.The new record Tail of The Dragon takes all those elements they had and puts them through an industrial sized meat grinder.Oh you still have a gritty band ,and one that writes very unique subject matter ,hooks and melodies but the band has added a darkness and heaviness to their sound that was only previously present during live shows.The guitar lines( Jason Jared) take their vibes from 80's string masters like Vai,Adrian Smith, and Blackmore...all very cohesive with the one of the most solid rhythm sections(James Graham,Justin Fuller) you'll wanna hear this side of Ward and Butler.Lead vocalist Mike Fisher is a veritable stage show himself in a live setting but until now no recording has accurately captured his talents . The songs on Tail Of The Dragon ,13 in all ,will be enjoyed if your any kind of a rock fan with an attention span for songs that last over 3 or 4 minuets which SLUG pulls off with mastery. The band, I hope continues to explore heavier tendencies in the future, again because they are damn good at it without sounding contrived. The darkness I mentioned earlier,I need to clarify this, you wont be hearing Swedish death-metal,its more of a teenage darkness. Sinfully sweet dark sided,like snagging a swig of your dads good scotch,or catching a glimpse up her skirt when she crosses her legs.... trust me you'll love Tail of The Dragon and you'll be smiling a wicked smile cause your the first of your pals to discover them. Hard to pick a few favorites but here it goes...The Liquor Barn, Heaven & Hotrods, Kamikaze Nation, My Last Drag, Hostage, and Body Bags. Check out the band here; and here

Here's a video for My Last Drag