Punk Globe: How did you come up with your band's
name - Slick 46?
actually came off the back of a Frankfurt packet. You cant read
into it much.
Punk Globe: Tell me who is who in Slick 46 and
what they play?
With this
particular band we've kept it to a 3 piece, its a lot easier
as far as touring and what not. The members are
Mumford- Drums
Tim Mumford-
Guitar/ Vox
Punk Globe: Is it true you have been together since
Punk Globe: Any member changes since 98'?
Yes the
original bass player Joe King (that actually is his real name)
only played with us for the first 12 months and left to get
married and that's when Owen joined.
Punk Globe: I really like your sound you remind me of
a band out of Baltimore, Maryland called The Reticents.. You
should check them out on My Space. Who are your influences?
influences are mainly British and varied. Bands such as the
Beatles, Sham 69, Stiff Little Fingers, The Jam, The Clash and
Punk Globe: You are from Melbourne right? Is that
where you originally came from?
No were
originally from a city called wagga wagga. We basically
relocated to Melbourne cause it fitted in better with touring
and cut down on our traveling.
Punk Globe: What is the scene like in Australia in a
whole ? Are there a lot of places to play?
The punk
scene as per everywhere is divided and as in the
states Australia doesn't have many punk labels, the media
doesn't want to have anything to do with it so it is very
small. There is a fair few venues to play but as you would
appreciate Australia is large and there is large distances
between cities so it makes touring very expensive.
Punk Globe: I understand that you are gathering quite
a following in Australia. How did you get invited to play The
Wasted Festival?
As the band
has been around for a long time and been on the road a hell of
a lot, we have gathered a decent following i suppose, i
haven't stopped to think about it to tell you the truth. We
were really lucky with wasted it was a great lineup and we
were contacted by the promoter and asked to play, it was a
Punk Globe: I bet you were all excited to play
Its not
everyday that you get to play alongside Peter and the Testtube
Babies, Beerzone and alongside punk bands from every corner of
Australia. It was a fucken ripper.
Punk Globe: I read that you have 3 EP'S out . Are
they on a label ?
As I
mentioned above, Australia doesn't have much label interest in
punk at all, so most punk bands are independent and usually
get distribution only through bigger labels, such as MGM
records. That's basically the best you can do here.
Punk Globe: Is it hard to get radio airplay in
Australia? I know when my band the White Trash Debutantes
released 'Bill Dakota' on Alternative Tentacles we got alot of
mail from Australia..
No its not
hard to get airplay in Australia, there are a lot of community
stations that have punk shows.
Punk Globe: I also read you are working on a full
length! How many tracks? Will it be on a label?
Yeah with
this one we saved up a bit more cash so that we could spend a
bit more time in the studio and do a full length CD. Were
really fuckin happy with it, there's 13 tracks of utter
bullshit, ha ha. Currently at the moment were in the process
of organizing a record deal for the US.

Punk Globe: Do you have a release date set ?
Not at the
moment, it will be released in Australia in early march and
later on for you guys to coincide with our follow up USA tour.
Punk Globe: Tell us about your best show so far in
your career?
Its really
hard to pinpoint one show as the band has played hundreds of
shows. Some highlights would be finally getting to play with
good friends of ours- the Pheonix City Muggers. Some of the
best shows that we've found over the years are the ones that
you think are going to be the biggest load of shit- and are
often the gems that you remember, such as small towns that you
tour through, as you guys would have over there the small
redneck towns around are sometimes surprising as to how well
you go down and how much fun you have there.
Punk Globe: You have already played in the USA once..
Was it a full coast to coast tour or was it just in the West
That tour
was only the West Coast but we will be following it up next
year with a West and East Coast tour.
Punk Globe: Is it true one of members of your band
took advantage of the Wedding Chapels in Las Vegas and got
married ?
Yep Paul
our drummer married his sweetheart at Graceland Chapel, the
morning after the last show on tour, everyone was feeling a
little seedy...had to sober up for that one.
Punk Globe: How did that tour go? Where did you play
your best show?
All the
shows were great, seriously it was great to play somewhere
different to a different crowd. We got some good reactions,
which is surprising as you guys don't really seem to be into
street punk at all.
Punk Globe: I understand that you are coming back to
America again. When and where will you be playing?
At the
moment everything is hinging on the release of the new record.
It will be around July/ August, the same as last year, but
there's no dates as yet.

Punk Globe: Have you toured to any other Countries?
No, as I
said before because of the distances between cities
in Australia the cost incurred in touring Australia doesn't
leave much time or money to tour anywhere else. At the moment
were looking at going to the US, Europe and maybe the
Punk Globe: Can you give the readers your Website and
My Space addresses so they can check you out...
Punk Globe: I have to ask you this.. Have you played
Porpoise Spit and did Rhonda, Muriel Hesslop and Dame Edna
come check you out?? Did you play 'Waterloo' for them?
Fuck yeah,
their our biggest fans, some sexy bitches... how can you
resist that purple hair it gives me the horn. The drummer
actually lives near the Dames house in Moonee Ponds (a suburb
in Melbourne). I'm surprised Americans actually got that humor,
for your readers you should look up an Australian movie called
The Castle and one called Kenny, get a bit of Australia up ya.
Punk Globe: Ant last comments you may like add to
this interview? Good luck with your Full Length and upcoming
Thank you
for the opportunity for the interview, we'll let you know when
the tour dates are confirmed. Don't drink all that crappy weak
American beer, leave some Pabst for us. You guys can keep your
cheese though.
Over and
Slick 46
Punk Globe would like to thank Slick 46 for a fun informative
interview... Be sure to check out their Website and My Space
site.. Slick 46 rock and you will be happy you checked them
out... Good luck on your upcoming tour of the USA Tim and