Being a fan of Lisa Kudrow I had seen Sikend on "The Comeback" but I did not realize it was my neighbor... I mentioned to him that I had seen him in another film where he is a bouncer at a Nightclub that airs on Showtime. He was excited that I had seen the movie and it was then he told me about being a regular on "The Comeback".. I knew I had to interview him.. Just for that alone... I loved The Comeback... I hope you all enjoy my interview with Sikend..
Punk Globe: Thanks so much for the interview Sikend.. Can you tell the readers about your early years before you started acting?
SIKEND: Hi Ginger. May I start off by saying , it's a pleasure to be a part of this rad magazine... My early years.. I'm still in my early years!! I have been in a few bands a punk/metal band called Suplication and another metal band called Pandemic earlier than that is irrelevant..
SIKEND: I have been doing this stuff since like 1999... The first thing I did was extra work on a TV show called "Beetle Borgs", it was a spin off of The Power Rangers.. I had to drive my beat Honda all the way to Valencia.. There was a prison there and we were doing a prison break scene.. Running around causing mayhem.. With all that and the food I was sold on it... So just like any other job (if you like it) ... You want to further yourself so I asked a bunch of questions aka "networked" .. Basically asked the other extras and actors how they got their start and who and what companies they signed up with.. Who to avoid ... Who to sign up with.... Now here I am "Another Disposable" Model/ Actor!
Punk Globe: Tell the readers how you broke into the business?
SIKEND: I guess how I broke into this mayhem that is Hollywood. I auditioned for a Washington Mutual commercial.. I lived in Chino at the time so i had to take a bus to Hollywood.. It really sucked... Especially when they wanted to see me for a call back (a second audition) and then a third call back! So I got a car. It sucked until the time hearing from my Agent I got the part... Then it was all worth it! Oh my Agent.. funny story.. Well probably not to most people but I did the whole" I'll walk in and they will love me thing... I said fuck it and barged into there and they were cool.. They signed me on the spot! It must have been my sexy legs.
Punk Globe: Have you always been more into the acting aspect or have you also been a musician?
SIKEND: More into the musician thing. I still don't know if I like this Hollywood thing... But it pays better than alot of jobs and all we do is wear make up , fuck with our hair and eat... Then complain about Kraft Service ( cuz there is nothing else to do onset... usually) but these days I have been writing stuff... So all you readers look for me in the future and throw your panties on the stage!
SIKEND: The nick name "Sikend" came from an interview from some magazine.. th eude who interviewd me asked me what my lyrics were about. I said " I like to think about something I hate or am sick of..Then I liked to think about that in a physical form then ends it's life.. the guy sid so you are sickend of things. I told him most things make me sick.. it just stuck.. I dropped the c because I thought it was cool like that.. That is how Sikend was born.. I have it as my Screen Actors Guild name.. ... this way it disrupts all the other names like Bill Taylor, Jessie Olsen, Jeffery Johnson then there is Sikend... I think I wanted to be a little Punk Rock cause some mischeif any way I could.. on the credits for The Comeback I am listed as Sikend..
Punk Globe: Tell us about your first acting job?
SIKEND: The very first? Well I guess running out of a prison was my first extra gig... Call it a prelude to my future... My first actual acting job I played a wanna be Vampire... It was a show called Arrest and Trial.. It was made by the same people who did "How To Make or .... Made" I am not sure if it is till on. "Arrest and Trial" was a show about actual crime cases.. They would depict the actual killer and family members.. They would talk about the crime then show visuals... That is where I came in. I played a 16 year old dude that influenced his friend and Girlfriend to kill her parents... Then split town.. I think the character I played was named Rod Ferrell.. I think he is still in jail.. Google Vampire Cult Killings for Florida... To find out ifo on the real case.. I
Punk Globe: Tell us about your first speaking role helping you get a SAG card?
SIKEND: Well I spoke on Arrest and Trial ' Vampire Cult Killings' but that was AFTRA( a different union) but how I got my SAG Card was from the Washington Mutual commercial' for those youngsters - Washington Mutual is a bank that is now called 'Chase' oh! Yeah it was directed by 'Michael John McKean' also known as non other than the lead singer of spinal tap. for all you old bastards ( that's me included ) he was 'Lenny on the TV show called 'Laverne and Shirley'. so when I saw him I was at the Kraft table ( Hollywood phrase for - food table) I said to him so why did you pick me for this commercial? Was it cause I have sexy legs ?? He laughed then said well at the audition you were joking around and when the camera assistant asked you to 'slate' ( biz word for say your name then turn left and right.. Kinda like a mug shot but filmed) he said I replied 'Hows my cleavage ( to the camera dude) . As a joke. He continued and said' you seemed like you didn't give a fuck which means you were not nervous. I said to him so Spinal Tap eh? He said damn right! And we enjoyed some dried apricots together than got back to work. Oh by the way hes a rad director. He does all sorts of gigs . I recommend you see his movie called 'Best In Show' very cool / artsy / out of the box thinking with drawn out dialog style about dog shows and the owners. Very cool movie!!
SIKEND: Oh yeah.. The Comeback I mentioned it a second ago... The Comeback was amazing... The best time and crew ever.. It was like three months filming possibly more... It all started from a normal extra gig... Actors, Models, Musicians I guess every MOFO out there in Hollywood.. People who do extra work it does pay off... Although your Agent says no no no... Caucasian gotta eat Yo! So you do it and you are on your way to being S. A.G... It pays well . For instance extra work on a TV Show or Movie for 8 hours of work is something like $130.00 . For a commercial I just did two. One for Direct TV and the other for Miller High Life Beer. I think pay was something like $330.00 for 8 hours work.. But since the base rate is so high when you hit after 8 hours the hourly rate doubles... Then it goes into time and half after the 10th hour.. If you hit 12 hours which I did on the Miller High Life commercial I'm probably looking at $500 after taxes... The Direct TV commercial was on a weekend.. So for what ever reason commercials pay double.. Short story it paid around $660 for the 8 hours.. Don't quote meon specifics .... I know alot of you are read this and are saying no way... It is this and that.. So to him I say drink a beer.. Hit the lingerie section of your moms' catalogue and be silent... I'm also kidding by the way! Some potentially psycho MOFO that is going to look me up in IMDB and kill me..
Punk Globe: I am a big Lisa Kudrow fan! How was working with her?
SIKEND: Lisa Kudrow was and is AMAZING!! She is so fucking sweet, nice and all of the above! Amazing acting skills and all that! I remember when I auditioned she was laughing at what I was doing. The scene was me trying to put a microphone on her husband (on the show). But as they were filming he was saying "What the fuck is that?" The Comeback is about a has been actress (played by Lisa) and her rise to trying to make a "come back". My role in it was small.. But I was part of the film crew that was following her character around for a reality show that was being filmed on the show... I know it sounds confusing especially after I have had a few Tecates and shots of Jack.. Sarah Silverman's sister was my boss. She was the director of the Reality Show that was following Valerie Cherish.. Lisa Kudrow's character on The Comeback.. I was the sound guy..
Punk Globe: Sarah Silverman's sister was Jane? How was working with her? You were part of her crew right?
SIKEND: Yeah there you go! "Jane!" that was her name. she is sooo rad. I remember bumping into her on her sister Sarah Silvermans shows called...( wait for it) The Sarah Silverman Show". Another fun show to be on and watch - she came up to me and we talked about "The Comeback" a lil bit. Very cool chick. so ya I was part of her crew. Oh lets get back to how I got on that show... I think I didn't mention it when you asked . But ya I was just going to do some extra work on that show. So I show up and Michael Patrick King ( writer / director for Sex and The City) was there.. He lined all the extra's up and said you are this and that. You will be the dude that walks by the actor and you are the delivery man.. Well I was booked as the janitor.. Gee Thanks! But Michael Patrick King .. Lets call him "MPK" . so he said you are now Al the sound guy. I said "OK " then we started filming and I was around the main characters alot and realized that hey this is a better part than the janitor. And it was : )!!! So it was a pilot at the time. A pilot is the first episode of a show . and they call it a pilot cuz when they make a episode of a TV show they film it and then put it out there to shop it to networks and see what networks want to pick it up/ air the show. So its the pilot of the show that could "launch" them - crew, actors, directors, writers and so forth to do more shows. .. Hope I got that right. Dam You Jack Daniels!!!!
SIKEND: Roles u can recognize me from eeh? Well besides that show you can see my ass on the Ben Stiller film called "Dodgeball" , I filmed it but my line was cut but still in it . I was the dude that Vince Vaughn's character confronted after his teams first dodge ball tournament game he said " you must be Daddy" and handed me a latex choker ( necklace) it said daddy on it. The scene was kinda funny because his team were called "The Average Joes" they got the wrong box of uniforms they got my teams. We were this Gothic / Punk / Bondage " dressed team. I don't know if our team name was in the movie but in the credits my credit says " Friendly Bondage Master" Mom would be proud! But the easiest way to see me in stuff I guess is go rent/ netfilx The Comeback, Dodgeball, or just you tube "Back Alive "Sikend on Dog Eat Dog game show" and Sikend on Jay Leno".Yes I was on Leno.
Punk Globe: Tell us about your involvement about the film "Back Alive"?
SIKEND: My involvement in Back Alive was I play this punk dude that runs into the main character (in the movie) named " SHOTA" (Shota Tamada is his real name). So we are running around all crazy trying to live out this fucked up scenario. The movie 'Back Alive" is about when you die, you end up in this limbo or purgatory time/ world or what have you- and you have a certain amount of time that you have to survive. Surviving means you have to stay alive while these crazy Mofos called "hunters" (black robbed kung-fu a holes) are trying to kill you and drag you to HELL. So basically if you die you end up there, have a certain amount of time to survive and if you do survive you get to become BACK ALIVE. It has a very basic Japanese style movie that's easy to follow style. and shit dude in it there's punches to the face!
Punk Globe: I know that you describe it as a Kung Fu Horror film.. Can you go into detail more about the movie?
SIKEND: More detail ? Now you ask. Just Kidding - Well I guess besides what I said earlier I wanted to put my real life "Side Kick " Niikura" in a film. Shes a great friend of mine and you ask about details... I can add- imagine you are keed in the nuts by a chick while your Grandma is riding a tricycle and she is flipping you off... Something like that aka read above:)
SIKEND: Yes I did help write some of Back Alive. My parts. And I helped with the translations / scenarios in the film. My friend Shota wrote it... But asked that I help make the movie translate better. Not just the words but for my opinions.. He would say 'does this make sense'. Like would someone do this and that. Not entirely but on some of the parts he asked me to help him with a little. For instance my original lines I was supposed to say' 'if we stay here. we are dead meat' so I told him that no one says that any more' So I rewrote my lines ( while staying within his original idea of what my character was saying) so example instead of saying 'if we stay here we are dead meat' I say something like 'if we stay here we are fucking done'. So yeah I guess I helped with writing some of the script. But all the credit I really give to Shota. He has amazing dedication. here is this Japanese dude that lived in Japan and said ( to himself) 'I want to make some movies in America' so... he comes here and makes a movie in America. and even sings in it... Yeah he is the dude singing during the end credits!
SIKEND: Back Alive isn't in any festivals yet. We are looking into that now. Although I was at 'Shock Fest' recently here in Hollywood and passed out a lot of copies. But yeah we are looking into putting in the festivals now.
Punk Globe: Any distribution deals yet?
SIKEND: No distribution deal yet.... But he made Back Alive so that he can shop the idea to producers so that they would or could make the film themselves. So we will see . I think after some film festivals I am sure someone will want to make the feature even if its a direct to DVD.... Come on we have all seen alot of bad direct to DVD films.
Oh yeah about the budget for the film... Maybe $1000 all together .. $800 of that $1000 went to the Sound Engineer - Johnny Wilson . He recorded all the voice overs and did the the movies musical score. All the action sounding sounds and music in the background of the film. So he got $400 and the rest was for his sound effects guy do did the sound effects
- All the punches to the face!! , branches being stepped on, ambiance noises...Johnny is really fucking cool . It was fun doing the Voice Overs.. So ... Shota asked me 'Hey Bro we need to record the voice overs. Can you come over to the Sound Engineers studio to do them? I said sure. So I show up and was given like half the script.. To make a short story longer.... ( OK I better stop saying that before I make enemies) but I was handed the script and had to do four voice overs. so I had to voice over all my lines, the evil sounding voice you here ( he tells you the rules of survival), the first Chinese gangster you see in the film. - as say ' there coming ( I did my best to sound Asian ... what the fuck I just did what I thought sounded Asian then.. Could not stop laughing after cuz I'm sure I butchered it. And then I had to do a Black Actors lines. so I just tried to have a lower voice or strong voice... Shit I just acted like I knew what I was doing and I guess it worked out. Oh by the way Fred ( real name Rickey Jones) is a bad ass Kung Fu guy in real life. so $800 total for the sound engineer and sound effects guy ( which came out fucking fantastic by the way!) And the other $200 went towards sandwiches from subway and gas money. so the movie for me to do and the others was 'an act/work of love'.
SIKEND: Because I'm gangsta like that - I'll answer the production and the "what in 2012 has in store for me" questions at the same time. I haven't done any of that besides "Back Alive". I was one of the hunters running around chasing people in it. I think there is a shot where I'm chasing myself . I was filmed running and kicking and slapping the humans and then it cuts to me getting kicked or what ever so I guess i slapped myself on film... Hi Mom!!!!
But other than that I'm writing two scripts. both have no names at the moment. I could of promoted my future film here in the fabulous Punk Globe magazine!! grrr!! but.... I digress... So yeah I'm writing two scripts . Both have no names as of yet - one script is about a guy who suspects his neighbor is the "Trophy Killer" . The trophy killer kills kids. So the main dude sees some stuff and thinks this other dude is killing kids and gets so obsessed over it. It messes with his personal life because he becomes obsessed with it. So that's gonna be a "suspense thriller shock gore movie" I'm gonna make/ film and the other script is is a comedy about two slacker dudes that live in middle America, trying to save up enough money to get a bus to Hollywood to meet a famous dude" I don't want to get to specific because I don't want to hand over any more ideas to anyone that may take the idea. But I will tell you it involves, Two Slackers, Punk /Death Metal, Alot Of Drugs and Alcohol.. A Cow that shits called "Dirty Poo Cow" , a Mexican Mariachi singer, a road trip feel to the Movie and a larger Lady eating a Burrito. I will have to say - I'm friend with and see you Ginger Coyote almost every day.. So I will keep you posted and would love it if you were in in both of my Movies.. I have both parts pretty much finished for you and would ( if you can / willing) put your band The White Trash Debutantes' music- in both of my films. The suspense/ gore film- Let's call it the working title of "Trophy Killers" Movie... I think (if allowed by you) will have a song or two from your band in both films.. And I have a comedy about two slackers (in which I just thought of a name for this film right freaking now.. The RADDEST name for it... But I am not gonna say it now. I have get the copy right for it. SIKEND: The websites i can think of as of now are
www.sikend.com is my website and www.studioshiners.com is my friends / director's Terr Tanele and Kei Kosugi in association with Shota Tamada 's website. So go check them out or they will karate chop you in yo face!!! I have a secret Facebook called "Dirty Poo Cow" (there is a picture of a lil white toy cow) add me, Then message me there because if you are a dude trying to add Sikend on face book I probably won't add ya because ... If you are a dude. haha!! I only add girls on my Facebook and or people I know in person so if you want more advice I would be happy to answer all your questions.
Punk Globe: Can you tell us about a non union players and union players ? How do get a SAG card?
SIKEND: Another way to get sage is to do extra work and hope you get a sag voucher. what a sag voucher is is your time card. kinda I guess . well you show up onset send you fill out this non union "voucher" with your name and the address your pay check to be sent to. So- SAG is all TV shows, movies commercials all have a set amount of SAG people that they must have onset each day. So how do you get one? Well its luck. But does happen alot so you will get them. May take a few days, weeks or a year . I cant tell you exactly but its all luck . So lets say that the TV show has to have 17 of the people that day have to be say then if there's more than 17 people onset. The rest are booked as Non Union
So the luck is that you show up and a SAG booked person doesn't show up that day well- that SAG voucher must be used on someone ( like I said, if they have over that "must be SAG" amount of people) then the check in guy will give to one of you non unions.
Oh one last thing before you can join S.A.G. you need to get three vouchers..Then my friends you can officially join the union... Sometimes as an extra you get booked with a sag voucher. That usually happens if they want to book you as a specialty. like a band member, a cop or something that's not just a normal extra look. Those were just examples. I hope this all helps you guys and gals on your journey to join this mayhem that is Hollywood. I will say if you are starting and or want to start this stuff, save your money, eat in instead of wasting all your money on $10 croissants just so you can sit in front of a restaurant on the patio for all the people driving by can see "how cool you are". so just like anything cool or fun or something I like always think of the word and meaning of "longevity" . I think of anyway that I can keep doing what it takes to be able to keep doing this stuff. So longevity is I guess something I think of. So eat in drink before you leave to the bar, shit bring a flask, working out is free, running , exercising buying weights are cheap so quit your gym memberships, and any other non sensible things you think you need or need to do. To join SAG you must pay a hefty fee and then pay a yearly fee after you join... But if your into all that stuff do it. That's up to you. So good luck out there with all your endeavours in this odd world we all live in". Punk Globe: Any last words of wisdom for Punk Globe readers?
SIKEND: Advice that I can give to the Punk Globe readers as in the oh so mighty question of how to break in the Hollywood Biz would be... In the words of the great BETTY WHITE ( from Golden Girls) ... "Always take Fountain Ave" she said that during an interview when asked the very same question. I swear when I saw Betty White say that I literally shot beer threw my nostrils. Thus ( mind you) fucking up my Burrito and bringing to light the "Golden" So I leave this PUNK GLOBE world in parallel all thinking WTF. Fountain Ave runs the same way as Sunset and is much faster traveling...
On a more serious note I will say to your cool ass readers is to Listen here ( and I say this in my best advice - not that I think its the best advice in the world or that of some other dude that can give you better advice but I say this dude to dude and dude to chick)- what I did is joined "Central Casting" they are a movie/ TV extras talent booking company in Burbank California. ( google it) then onset ask your fellow extras what are the best companies to join to get work. and if you want to play in the big leagues. I suggest and swear on - you must go to Samuel French book stores ( either to the location or their web site) for you Hollywood people there's one on Sunset Blvd west of the Guitar Center there. Go there ( or their website - for you out of town people) and ask/ look up the book called " The Right Agent" or ""The Agencies Book" . Its a monthly publication that comes out ... once a month that cost $12 bucks. What that book is, is a directory to Agents. All are S.A.G. ( Screen Actors Guild) approved. That book " The Right Agent " or The Agencies Book" is your holy grail. I say this with all serious implications because Ginger asked me if I had any advice for you MOFO'S and this is my best answer. My reason for saying all this in all my "elaborate manor is because I know some of you really want to be in the biz".. So instead of leaving you with a Betty White quote just so I can be silly.. I really want to give you something that I know without a doubt is the best advice I can deliver you Punk Bastards and Bas-tettes. So join a extra's casting company?"Central Casting".. Ask questions to your fellow friends there.. Get "The Right Agent" or " The Agencies Book" Check it out!! These books have it all addresses, phone numbers and the type of the Agents listed in the book.. That really is the most important thing I have said in this interview.... Besides the fact that "Dirty Poo Cow" is in my next film. Seriously most books tell you info about them.. But these two books gives more detail.. they will help you narrow down your "mass mailings aka agent submissions.. You will need head shots to give these agents so they will set up an interview... Everyone has a HD Camera these days so ask a friend that takes good pictures to take a few shots of you. Get a "Commercial Head Shot Style" which means from the waist up. Use the best pictures you can, see what Agents take your type and read the book. Find out how to submit.. Some Agencies will ask for a cover sheet and bio etc...Take the extra five minutes.. Cuz that 5 minutes can lead you to being in the biz.. So good luck out there with your endeavours in this odd world we all live in" REMEMBER PEOPLE WWW.SIKEND.COM : ) Punk Globe would like to thank Sikend for the fun and informative interview... |