Film Maker and Musician (The
infamous Undead) SID TERROR tells Punk Globe about his Senior
year at High School !!!

Punk Globe: Who was your best
Sid Terror: Chris
Loob, who i'd known since 8th grade. He was the only other
Famous Monsters Of Filmland "Monster Kid" in the school. He also
ended up playing in the very earliest version of The Undead and
we performed in the school auditorium and at some parties... And
we were really hated because no one was into punk music yet.
PG: What sports did you play?
ST : Fuck all that.
PG : What kind of car did you drive?
ST: A Chevy Vega
station wagon that I had customized and turned into a mini
hearse (my first car).
PG: It's Friday night, where were you?
ST :Either at The
Mabuhay Gardens in S.F. watching bands, or making movies (I went
to film school at night), or doing something band related.
: Were you a party animal?
ST: I guess, but I
was usually too busy... High school during the day, film school
at night, two jobs, my music, making student films... I was very
driven and intense and didn't have much time for partying.
PG : Were you considered a flirt?
ST : No. Didn't even
"go all the way" until after I was out of High School.
PG: Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
ST : Not in school
as a class or anything. But while those other chumps in my
school were doing that, I was off someplace inventing Horror
Punk in seedy bars.
PG: Were you a nerd?
ST: Of course. No
one was cool in school, ghoul.
PG : Can you sing the school song?
ST : If we had one,
I wasn't aware of it, or if I was I probably came up with the
dirty lyrics version.
PG: Who were your favorite teachers?
ST: Mr. Lisha (head
of the DeAnza College film department where I went to night
PG : Where did you sit during lunch?
ST: On my ass. I do
remember sitting at the jock table for awhile, just because I
wanted to bother them.
PG : What was your school's full name?
ST: Campbell High
PG: School mascot?
ST : Some pirate
that looked like Yosemite Sam
PG: Did you go to Prom?
ST: Fuck no. Not
until I went to my girl friends 15 years later.
PG: If you could go back and do it over, would you?
ST: Repetition is
death, daddyo.
PG: What do you remember most about graduation?
ST: I graduated
early, taking the state test. While the rest of the class of
1977 was at graduation, I was on a plane to move to Los Angeles
and for a meeting with Kim Fowley (The Runaways
manager/producer) the next day, who it ended up wanted to make
me the new Alice Cooper (I shot down that plan). The plane
actually flew over my school and I looked down at the graduation
ceremony though.
PG: What was your favorite class?
ST: Lunch.
PG: Where were you on senior skip day?
ST: Who knows
PG: Were you in any clubs?
ST: The Mabuhay
Gardens, The Whisky A-Go-Go, The Starwood, The Masque... And a
few others. I was still technically too young to be in them, but
if The Undead was playing there they couldn't very well kick me
PG: Where did you go most often for lunch?
ST: Umm, in an
abandoned building across the street.
PG: What did you do after graduation?
ST: Was in one of
about 4 bands that invented horror punk.
PG: When did you graduate?

ST: 1977
PG: Who was your Senior prom date?
ST: I told you, fool
ass, I didn't go. But if I had gone it probably would have been
with Cherie Currie
PG: Are you going to your 10 year reunion?
ST: I got an invite.
I sent back a xerox of my asshole with a note saying "I hated
all you people, so kiss this in my absence". TRUE STORY.
PG: Who was your home room teacher?
ST: Didn't have one,
unless maybe the first class of the day is considered home
room... In that case Mister Hall... Drama and English.
PG: Who was your high school sweetheart?
ST: Wow, this is
where it gets all complicated... Joan Jett, who I was then
saddened to find out wasn't into guys. But there is some
evidence that one of my room mates later that summer was "The
other woman" in a Joan Jett / Suzy Quatro love triangle gone bad
of some kind. Ginger Coyote let it be drunkenly known at the
Mabuhay one night that she wanted to be my "high school
sweetheart", but that never happened because although I still
love Gin-Gin, I just didn't umm, y'know. Why was it so difficult
to put a nut and a bolt together in those days? (This many years
later I am proud to say that both Ginger and the ex-girlfriend
of my room mate (who was my other room mate that summer) are on
my MySpace friends list. We all need to get together and have a
drink... I miss you both.)
PG: Do you still talk to people from high school?
ST: Yeah, once in
awhile one actually tracks me down.
Thanks so
much Sid and Happy Belated Birthday!!!