when you find something new but very familiar to you as well you
hold it tightly never to lose it again.I have Sidharta's The Sid
Matter EP in my hands now and it I feel like this is the thing I'm
missing for a long time and searching for at the same time.
Sidharata is a Montreal based rock band with punk very strong punk
influences+Dinasour Jr like guitars+Sonic Youth like drums and
Fugazi/Nirvana like vocals which equals to a treasure and an
amazing adventure for you.

The group consists of legendarily charismatic frontman Ouragan
Jacquier (guitar/vocals), Ben Guilbaud (bass) and Danick Tardif (drums).They
met in Paris, creating the foundation for the band in 2001. Before
recording 2 demos they gave superb performances around Europe.Not
Paris but Montreal would be the place to start this sweet
addiction called Sidharta.
The Sid Matter EP has 6 songs on it which is impossible to say
which one is better than the other.Every song has its own great
energy and creates an atmosphere together which you don't wanna
get out of.But Big Murray is the song which explains Sidharta the
best.Big Murray also has a video for it.After watching it I'm sure
you'll ask yourself why you haven't explored them
before.Nevermind,it's not
to get on the train of Sidharta's yet as they're waiting at your
station to take you to their magical wonderland;)
Sidharta has just completed a self-booked Canada—US tour from
Montreal to California (Summer 2006), performing in over 20
When you look at all the things done in the history of mankind and
music,until this day,music hasn't fully expressed itself yet.
Everything done as music,is the very few of music can show to
us.People have seen nothing yet!
There are a lot to come and more to imagine soon.........AND
SIDHARTA DOES IT............
Note: Please dont forget to check the amazing Sidharta treasure