Ok, I have to , have to, have to tell you about my latest musical
obsession from Brooklyn, NY, called Semi Precious Weapons. I just luv,
luv, luv these darlings because they are outrageous in ways we haven't
seen in awhile and they sound great!!
I mean, come on, when was the
last time you heard a fresh band proclaim, with a catchy beat, "It's
not my fault I look better in your party dress"? or
"Her head is on fire, she don't want no water, let her fucking head
Pearls of effin wisdom, people!!
Produced by Tony Visconti, Semi Precious Weapons, consisting of Justin
"Precious" Tranter, Aaron Lee Tasjan, Cole Whittle and Dan Creen, are
popping out garage glam tunes to make you want to get up and strut your
attitude in your high heel red shoes!!
Voted New York City's Best
Band by the
Village Voice
reader's poll, the Weapons put the fun back
in music; when was the last time you saw a male drummer wearing red
fuck me pumps to pound out a dance beat?
You can bet your Manolo
Blahnik's it's been awhile, and it's a breath of fresh air in the days
of non-stop boy band clones singing of teenage heartache and all that
happy horseshit.
As Justin says, "Semi Precious Weapons is about
everyone. If you love great rock’n’roll, if you love glamour, if you
love a crazy live show or if you just love a good party, you are
welcome and We Love You. Conservative, liberal, straight, young, old,
it doesn't matter. If you are ready to love us, We Love You.
even if you hate us, We Love You."
Does that not scream "FUN", kiddiez?
You bet it does, and it's time to get some fun back in our diets with a
new band who has the right idea: I Can't Pay My Rent but I'm Fucking
Not only are music fans eating up SPW with a silver spoon
but DKNY is creating a Semi Precious Weapons sneaker which will be
debuting soon, for which I will be saving my pennies for, but Justin's
own line of jewelry endorsing Semi Precious Weapons has not only been
touted by Urban Outfitters and Hot Topic, but now Barney's NY and
Barney's COOP has jumped on the bandwagon, literally; and said, "This
is talent worth selling."
The pieces are gorgeous and creative just like this band.
So if you're ready for a little glamour, check out their MySpace page
at :
http://www. myspace. com/semipreciousweapons
and hear their music, see their videos and view their jewelry.
When you
want to fight the duldrums, break out your Semi Precious Weapons!!
Email Dark Diva @