Interview With Scarlet Room
by Steve DIY

Scarlet Room are a 4 Piece from Washington (Not the DC one but the one by Seattle) and after hearing the promo dc they sent out with their pack I just had to interview them for Street Voice. Here´s what they had to say:

Punk Globe: You´ve got an EP being released very soon so can you tell our readers about it and where they can pick it up?

This will be our first EP and it will be named From the Shadow, after one of the tracks. Eloise (drummer), who has the written all the lyrics on this EP, was very inspired by a difficult experience she went through and therefore the theme for this EP is about overcoming hardship and coming out a stronger individual. Our EP will be sold at our shows, in local record stores, and online.

Punk Globe: Have you seen/heard a copy of the finished product yet?

We will be recording in January so the finished product will not be heard or available until the end/beginning of February. We do hear and see an awesome finished product in our heads though!!

Punk Globe: So what is the scene like where you live? Do you get much support?

The Seattle scene is very indie rock driven, it´s all about a certain look. We are not interested in confroming to a "look". For us, music is not about seeming like perfect, cool rockstars. We want to be honest and communicate our passion for music to our fans. That is what really matters in art, communication of an idea and passion.

Punk Globe: Are you going out on tour to promote the new EP and if so where?

We are planning a tour over the summer, around Washington, California, and Oregon. There will also be a CD release party in Seattle.

Punk Globe: Who writes the lyrics/music and where do you find the inspiration from?

The writing process generally begins with Eloise and Aleksandra (vocalist). Eloise writes lyrics and comes up with a concept for the music and then translates that to Aleksandra, who takes the lyrics and brings the mood to life with melody. Often, guitar parts are written by Aleksandra on the piano which brings an unusual classical mood to our sound. After the lyrics and melody are established, the song is brought to practice and pieced together. Kris (bassist) is also responsible for guitar parts and has written all the second guitar parts for our EP. Eloise finds inspiration for her lyrics from hardships she has had (recently struggled with thyroid cancer). She also believes (as does the whole band) in fighting for positive change and thinking outside your comfort zone. Aleksandra derives inspiration for her melodies from Eloise´s lyrics and that is how a song is born.

Punk Globe: Where would you like to see the band heading towards in 2006?

In 2006 we hope to have a manager and strong fanbase...maybe even get signed!

Punk Globe: Who´s the most likeliest in the band to give old George Bush a slap?

G. Bush deserves a Scarlet Room group spanking!

Punk Globe: Sell yourselves to our readers in no more than 10 words?

Music is our God, let us convert you!!

Punk Globe: Anything you´d like to add?

We make music for the right reasons. Not for a pipe dream of fame and glamour, but because we have no choice, it is the driving force in our lives. We will continue to strive for success with honest music and unbending personal integrity. So support us! Thanks for the interview!

Thanks to Scarlet Room for doing the interview. They´re a top band and well worth a listen.


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